Chapter Seventeen

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Trin's POV

"Trin!" I look over to see what Marcie sees. A glimpse of a speeding pick up truck, and it looks like he's trying to get away from the cops. Before I could step on the gas to go forward and out of his way, he slams into the passenger's side. The car does a few flips in the air, then finally lands on all four wheels.

I look over slowly, having some pain in my left arm, and I look to Marcie. She's slumped in her seat. Blood is running from her nose, her ear, and I see her right arm. Her arm is basically just crushed. You can't even tell that's an arm.

I get tears in my eyes. "Marcie?" I try to move, but get nowhere, from the car being demolished, and pain. I scream and the tears run down my cheeks. "Marcie! Wake up please!!"

I don't know what to do. I was starting to like her, get to know her, get to trust her. She was really growing on me, and because of me, wanting to go shopping, she may die.. This is all my fault..

I can hear the police sirens. One police man comes to my side and shouts for me to hear. "An ambulance will be here shortly, along with a firetruck to help you two out of the car. How are your guys' conditions?"

Trying to calm down so I can talk, I manage to say, "Help her first! She won't wake up! Don't worry about me! Can you call our friend?"

Tyler's POV

After Marcie and Trin left for some bonding and shopping time, everyone else just stayed around the apartment. The other girls cleaned a little, Oliver following MacKenzie around the whole apartment, while the guys just played games, laughing and having a great time.

While we were playing a game of Prop Hunt, my phone begins to ring, but it's an unknown number. I cautiously answer it. "Hello?"

"Hi. Is this Tyler?" It sounds like a man, and I can hear police sirens in the background. I pause the game, and everyone looks to me.

"Yeah.. Why? Who is this and how did you get my number?" I look to everyone around me, who are staring at me, waiting.

"I'm Trevor, a police officer, and I'm calling for a girl named Trin. Her and her friend have been in a serious accident. The other girl, Marcie, isn't waking up. Trin is fine, it just looks like she has a broken arm, from what I've seen when the paramedics and firefighters got her out of the car. But Marcie, though, I'm not too sure on her condition, but she looks pretty bad..."

I stand from the couch, and start to cry my eyes out. My two best girls... And one of them might be dead.. I look around at the guys, and they know I don't cry often, so they stand, and come up to me, but still waiting.

"They are being rushed to the hospital as we speak, along with the guy that hit them. I'll be at the hospital, waiting for you and your friends to explain everything. I'd suggest you hurry."

"T-thank you so much sir.. See you at the hospital." As soon as I said hospital, the guys give me worried glances. I hang up the phone, and start in. "Marcie and Trin have been in a.. What sounds like a horrible accident.. Trin's fine, just a broken arm, but he didn't know about Marcie... She won't wake up.... The police officer, Trevor, said he will be waiting for us at the hospital to explain what happened.."

I can see tears in everyone's eyes, but we all rush around, and get into the group vehicle. We speed to the hospital, and park in the front. We all sprint for the doors, and I instantly see a guy in a police uniform stand up. I run over to him, and ask, "What happened?"

"Okay, I presume you're Tyler and his friends." He motions for us to sit down. "Please, sit." We all find a chair, and create a circle of sniffling and crying people.

He begins. "I was chasing a guy in a big pick up truck because he had been on an exotic rampage about something for a while now, but we never could arrest him since he always got away. We found him again, and he was determined not to get arrested. He was heading for a stop light, which of course, he wasn't gonna stop for. The lights changed, and traffic continued on like there wasn't a speeding truck heading in their direction. The next thing I knew, I see a car do three to four flips in the air, then barrel roll about five times in the street. I've never seen an accident like that before. I get out of my car, and rush to the driver's side of the car, which contained Trin and Marcie. Trin was crying her eyes out, trying to get Marcie to wake up. But she also kept screaming one more thing, 'It's all my fault.' She wouldn't stop saying it. The firefighters and ambulance finally got there, used the jaws of life to pry the doors off the car, and got Trin out with ease. It was hard, though, to get Marcie out, because she had blood coming from her ears, indicating a head, neck, or spinal injury. So they had to minimize movement of her head and neck. They finally got her onto a gurney, and into the ambulance they both went. They should be getting taken care of right now."

I nod, and all the while crying in my hands through the whole story. I look up at Trevor. "Who ran into them?"

He says a name, that instantly makes me furious.. "Jake, and I'm not too sure on his last name. But he has blonde hair if that helps.." The Jake that was a dick to Marcie, he had blonde hair.. Oh man... Am I pissed.. He will pay for this. I promise you that.


Okay, so I did settle on a Terroriser fanfiction, but I need information on him.. Like, where he lives, the college he attends, age and things like that. I know he lives or lived in Ireland, but I'm not sure which part of Ireland exactly. I know he has been in LA for a few days, and I'm not sure if he moved there or not. And I also know he attended college, but I'm not sure if he still does or not.. So if you could, please comment any information you know about Brian so I can actually start writing the story soon.. Any little information is helpful..

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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