1. [early bird]

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I groan as I extend my arm to turn off my morning alarm. I close my eyes for a few seconds and then remind myself that I need to get ready. With trembling morning legs I walk to my window and open the curtains. It's still dark outside.

I open my closet and grab a black t-shirt and some basic jeans. As I want to leave my room I walk past the mirror hanging on my wall. Definitely not the best outfit but I guess it has to do.

I silently walk downstairs and make some cereal as breakfast. When I sit down on the couch I notice my mom's jacket. She probably threw it on here when she came home last night.

I basically never see my mom. I go to school early when she's still asleep and when I come back home she's working or out partying. I don't really mind tough. Since she broke up with dad I had the feeling I didn't really matter anymore. I honestly don't know if I will ever have a good relationship with my mom.

I snap out of my thoughts and put the empty bowl on the kitchen counter and walk upstairs to brush my teeth. While brushing my teeth I see a used cigarette laying on the edge of the bath. I spit out the water from my mouth into the sink and sigh. I know it's from my mom, but it just makes me upset. I really hope she's happy.

Once I'm downstairs again I quickly put on my converse and a brown oversized jacket which used to be from my dad.

Looking at my phone I see that it's 6:55 am. The bus I always go to school with leaves at 7:00 am so I had enough time to walk to the bus stop since it was really nearby.

With my headset on I walk trough the cold morning air. Trough my music I can hear cars passing by and birds chirping. I love early mornings. No people around me.

I sit down on a small bench which was the bus stop. It barely fit three people but since I was the only crazy person to go on the bus at 7 am I didn't need to share the bench.

A minute later I look up and see the bus in front of me. I walk inside and scan my card. "Good morning Sumi," the old bus driver says with the friendliest smile. I make a small bow while smiling to him and walk to sit somewhat in the middle, near the exit. The bus drive is always around 20 minutes so enough time to listen to some music and look outside watching the beautiful sunrise.


I slowly open the door of the classroom. Ms. Yang, also known as the nicest teacher to ever exist, is sitting at her desk while typing something on her computer.

Once I step inside she looks up. "Good morning early bird," she says. I laugh as I place my backpack on my chair. My table is right in the middle of the classroom, which sucks, especially when it's your turn and everyone is looking at you.

"Can I help you with something?" I asks while holding the backing of my chair. "Sumi," she sighs, "You don't always need to help me. I can do it on my own, that's my job."

I nod. "Just go and do something for yourself," Mrs. Yang says as she points at the door.

I grab my phone and headset and walk to the park that is right next to the school. It's basically part of the school. I sit down on a bench surrounded by pretty flowers and one big tree. I make myself comfortable and close my eyes.

a bit later...

"Hello Sumi!" I quickly open my eyes and see Jimin standing in front of me. "Are you listening to music?" he asks while pointing at my headset. I nod and show him my phone with the song. "Good taste," he says with his cute smile.

Jimin is my one and only friend. It may sound lonely that I only have one friend but I swear Jimin is more than enough. "Come, we need to go to class," he says while holding his hand out to me. With my headset resting on my shoulders I grab his hand and we walk to our class, which I was already at half an hour ago.

Normally when I come early I try to help Mrs. Yang with some chores but I guess she didn't have any chores for me today. But even when I don't have anything to do here, it's beter than being at home.


The first class of today is over. Together with Jimin I leave the classroom and walk towards my locker. As I'm grabbing some books for the next class Jimin starts talking, "Sumi? I told you about that boy Yoongi right?" I chuckle, "Yeah, about twenty times a day?"

"Don't exaggerate!" he says but he seems to find it pretty funny himself. "Well, what about this 'Yoongi'?" I ask because I was actually not exaggerating. Jimin knows this guy for a while now and hasn't stopped talking about him since.

You know how you can form a crush only based on stories that you heard? If Jimin keeps telling these stories about Yoongi I will fall for him just as bad as he's doing.

"Well... this 'Yoongi' started a band, a schoolband." Jimin starts, "There a like six other guys, including me, who are in the band, but he feels like it would be better if we had another member." Without him even asking the question I answered, "No."

Jimin's face changed from excited to confused, "What?"

"I don't want to be in a schoolband. You were going to ask me to join right?" I ask, scared that he wasn't actually planning to ask that. "I was, but it seems like you don't want to." He seemed to be upset that I interrupted him.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I just really don't have time for that and besides I haven't touched an instrument in like ages." I giggle to myself realizing I used to be so musical.

"I get it. It's fine," he says but I know he didn't like my answer.

Maybe the 'I just really don't have time' was a lie. I do work often after school but when I have my free days I don't want to spent that with some random dudes who like to make music.

When we both had grabbed the books we needed we walk to the next class.


ooooohhhh a new story!!!

Disclaimer: I don't ship any of the members (you shouldn't either) but books are alternative universes, so everything you will read in this book is not related to real life. (:

look forward to next chapters <333


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