14. [one sided love]

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While fumbling with my fingers I walk up to the door of the studio. I nervously stand in front of it. I slowly reach out my shaking hand and knock. I wait impatiently.

"Jimin?" I look up seeing Yoongi and that's when it hits me. Am I actually going to tell him? I can't, but I should.

I clear my throat, "Can I come in?" Yoongi furrows his brows in confusion, "Yeah, sure." He widens the door so I can walk in.

I stand still about two meters away from Yoongi. My heart starts racing when he walks towards me. I have always known I liked Yoongi maybe a bit more then normal, but now in this situation it feels extra. I don't know how else to describe it then that my feelings are going crazy for Yoongi at the moment.

I look up into his eyes and almost start hyperventilating. "Jimin? Stay calm," Yoongi says as he holds my arms looking into my eyes with a worried look, "Whatever it is, you can tell me." he says realizing I didn't just come here to hangout.

I stay silent for a while, maybe a bit too long. He slowly lets go of my arms. "Yoongi," I start and I notice I immediately have his attention, "I've wanted to tell you for a while and I think now is the right time."

I take a deep breath in and say what I've wanted to say since the moment I met him, "I like you."

I see his eyes widen. "You do?" he asks and I nod slowly. "Really?" he says while smiling and I nod again but faster this time.

"You like, like me? Like more than normal?- Or I mean more than 'just friends'?" he asks. "Yes," I say, but my nerves make it sound like a whisper.

After a moment of silence that felt like forever he speaks again, "You know, Jimin... You are really pretty and such an amazing person to be around, really," he says and in that moment my heart flew out of my chest towards heaven until he finished his sentence.

"but I don't love you, not in that way. I'm sorry." he sighs.

My body freezes in place as I try to process his words. Emotions start to fill my body and tears stream down my face faster than ever. Yoongi doesn't hesitate a second and hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

He lets go of me and wipes some tears off my cheeks. "I still want to be your friend," he says when our eye contact lasts maybe a bit too long. I smile, unable to say anything.

"See you tomorrow?" he asks. "See you tomorrow," I say while sobbing. After one last hug I leave the studio and walk towards the exit.

When I arrive outside I see Sumi sitting on a small brick wall while on her phone. She looks up at me and sees my face full of tears. She runs towards me and gives me a big hug. "He didn't feel the same way," I sob.

Sumi releases herself from the hug and looks me straight in the eyes while holding my shoulders. She looks at me for a moment with a small smile on her face, "I'm so proud of you. That you had the courage to tell him. And remember what I told you?"

"It's not the end of the world if he doesn't feel the same way," I whimper. "Exactly and you see, I was true. You're still here just with less weight on your shoulders," she says while giving my shoulder a squeeze.

After I relaxed a bit more we sit down with our backs against the brick wall. A big sigh leaves my mouth while looking up at the floor where Yoongi is on. "What did he say exactly?" Sumi asks when also looking up at the school. "Something like, I love you but not in that way," I say as we both turn our heads to each other.

"Well, he probably still likes you as a friend. That's a good thing," she says trying to lighten the situation. "It isn't though. It's going to be awkward every time I'm seeing him again," I say, starting to regret my decisions.

"Oh no, there is that guy Jimin who asked me out! Eeeww!" she says, impersonating Yoongi. "Not funny Sumi," I say annoyed but notice her head turning to me right when I said that. I look at her seeing a grin on her face. "What?",

"I recognize that sentence, do you?" she says seriously. I shake my head not knowing what she means. Suddenly she stands up and sits down on my lap and holds my wrists. "remember now?" she chuckles. "What? No!" I laughs in confusion.

"Oh you're so beautiful when you are changing!" she says extra annoyingly. "Not funny Jimin!" she exclaims when I start laughing. "What are you talking about?" I ask still laughing loudly. She smiles cutely when I suddenly remember.

"Wait, last night?" I asks and she nods. "Was I drunk?" I ask scared and I see her trying to hold back her laugh. "You were so drunk! Like you couldn't even walk straight anymore!"

"Did I do something weird?" I ask, now even more scared of the answer. "Oh, nothing crazy, just walk in on me changing. Don't worry," she says obviously being sarcastic. "I did? I'm so sorry," I say.

I look down at my lap and notice she's sitting on me, legit sitting on me. We both get silent and look at each other in realization. "Ah sorry," Sumi apologizes and gets off of me and sits back down next to me. "I didn't mind," I say as she makes herself comfortable next to me. She looks at me and I notice her cheeks turning red.

"What if Yoongi saw that," she chuckles. "You would be screwed," I joke. "You too. You just confessed your feelings towards him," she says. "No, but you would be more screwed since he's your boyfriend," I say knowing it's not official but just to mess with her.

Her smile fades as she goes quiet. "Its late. I should go home," she says as she stands up and lifts up her backpack. "Did I say something bad?" I ask. She shakes her head and walks away.

I rest my head against the brick wall in confusion. Did I say something bad? Sumi and Yoongi are not official, no. Otherwise she wouldn't have let me ask him out but I didn't expect her to get angry or upset about my comment.

I don't want to get involved into something that's not my business but now is my chance so I get up and follow her silently. When I notice she's far enough away I start walking normally.

She walks towards the nearby bus stop. When I see her sit down on the bench in front of the bus stop I hide behind a tree. After a minute I notice the bus coming our way so I slowly start walking closer to the bus stop. I see Sumi walk in so I wait a second and then walk in too while trying to hide my face. I walk all the way to the back and when I sit down I see Sumi sitting somewhat in the middle and looking out the window with her headphones on.

I know this is going to be very creepy of me to do but I had this question for my entire life. Why does Sumi hide her home situation? By following her all the way to her house I can find out how she lives and if everything is okay with her at home.

I'm just worried. That's all.


This chapter was difficult to write

But sadly for Jimin... no mutual feelings ):


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