Chapter Thirteen

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We continued playing until about midnight, out of boredom. Tomorrow I think Vanoss said was just gonna be a lazy day. Everyone got up, and went to bed after we all logged off. All the girls were asleep, so Nogla carried Trin to their room, along with Lui carrying Lomasi to their room. But Evan did the same thing. He didn't take MacKenzie to her room, since they have separate rooms. Instead, he carried her to his room. But before he closed the door, I stopped him.

"Hey, Evan, what about Marcie?"

He turned, still cradling MacKenzie. "If you want, carry her to your room, put her in bed, and go get some clothes for the next few days. Tomorrow, like I said, will be an easy day. But the next, we're training. And I want her to come with us."

I give him a confused look. "Why?"

"Don't tell anyone, but I'm considering letting her live here. She seems trustworthy, plus we could use one more computer junky besides just Brock. But I also want to see what else she is good at, like shooting or hand to hand combat."

I nod. "Okay, thanks Evan."

"No problem." And with that, he turns, and closes the door.

I go back into the living room, and put my right arm under Marcie's neck, and my left under her legs. I pick her up gingerly, and carry her downstairs. I walk into my room, and lay her in bed, and she cuddles up to herself, indicating that she must be cold. I throw the comforter over her, and she smiles slightly.

I smile, and go back upstairs, grabbing her keys to her apartment. I take the stairs to her floor instead of the elevator, and unlock her door. I open it, and instantly I smell.. Ocean Breeze? I look around, and see that she still has a candle burning, to which I blow out.. Making a wish of course. But if I tell you my wish, then it won't come true, so I won't tell you!

I walk to her room, and get an overnight bag, and put clothes in it, along with her shampoo, which also smells fantastic (Morning Bliss, and yes I smelled it! And no.. I'm not a creep.. I just seen the scent on the paper around the container, and I got curious..) and her toothbrush and toothpaste. I didn't smell her toothpaste though.. ARE YOU PROUD OF ME MOM!!??

After laughing at my own joke, I look around for anything else she may need, and I come across a jewelry box. I look inside it, and find a heart shape necklace with charms inside. One is a gem in the shape of a tiny heart, and is dark blue, I'm guessing her birthstone. Sapphire, indicating September, which is also mine.. I continue to look at the charms, and I see a paw print, two hearts together, one said Mom, and the other, Dad. I also see a soccer ball, a music note, and lastly.. My Wildcat symbol... I smile and take the necklace with me, putting it in the bag.

I exit the apartment, and lock it behind me. I take the stairs up to my floor again, and go into the apartment, locking the door, and heading downstairs. I go to my room, and see the blankets all pulled back, and Marcie is on her side, facing my side of the bed. She doesn't move, so I assume she's asleep. I set the bag on the floor, and I notice I'm still in my tux. I remove my tux, and quickly put basketball shorts on, not caring about a shirt. I look back at Marcie, and notice that she has changed clothes as well, one of my big shirts, and shorts, which are also to big for her. I shake my head and smile. I walk to my side of the bed, and climb in.

Marcie's POV

I lift up on my side of the bed, and barely open my eyes. I see Tyler trying his hardest to get in bed and not wake me, but what he doesn't know, is that I was awake the entire time, but not technically awake. Like, I was sleeping, but I could still hear things going on around me. When he left the room the first time, after he put me in bed, I changed into some of his clothes, and pulled the covers back for him. Now, I roll closer to him, cuddling up to his bare chest.

He seems surprised at first, then he settles down, and puts an arm around me. I smile into his chest.

"You're smiling aren't you?" He asks.

"Mhmm.." I sleepily mumble. I hear him chuckle slightly, and get comfortable.

I cuddle into his chest after he's made his nest, and fall into a peaceful sleep, then.. I have a nightmare..

I wake up in this bed. This same bed. I get up slowly, sensing that something isn't right. I walk out of the room, and there's blood all over the walls in the hallway.. At the end, I see a dead Marcel. I run to him, and try to revive him, but it's no use. There's a note in his hand.

I take it, and it reads: This one was fun! Let's go for the others, shall we?

I gasp, and throw the paper to the floor, running up the stairs. The sight was gruesome. Everyone dead, except Tyler, who is trapped in a corner by a tall figure. I look around once more, and yell at the man.


He turns, and I don't know how to react.. It's the guy who gave me hell, the reason why I moved here in the first place, the reason why I used to cut myself, the reason why I left my family.. Jake..

"Well, well, well." He says. "The slut has finally awoken. Enjoying the show so far? It's about to come to an end." He walks up to me, and my cheek starts to sting as he slaps me.

I hold my cheek, and I'm tired of being abused and pushed around by him. I take a daring swing, and he catches my fist, twisting my arm until I hear and feel a loud crack. I scream in agony.

He walks back up to Tyler. "Big mistake sweetheart." I look at Tyler, and it looks like he's fought all he could.. He tried his best, and he's gonna die feeling like a failure.

Before Jake gets to him, I say. "Tyler.. I love you! You have made my like worth living again!"

And with that, Jake takes a knife to his throat, making a thick, red line from ear to ear on Tyler.

I fall to the ground, crying. I couldn't do anything to save him.. I let him down. I hear footsteps come closer, and I look up to see Jake standing over me. "You're mine, once and for all, you bitch!" He lifts his leg, and his foot makes contact with my face.


Sorry it's really late.. I just wanted to update this because I feel guilty for not updating in a super long time.. I hope you all don't mind!!

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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