Chapter Eighteen

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"Where is he now?" I ask. My sadness towards Marcie has been mixed with anger towards Jake. I don't care how long it will take, I don't care how I or we do it, I don't care anymore, Jake, will die..

"The last I heard he was alright, but he was rushed to, I believe here. I don't think he had any major injuries." Trevor replied. "I know who you all are, and I know that more than likely your intentions are to kill Jake, am I correct?"

I look at him, surprised along with everyone else. Evan speaks for all of us. "Actually.. Yes. This isn't the first time he's harmed Marcie. And if it's not taken care of, it won't be the last."

Trevor nods. "I've been in a similar situation. Your family harmed, and you want to do something about it. My wife and daughter were taken hostage years back. Oh I wanted to kill him so badly. But I didn't, I would've lost my job, so therefore, I wouldn't have been able to take care of my family. He's sitting in prison right now. I won't arrest Jake. Now, I know he's done so much wrong, towards you all and LSPD, but he'll be out on the streets. You guys can find him, and do whatever you wish. I'm risking my job here, but.. I don't want you guys or those two girls to feel in danger, because I feel like my family's in danger, even though he's in prison."

We all look at Trevor. Is he serious? Is he crazy? Is he both? Marcel speaks up. "But, won't we get in some bad trouble?"

Trevor chuckles slightly. "You guys have done worse, haven't you? And we've let you get away with it. I'll tell you the reason why we let you, too."

All of us are on the edge of our seats, waiting for him to continue.

"We let you guys do what you do and get away with it because.. You take care of the bad people. You don't kill for pleasure or because it's fun, you kill because you protect each other, and target the guilty, not the innocent. I believe that's why a lot of gangs fear and attack you, because you have us on your side. And you kill for the right reasons."

"Then why would everyone else try to kill us?" Delirious asked.

"So another group could take your place. You guys wouldn't be alive, so someone would have to replace you." Trevor simply replied.

I leaned back in my chair, all the information hitting me at once. So this is why all the other gangs fear us, try to take us out. Try to kill us, exterminate us. To replace us, and get everyone on their side. And, of course, to be the dominate gang.

Trevor stands. "I think it's time for me to get back to work. It was good talking to all of you." He begins to walk away, and I stand.

"Wait." He turns to face me, and I extend my hand. "Thank you for... Everything.. It means so much to all of us." I hear murmurs of agreements as he takes my hand, and firmly shakes it.

"Anytime, and thank you all, for what you've done as well. And I'm sure we will meet again in the future. Just keep in touch with us, for when we need you, or you need us." And with that, he exits the hospital, and I turn to go back to my seat, but a thin woman dressed in light blue scrubs is blocking my way. I see she has a name tag, and it reads, Nurse Sanders.

"Are you here for Marcie and Trinity?" She asks all of us in general.

I nod. "How are they? Are they okay?"

She hesitates. "Trinity is fine, just a broken arm, and bruised rib cage. Marcie, on the other hand, isn't waking up. We've done some tests and a C.A.T. scan, and she has traumatic bleeding in her brain. Dr. Bradshaw is in the operating room with her, doing all he can. Trinity is in her room right now, room 23, on the fourth floor. I don't mean to upset you, but we're not sure if Marcie is going to make it, or that she will be her normal self.. We'll do our best though."

"Thank you.." I say, and she walks away. Before she gets very far, I ask, "What about a guy named Jake, blonde hair?"

She turns, a look of thoughtfulness on her face, then a lightbulb shines bright. "He already checked out of here. He only had a few cuts and bruises." She turns again, not looking back.

We all rush for the elevator, and push the button with the number '4' on it. The elevator stops, and we run to Trin's room. She's awake, but she looks very tired. I'm guessing from the medicine they had to give her in order to put her cast on.

She looks up at us, and we all pile in her room, some sitting in the chairs, some on the empty bed, which was reserved for Marcie (it had both of their names on the board outside of the door), and the rest standing. It looks like she's been crying too. "It's all my fault.." She said.

Nogla goes to her side. "No it's not. You didn't run a red light, Jake did." As soon as he said his name, Trin's eyes widen. She knew then..

"We're gonna do something about him, tonight." Evan spoke up from the bed. "Nogla is going to stay with you while we take care of business. Okay?"

Everyone nods, understanding. We stay in there for about another hour, discussing the plan, stopping the discussion when the nurse came in to run a few tests and make sure Trin is doing alright. Close to sundown, everyone except Nogla exits the hospital, and heads home, getting ready to put Plan: Get Rid of Jake Once and for All into action. He will pay for what he did to my girls..


Hi guys! I'm so sorry for lack of updates. I got the lifeguarding job, so I'm working now. I also have swim team, so I'm now getting ready for meets and districts. I also have a relationship with a certain boy, so if I don't give him some of my love... Our two year relationship will basically, go down the drain. But thankfully he has the same job as me, and also does swim team. So that works out. But I just wanted to catch you guys up on what's been going on in my life, so you don't think, 'Oh, she isn't interested in writing the story anymore' or 'she hates us with a burning passion that goes deep into her twisted, bitter soul.' No, I love all you guys and I'm here to stay!

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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