19. [hold me tight]

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"Yoongi I need you," she whispers with a trembling voice.

I sigh, not knowing what to do. I turn around to face her again. I would want to kiss her and hug her and more but I can't. I know Sumi is confused with herself and this is only her seeing who she likes better.

Me or Jimin.

And I hate that. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough. I also feel bad for her because it must suck to have these feelings and I feel bad for Jimin because he must feel the same as me.

"Sumi you need to stop. Put your top back on and go to sleep," I say as I grab her tank top from the counter and push it in her hands.

She looks at her top and then back at me. I can tell she's overwhelmed. The only right thing I feel like I could do right now is hug her and give her what she wants but I know how that will end.

She slowly slides her top back over her head and adjusts it to her body.

We stay silent for awhile before she walks towards me and wraps her arms around me. I hold my arms in the air not wanting to hug her back but as she holds me for longer I can't resist it and wrap my arms around her.

"I'm sorry," she whispers in my chest. "Don't be. It's fine, but I think you should get to know yourself before you do all of this, before you kiss me or Jimin or anyone else. Just figure yourself out first," I reply.

She slowly lets go of me and smiles. "Do you think you will be able to sleep now?" I ask with my head tilted.

She nods so we both silently walk back into the living room and lay down on our mattresses.



The next morning we decide to eat breakfast at a nearby fast food restaurant. Namjoon is ordering for us as we all sit down at a table in the restaurant.

I'm sitting next to Jimin and can feel him tap his finger on my thigh. I look up at him with a confused look on my face.

"Can we talk?" he asks and I nod so we both leave the table and walk outside.

"What's on your mind?" I ask when we are standing face to face. He takes a deep breath before talking, "I heard you, last night. I heard everything. From the moment you woke up, to you grabbing water, then Yoongi coming in, you guys making out and then some euphoric line from Yoongi which made you guys stop kissing and go back to sleep."

With an open mouth and wide eyes I listen to him rant. "I just wanted to let you know that I heard that and that... you know... whatever you do with Yoongi or other guys shouldn't bother me but... it does. I don't know how but I need to get over you since you told me so and I'm sorry that that's hard for me."

His words came out very slow and unsure. He made me think about how I made him and Yoongi feel. If you love someone and they don't love you back or can't then you can't just not love them anymore. Your feelings will go away eventually but you can't control when.

I bite my bottom lip to think of something to say when Jungkook comes walking outside. "We're waiting for you!"

We both nod at him and follow him inside. "Don't make it a big deal. I just wanted to tell you since it's been on my mind," Jimin tells me before we arrive at the table.

We sit down and enjoy our breakfast with all the others.

When we were done eating we went back to Jungkook's house and packed our stuff. It was almost 1pm so we didn't want to burden Jungkook or his family by staying too late.


Once I arrive home I throw my bag on the couch and walk upstairs to my room. I drop myself on my bed and I put on my headphones and choose a playlist on my phone.

While staring at the ceiling I think back of today and yesterday and all the days before that. The day when I broke it off with Yoongi and Jimin.

I regret it but I also don't. I regret it because of what Jimin and Yoongi tell me. They actually love me but I can't give them the same.

I wish I could show them how much I love them. I miss being close to them. I miss it so fucking bad.

I turn around to lay on my stomach and push my head in my pillow.

Why can't you just choose Sumi? Why can't I do it? I must love one of them more then the other. That's how it works, right?

A muffled scream leaves my mouth as I feel tears form in my eyes.

Maybe I don't have to choose. I should just forget about either of them and move on. That's the best I can do. For me and for them.

Suddenly I feel a buzz beside my face. I lift my head and look at my side to see a notification on my phone.

1:43 pm

💬 Messages
School band😎🎸
3 messages

I open the group chat which makes my face light up.

School band😎🎸

Yoongi (:
I have the results of the competition!

Aaaahhhhh tell us!!

Seriously??? I'm so nervous!

Yoongi?? TELL US!

Yoongi (:


Don't do this to us😑

Yoongi (:

Jiminie <3



We did it!🎉

Good job guys👏

How long do we have left for the finals?

Only 2 days? Right Yoongles?

Yoongi (:
Yes, but we can do that!

I hope so

I believe we can! We practiced so hard.

If we didn't make it I would honestly get so mad



Yoongi (:
We should meet up tomorrow to practice one last time and get ready for the show.

Jiminie <3
We're going to preform right? In front of an actual crowd???

Yoongi (:

Jiminie <3
That scares me


Yoongi (:
Don't worry☺️
See you tomorrow



See ya👋



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