Chapter Twelve; Another A/N

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We walked out the door, hand in hand, fingers intwined with each other's. I have a million, no, a billion butterflies in my stomach. I feel like I could throw up at any minute. We get into the elevator, but it stops at the lobby, not the garage.

"I thought we could just.. Walk?" He asks me.

I smile and nod, then we continue walking out of the building.

While we're walking, I look up at him. He's staring straight, with a slight smile on his lips. I giggle to myself at his cuteness, and let him continue leading the way.

We walk for about ten more minutes in comfortable silence. After a while, he stops me in front of a restaurant called Pearls. From the looks of it, it looks like a seafood place. I love seafood!

He lets go of my hand, and sets his arm out for me to take. "Shall we, beautiful?"

I blush, and take my arm in his. "Lets!"

We enter, and Tyler says, "Reservations for Tyler is the coolest person in the world." The guy behind the counter chuckles, gets on his computer and types, then finds what he's looking for. He looks back at Tyler with a smile.

"Follow me please!" He leads us to a booth for two in the corner of the restaurant, isolated from everyone else.

I look at Tyler. "The coolest person in the world?"

He laughs and whispers, "Fuck yeah I am!" I giggle.

We're by a window, with a fantastic view of the ocean, and the sun just beginning to set. I'm mesmerized by it, then I feel a tap on my arm.

I turn my attention back to Tyler, who asks, "What would you like to drink?"

I look to my left and see the same guy standing there with a small notepad and a pen. "Oh, sorry, um, just water please.." He nods and walks off.

Tyler makes contact with my arm once more, this time, keeping the contact. I look to him. He asks, "Hey, are you okay?"

I give him a reassuring smile, I don't want him to know I'm extremely nervous.. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine! Why?"

He raises an eyebrow. "You just seem.... Fidgety."

He knows.. I've got to tell him. "I'm just really nervous. I feel like I'm gonna screw up or something when I'm with you."

He nods and smiles. "Don't be, okay?"

I nod, and look out at the sunset again. "Pretty, isn't it?" I hear him ask. I can only nod. "Not as pretty as you though." He says. I blush madly, and look to him, and he has a smile from ear to ear. I was about to reply, but I couldn't find words.

The waiter comes back with our drinks, and he takes our order. Tyler orders us the same thing, since I've never eaten here before and he knows what's good. A few minutes later, he comes back with our food, and we eat, exchange small talk, and share a few laughs together.

We get done eating, which the food was fantastic, and Tyler pays. He escorts me outside, and we walk for another good twenty minutes, until we're just outside of a park. He leads into the park, and it is beautiful. The stars are now shining, so just the street lamps are on, and flower petals from trees are falling from the sky. He sits on a bench in front of a big water fountain, and motions for me to sit by him.

I do, and he slides a little closer to me. I look up at him, and he's staring into my eyes. He takes my hand.

"Marcie.. I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but I feel comfortable around you. I feel like I can trust you with anything. I feel like you would be the only one to cheer me up on my darkest of days. I feel like you wouldn't leave my side, no matter what situation would be. I just want you to be the peanut butter to my jelly.." I giggle as he looks down as he said that last part, but he continues, "I want you to be my only one. So, Marcie.. Will you be my girlfriend?"

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