Chapter Fifthteen

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So yesterday was just a movie, popcorn and sitting on the couch all day type of day. Nothing really exciting happened.

I woke up this morning, remembering that everyone wants to see what I'm good at... I sit up, and see Tyler isn't in bed, indicating he's already awake. I go to my bag, and pick a tank top, and shorts. Man, Tyler has good taste in clothes!

I go upstairs, and I see Brock, Tyler, Evan, Jonathan and Lui in the living room. They all look to me. I give them a smile, and a wave.

"Hey! What are you gonna do?" Jonathan asks me.

"Take a shower, is that okay?" I ask, and get nods for a response.

I go down the hall, and enter the bathroom. I remove my lazy day clothes, to which I also wore to bed last night, and hopped in to take a quick shower. I get out, and put my clothes that Tyler picked out on. I walk out, and I'm getting ready to walk back downstairs to put my dirty clothes back in my now empty bag, but Evan steps in front of me.

"Just put your clothes with ours, and we'll wash them later."

Without questioning, I nod, and go back into the bathroom, and put my clothes in the hamper. I walk back in the living room, and I notice that Marcel, Craig and David have awoken. I raise an eyebrow as everyone gets up to get ready to leave.

"What about the girls?"

"They insisted on 'cleaning' today, so we let them sleep in a little." Nogla said with air quotes around the word cleaning.

"Why the usage of air quotes?" I question.

His eyes go wide, indicating he had made a mistake. "N-no reason.."

I give all them a confused look, but noticing I'm not going to get any information, I shrug, and follow the guys out the door. We get into the elevator, and I put my hair in a ponytail. The elevator doors open to the garage, and we all get in a big truck, just enough room for all of us to fit, or well, almost.

Evan and Jonathan sat up front, and Tyler, Craig and Brock sit in the back seat. David and Marcel get in the bed of the truck.

I ask, "Where am I supposed to sit?"

"On Tyler's lap, duh." Craig says jokingly.

I giggle, and climb into his lap.

We leave the garage, and head into the middle of nowhere. Literally. We're on dirt road, with no building or tree in sight. Evan finally stops the truck, and I get out first, then everyone else gets out of the back. I look around, and find a table, on it a pile of guns and explosives, and in front of the table, a ton of targets.

Tyler easily pushes me forward to the table. "Pick anyone you like!"

The others grab a weapon of their choice, and I just stand there, eyeing the guns, deciding. I finally make up my mind, and pick up an MG, a light machine gun. Don't let the name fool you though... It's not light at all..

I can hear the boys laugh to themselves as they watch me get situated and used to the gun. Brock comes up to me.

"Okay, you picked one of the fastest shooting guns. It will kick and recoil on you, so be prepared. Right now, we're gonna focus on timing. I want you to use only one bullet for each target."

I look at him, and ask, "I picked one of the fastest shooting guns, and you want me to use only one bullet for each target?"

"It teaches you how to conserve ammo."

I nod, understanding. I aim down the sights, and one by one, I head shot each and every target.

"I don't think we need to see anymore weapons..." Marcel says, everyone nodding in their agreement.

I smile, and we stay there for a good four or five hours. They went over the basis of the MG, and hand to hand combat. We also went over some explosives as well, so I'm a little trained in everything.

We finally head 'home,' and we enter through the door. Everyone goes into the living room, and the girls surround me. They lead my down the stairs, and to Tyler's room, or should I say, Tyler and I's room.. While we were gone, they moved most of my belongings in this apartment. So that's why Nogla used air quotes..

"Are you serious?" I ask them, astonished. They only shake their heads yes.

I smile, and hug all the girls. We all run back upstairs, and the boys aren't sitting on the couches, which I had expected them to be doing. Instead, them and Oliver are standing in a line, with a smile on all their faces, and Oliver's tail going one hundred miles an hour. MacKenzie goes up to Oliver, and pets him.

"So, do you like your new home..?" Tyler asks me as he walks up to me and stops right in front of me.

"Yes.." I say as he encases me in a bear hug. So this 'home,' has just became my Home.

Man, I love these people..


Hello! So I know I haven't done this in a while, but I want to acknowledge some people and their stories.

1. bigherovanoss She's writing imagines on...... The Avengers!! I love the Avengers so naturally I love the imagines, especially Captain America... I'm a sucker for Steve Rogers... But if you want to check her out, click on her name, and the imagines story is named Avengers Imagines. She is taking requests by PM.

2.@another_marvel_girl She's doing the same thing, and hers is called Marvel Imagines (taking requests). As the title suggests, she's also taking requests.

3. SaraPhoenix14 She just finished one of the best stories I've ever read, The Great Escape, and she's working on another one, called Addictive Rivalry [H2OVanoss Fanfic]. I highly recommend her stories!

All three of these people are very great at what they do... And I do suggest you go follow them and read their stories!!

Also, I'm thinking of doing another story, but not having it related to this series. I'm thinking another fanfic, and I want your guys opinion on who should be the love interest. I'm thinking my personal favorite, Mini Ladd, or my second favorite, Moo Snuckel. I really don't want to do another Vanossgaming or I AM WILDCAT for a while. I just want you guys to vote, so your options are anyone in the Vanossgaming crew: Evan, Tyler, Brock, David, Lui, Marcel, Craig, or Jonathan. You guys please choose!!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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