Chapter Twenty-One

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I walk in the room, tears of joy streaming down my face, but everyone runs up to me like I was upset. I calm them down, and tell them to sit. I sit in the chair that is between the two beds in the room.

I start to talk. "I waited outside of the OR. The doctor came out and we had a little conversation. About.. Marcie."

Everyone was on the edge of their seats. They didn't dare make one noise.

I continue, choking on some tears. "Marcie will be okay guys.." They all stand up, smiles on their faces. "She will be okay, and will be in here in about an hour or two! She's gonna live guys... She's gonna live."

Evan sees I'm very excited, and he comes up, and hugs me. Tears flow out of my eyes and onto his shirt, but I'm very happy..

6 Months Later

"Hey Marcie, could you come here for a second?" I ask her. It's been half a year since we received the good news that Marcie would be fine. She was in the hospital for two months after, so the doctors and nurses could check on her and make sure she is recovering smoothingly.

The same doctor that talked to me outside of the OR told me that she would have to basically lay in bed 24/7 for about a month. We all tended to and helped her, like when she needed food or something to drink, and the girls even helped her when she had to bathe. The best thing is that she didn't take advantage of it! Some nights, I or one of the other guys would carry her to the living room for a movie or game night. I honestly haven't seen her happier, despite the state she was in.

Just a month later, we had an appointment to see the doctor, and have him check on her. We went to the hospital, and he examined her, tested all her muscles and bones, and knowledge to make sure everything was working fine and she didn't loose memory or anything like that. That day, the doctor decided that Marcie was making a remarkable recovery, and asked if she could try walking.

She stumbled at first, but got back in the rhythm of using her legs again. The doctor said she could start walking again, but not a lot. Just recently, we went back and he said it's like the accident never even happened, and that she could start jogging and running again.

If you're wondering about everyone else, like the ones who got shot, they're all perfectly fine. The only ones that were really badly wounded were Brock, Delirious, and Lui. And of course, me. But we're all fine though.

Speaking of everyone else, they went out early to beat all the rush of people to get groceries, so it's just me and Marcie.

She turned around from the closet, looking for something to wear today. "Hmm?"

I walk up to her, put both of my hands on her arms. "I love you..."

She smiled up at me. "I love you Tyler. Can I ask you something?"

I nod, and she continued. "Did... Jake say anything to you..? I mean, you've been saying I love you a lot, been super duper sweet, and hugging me a lot. I don't mind it at all, I love it, all the hugs, compliments and everything else, but I'm just curious."

I sigh, and look down. She takes her hand, and lifts my chin to make me look at her. "What did he say..?"

I hesitate, but I might as well tell her. "He told me that you didn't love me.. Not at all, and never did."

She laughed slightly. "Do you really think that I wouldn't love a sweet, charming and energetic guy like you? Do you really think I wouldn't love a guy who basically saved my life by killing the person who was determined on killing me? I told you before, when we first met, I went to the lobby everyday, and I always seen you, either by yourself or with your friends. When I looked at you, or heard your voice, I didn't know why at the moment, but that made me so happy."

I smile slightly at her. "Do you know the reason why now?"

She bit her bottom lip. "Yeah.. I do.."

"Care to share?" I sarcastically asked.

She kissed my cheek, "Nope!" She replied and ran out of the room, upstairs.

"Oh, you're dead!" I shout at her, running up the stairs after her.


I hope you liked this little chapter! Maybe one or two more, then the Terroriser fanfiction! Yay!

So, today was districts, and I did fairly decent. But I really don't care about what places I got, because I got a ton of compliments on my breast stroke today, and I heard some good news!

So the compliments: I was doing a relay, and I do breast stroke for my relay team. I get out of the water, and the woman timing us, told me, "You have a very good and smooth breast stroke!" I was so happy, I was thanking her and she said, "I did swim team when I was in high school, and I could never do that good on that stroke. It was like I was watching the olympics!" I thanked her once again, and pointed out our team's best breast stroker, which happens to be my cousin. He swam, and she told me that she thought mine was better. Like, looked better, because his time for that stroke is way faster than mine. So I'm happy about that! Also, one of our coaches, that doesn't give out many compliments, said a few weeks ago, at a different meet, that I had a good start to my breast stroke. Well, today my boyfriend was sitting with him at the edge of the pool, and I was in lane six. My boyfriend said that after I dove in and did my start, my coach said, "The girl in lane six has a good start." He looks at my coach and says, "Yeah." They talked for a little bit about it and finally my boyfriend said, "I'm dating her." Or something like that. I'm not quite sure how that conversation went. He said our coach looked at him and asked, "Really?" And he just shook his head. So a coach that doesn't compliment people a lot, complimented me twice this year... I'M SO HAPPY!!!

The good news: One of our coaches that also happens to be a teacher, is going to talk to our high school assistant principal, who is basically in charge of all our sports, and see if he can convince him to have a swim team for our school during winter! Of course, we couldn't do it with just our high school, plus we don't have an indoor pool in our town, so we might join with a neighboring town that does have an indoor pool.. But competes with us during the summer... But I'm still hoping!

And if you're wondering, my boyfriend and cousin did very well today in all their races. My boyfriend is the best on our team at butterfly, and my cousin is, like I said, the best breast stroker. And no, I'm not saying that because I love them both to death and I would do anything for them, but because it's the truth.

So all in all, today was a good day, even though I didn't do very well in racing. I had fun and that's all that matters!

Anyways, thank you all for reading and tolerating my emotions about swimming, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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