Chapter Ten; A/N

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I see Trinity thinking, and she finally speaks up.

"You get one chance." She said bitterly, but she continues. "That's it though. If you fuck it up, and I'm not only talking about with Tyler, I mean with anyone of us in general, you're screwed. And I will never forgive you.."

I stare into her eyes, telling that she's serious. I only nod, indicating that I understand. I reach out my hand, and she takes it, shaking it.

I get the nerve to ask a question, which I may regret after I ask it. "What will it take for you to like me?"

She stares at me, like I'm crazy. "I like you, I just don't like the idea of someone stealing Tyler from me.. I know MacKenzie told you how we met and how I came into the gang. He's been my brother since that day, and I've been his protective little sister. If anything happened to him, or anyone else, I wouldn't know what to do.." She looks down.

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Look, I wouldn't do anything to hurt Tyler, or anyone else. And I wouldn't steal him from you. If he wanted to spend time with you instead of me, I wouldn't hesitate to let him. I promise I wouldn't do anything to get in between you two. It's obvious you two care about each other, and I respect that. If I was in your shoes, I would do the same thing."

She looks up, and I see something that she's never meant towards me, a smile. I encase her in a friendly hug, but she hesitates before she hugs back, which is understandable.

"Promise me one thing, though." She says.

"Sure." I say.

"Promise me that you'll be gentle on him.. I have a feeling he really likes you.. And he would be torn if it didn't work out.."

I smile at her sudden change in her mood. "I promise."

"You wanna join us in the living room?"

I nod. "Just hold on a sec." I say as I lay out my clothes for tonight. I pick out an outfit similar to what I wore last night, a tight sleep shirt with pajama shorts.

After, I follow Trin up the stairs, and we're greeted by Delirious and Vanoss. They escort us to the living room, and sit Trin by Nogla, who immediately puts his arm around her, and me by Tyler, who reassuringly rubs my leg.

Delirious takes a seat next to Moo, who is sitting by Basically. Next to Tyler is Mini, and by Nogla and Trin, sits Lui, who has his arm around Lomasi. Vanoss, however, stands in front of the T.V., which is turned off.

"Alright everyone. I bet you're wondering why I'm standing up here." Everyone nods. "First, I'd like to welcome Marcie. Second, I've noticed that Wil-- Tyler, trusts her enough to show her his face and tell her his name. I think it's time we do the same, even though we just met her. To me, she seems like a nice and trustworthy girl. I mean, she has kept our home a secret from everyone since she moved here, which was a long time ago." He took off his mask. "I'm Evan."

Everyone went around, telling me their real name if I didn't already know it, and taking off their masks, if they wore one. I was shocked at how much they trust me, and in so little time too.

I'm gonna be honest, I feel really good about myself. I look to Tyler, and he's staring at Trin, who I turn to look at, and see her nod. Tyler smiles, and he stands.

"Thank you guys. For trusting her. And I'd like to do something, I just want to ask you all a question. Do you all like Marcie?" I look around, and everyone nods, making me smile. What is he doing though? "Alright, good. One thing that I'd like to say." He looks straight into my eyes. "Marcie, these last few days with you have been some of the best in my life. You've learned a lot about me and I've learned a lot about you. I know you haven't had the best past, but I want to make you have a brighter future. So Marcie, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me... Tonight?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked at me, awaiting my answer. I was speechless, but I know I had to give him an answer.

"Y-yes Tyler, I would!" I said with excitement.

I stood, and Tyler encased me in his arms, and spun me around. The room was filled with happiness. And also, for once, I felt loved. Yeah, my parents loved me, but I mean someone outside my family. I just need to be cautious, because I felt the same way with Jake..

Before I know it, I'm dragged down the hallway by the girls, and the boys take Tyler downstairs. We enter one of their rooms, and I ask, "What are you all doing?"

They giggle. "Is it okay if we 'doll' you up for your date?" Lomasi asks.

I smile. "I do need a lot of work..." I say.

They all scream in excitement, and Lomasi and Trin leave the room, while MacKenzie searches the closet. I'm now assuming this is her room.

"Where are they going?" I ask.

"I think they're going to their rooms to see if they have any clothes for you to borrow for tonight. Same as me." She replies.

"Thank you so much.." I say.

She turns to face me. "It's no problem, really. I've sorta been in your shoes before.."

I give her a confused look, and she continues. "When Evan and I first started dating, he had just rescued all of us from bad guys. We had shared our first kiss in that building, and I felt so happy.. We haven't been on a proper date yet, but hopefully we will soon.." She looks down.

She continues to look through her closet, and she stops at a dress, red and black. I know that must be a dress she's reserving for a date with Evan, but she gets it out anyway.

"No.. Please put that one back." I say, and she gives me a look of unsureness. "I know that dress is reserved for him, and I don't want to steal it." She smiles, and puts the dress back.

After about ten minutes, the other girls enter the room, with an armload of dresses. Let the choosing begin!


A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like, three days.. I have a lot of school work, like reading a book. The thing is, I like reading, but not books I'm forced to read.. Oh well. It's the weekend, and I know I'll catch up on it, because it's starting to get semi good where I'm at in it. But thank you all for being so patient, and I hope to update maybe tomorrow night or Sunday. I'm for sure updating another chapter this weekend. I hope you all don't mind...

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and as always, I will see you.. In the next chapter... BYYEE!!!!!

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