Chapter Eight

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I look from behind the couch, and Jake and Tyler were circling each other, waiting for the other one to throw the first punch. Finally, Jake dove and tackled Tyler to the ground. Jake tried punching Tyler, but he kept dodging and deflecting the punches.

Tyler rolls over, and starts to punch Jake. He hit him a good seven or eight times until Tyler got up off him. Jake tried standing up, but almost fell in the process. He finally got to his feet, but weakly walked into the living room, where I was located.

"You stay away from her!" Tyler yelled at him. Jake kept getting closer and closer. He was behind the couch with me, and I dove across it, even though it hurt like hell. I got up, and ran behind Tyler. I knew why he didn't go after Jake, he knew he was in bad shape and that he couldn't do really anything to me and I could easily escape. He was taking it easy on him.

"No one tells me what to do.." Jake growled, and pulled out a pocket knife. My eyes go wide, and Tyler puts his arms out, protecting me a little bit more.

The next thing I knew, Jake was running towards us, but Tyler's strength got the best of him. Tyler held both of his wrists, and said to me, "Go into the kitchen!"

I did as I was told, and watched from in there. Tyler pushed Jake into a wall, and he dropped the pocket knife. Tyler got really close to his face, and whispered something I could barely hear. "You better leave her alone, or I will find you, and I will kill you. That's a promise."

Jake looked at Tyler with horror in his eyes. Tyler let him go, and Jake flew out the door, leaving his pocket knife on the ground. Tyler picked it up, and walked into the kitchen with me. He put his hand under my chin, and examined my face. His cheeks got red with anger, but calmly said, "Please sit on the counter."

He left the kitchen, putting the pocket knife in his basketball shorts pocket. I got up on the counter, and sat just like I did this morning, cross-legged. Tyler returned, with my first aid kit I kept in the bathroom.

"How did you know where that was?" I asked him.

He opened it, and looked through for I have no idea what for. "Common sense. We keep our minor first aid kit in the bathroom too."

I nodded, then thought, 'Minor?' "What do you mean by 'minor'?"

He continued to look, and I guess he found what he was looking for, because he stopped searching. He went to the cabinet under the sink, and got a wash rag. He came and stood in front of me. "Whenever one of us has a little cut or something, we go to the minor first aid, where we fix ourselves on our own with it. Lui is our doctor, so if one of us is shot or broken a bone or something like that, we ask him for help. And he gladly excepts."

I nod, and he raises my head once again. He takes the rag to my face, and dabs at my nose. I guess that punch gave me a bloody nose. I look into his eyes the entire time, but he keeps his concentration on my wound. He gently keeps dabbing at it, cleaning it up. He stops to check it, and tells me. "Keep your head tilted up. Your nose might be bruised pretty badly for a few days, though. He got you good, I'll give him that."

I tilt my head back, and I hear him closing the first aid kit. I ask, "Why'd you get that out, exactly?"

"I thought I needed something from in here, but I didn't after all."

"What did you think you needed?"

"A q tip swab thingy." He says as I giggle.

He walks out, I'm assuming to put the first aid kit up, and I continue to look at the ceiling. I hear him walking back in the kitchen, and I hear him turn on the sink. He stops it, and walks over to me again. "Please tilt your head down."

I do, and he holds my chin. He dabs at my nose again, but this time the rag is wet. I guess he's cleaning the dried blood. This time, he makes eye contact with me when he finishes dabbing.

"Thank you Tyler.. For protecting me." I say.

He smiles, and keeps his hand under my chin. "It was my pleasure.." He says, then kisses my forehead. "But I want to give you something. In case he comes back when I'm not here."

He reaches in his pocket, and pulls out the pocket knife that Jake dropped on the floor. He hands it to me, but I don't take it, I just stare at it. He inches it closer, but I continue to only look at it. He takes my hand, and puts on my palm. I look up at him. "Just in case. But please keep that near you 24/7. Even when I'm around, okay?"

I nod, and look at the knife. The handle is metal, with an engraving on it. It reads, 'Hunt or be Hunted'. I mess around with it, sliding the blade in and out of its socket to get used to it. When I finally do, I look to Tyler.

"Please be careful with it." He says.

"I'm just scared that I might start.. You know.. Cutting myself.." I say, fighting back tears.

He holds one of my wrists with one hand, and cups my cheek with the other. "You won't. He knows what will come for him if he tries anything. He can't hurt you, without being hurt. I'm here to protect you."

I smile, and hug his waist again. He wraps his muscular arms around me, and rests his head on the top of mine. "I won't let anything bad happen to you." He says. "If something does happen, I'm gonna go crazy, and do whatever I can to get you back."

I smile into his chest. "Thank you.. I love you Tyler."

"I love you Marcie." Tyler responds.


So this chapter wasn't really exciting.. And I'm sorry.. But I still hope you all enjoyed the chapter anyway.. I love you all so much, and thank you for the amazing support!

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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