Chapter Six

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I wake up in my bed. I wonder two things: One, if I was dreaming or not last night, and two, how I got in my bed. I think about last night for a minute, and I remember watching The Avengers with Tyler on the couch, then leaning into him. I think I fell asleep in his chest, and I did have a dream. I get a little upset, but I remember how happy I was. Then I start to think and wonder, 'Will that actually happen with me and Tyler?' and 'I hope that does happen with me and him..' Then I realize, I'm falling for Tyler more and more. I don't only have a crush on him anymore.. I'm falling in love the one and only Tyler..

I smile, then get up out of bed. I go to the guest room to see if he's still asleep, which he is, and his hair is in all directions. His covers are at the foot of his bed, and he's sprawled all out on the bed. I giggle to myself, and head into the kitchen, where I fix myself some breakfast. Before I start, though, I think of Tyler, and then I begin making breakfast for me and him.

I look through my fridge and cabinets, and I scramble together a breakfast, full of eggs, toast, and sausage patties. I start the stove, and put pans on it. I crack open the eggs, and I hear them sizzle. I put sausage patties in another pan, and put bread in the toaster.

I hear rustling from down the hall, and look towards the entrance of the kitchen. A wobbly and sleepy Wildcat emerges. He rubs his eyes, yawns, and freezes. He sniffs the air, and yells, "FOOD!!!"

I giggle, and he runs into the kitchen, and lands in one of the chair I have by the island. I just look at him, trying to hold a smile. He smirks, "What?" He asks.

I turn, tending to the eggs, and reply, "You're just so full of energy and happiness. And I like it.."

The next thing I know, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist. I look down, and see hands intertwined with each other over my stomach. I smile, and look to my right when I feel something on my shoulder. I see that Tyler has set his head on my shoulder. He probably had to bend down a little to do that considering he's so much taller than I am.. I set my spatula down I was using for the eggs, and put my hands over his. He untwines his hands, and intwines them with mine.

"You're so beautiful.." He whispers in my ear.

I get shivers down my spine, and goosebumps on my arms. He's so adorable, and I really want him to be mine, but not now, I don't know a lot about him, and he doesn't know a lot about me.

"Why are you shivering?" He asks.

"Because.. I'm just cold.." I lie.

"You're lying, but I already know the answer, so I'm not gonna ask again. Tell you what, how about after breakfast we just, talk and get to know each other a bit?"

I smile. "That sounds.. Great." I say.

I can see him smile on my shoulder, and he unwraps his arms from around me. I continue with making the breakfast, and when it's finally done, I set it on plates, and give one plate to Tyler.

His eyes go wide at the food. He eats his whole plate, and I haven't even finished half of mine. He rubs his stomach in satisfaction. "That was good! I'm full for once!" He chuckles. I finish up my food, and put the plates in the sink, washing them. I put the plates in the cabinets. I sit on the island, scoot back a little, cross my legs, and face Tyler.

He looks at me. "May I start the questions?" He asks.

I smile and nod. "Ask away, Wildcat." I say as I wink after I said Wildcat.


Hey... I'm sorry guys... I haven't felt like myself the past couple days... I don't really know what's wrong with me.. I don't feel right, I'm super stressed with school, I'm nervous for my lifeguard training, which I'm still waiting for my hopefully future boss to text me when that is, and everything else.. I just.. want to break down and cry in someone's arms.. I'm not sure if I'll update tomorrow, but I'll try. I will be less stressed, but I will say, one burden was lifted off my shoulders today. I took my placement test for college algebra. It was originally supposed to be a written test instead of a multiple choice, which just means that I had to work out the problems, and write down my answer instead of choosing between four options. But the people giving the tests made a new test last night, which was super easy, multiple choice, and only 45 minutes instead of the 2 hours we were told. So, I'm glad that that's out of the way. I'll get my results soon, and I will inform you guys if you want.

But I just wanted to inform you all on what has been happening. Thank you all for the amazing support, and you mean the world to me.. I love you all!

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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