13. [confessing]

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Suddenly I hear a voice from behind me, "Come lay here." I look up and see Jimin laying on his side, looking at me. I hesitate for a moment but then decide to stand up and walk towards the bed. Jimin slides towards the wall so I have space to lay down.

"Are you feeling better?" I asks when laying on my back, looking at the ceiling. "I still have the worst headache, but it has gone down," he says.

"What was that about Yoongi?" I ask remembering what he said back at the club. He groans, but doesn't say anything.

"Are you jealous?" I asks while turning my head to him.

"No." he says but I don't believe him.

"You must be, right?" I say remembering what he said about Yoongi. Now that he's drunk, like very drunk, I would expect him to say dumb shit or not get everything I'm saying, but he's been chill. Except for walking in on me but let's forget about that.

"So?" I asks when he doesn't respond. "I am," he says. A slight smile grows on my face finding Jimin cute when he talks about his feelings. "Why are you jealous?"

"I don't even know myself. I think just seeing the ones I love together. I don't know. Forget what I just said," he says. "The ones I love," I repeat softly not realizing he could hear me. "Forget that," he repeats, now louder which makes me laugh.

After a few seconds of silence his eyes, which have been looking at the ceiling the entire time, turn to look at me as if he suddenly has an idea. Then he lowers his eyes and takes a deep breath, "I'm going to tell him. Tomorrow."

"Who? Yoongi?" I widen my eyes as I look at him. "Are you sure?" I ask. Yoongi and I have been so close lately and if Yoongi actually likes Jimin he wouldn't be so clingy with me, would he?

"I'm not sure, but I can't keep feeling this way forever," Jimin says. "Jimin," I say and sit up straight, "Are you actually in love with Yoongi?" He looks at me and I can see him thinking. "The question is, do I love him more than you?" he says while laying his hand on my leg.

My eyes trail down to his hand. I feel tears welling up in my eyes, but hold it back. Why am I getting emotional? It's probably because I'm tired but still.

I look back at Jimin who notices my emotions taking over. He sits up in front of me while leaning with his back against the wall. "Come here," he says while opening his arms. I lay down on his chest and feel his sweaty arms wrap around my body.

"I love you Jimin."


"Jungkook and Sumi, did you guys finish the lyrics?" Yoongi asks. "We still had a little trouble finding the right words, but we should be able to get it done today," Jungkook says as he hands Yoongi the printed paper with the current lyrics. Yoongi takes a quick look at it while smiling.

"I have a good feeling about this," he says when looking up at us. Jungkook and I look proudly at each other as Yoongi continuous, "Since the lyrics are almost done and we have the beat we should decide on places in the band." He squats down and lays a paper on the ground.

"Alright, so we have eight members which means eights places. Namjoon and Hoseok will do the rap and they also mostly created the beat with me," he writes as he talks, "Jin and Jimin, I think your voices will match this song the best so you will become the main vocals. Taehyung, your doing the piano, right?" Taehyung nods so Yoongi continues, "We of course can't forget Jungkook's drum skills so you will drum and Sumi, as decided before, will play the guitar." He looks up at us, "Any disagreements?" Everyone shakes their heads. "Great, but let me know if y'all want anything changed in this."

He stands up and pins the paper on the pinboard hanging on the wall. I grab the paper with the lyrics and turn back to Jungkook, "Shall we continue writing?" He nods so we take a seat on the couch and start writing while the others practice their instruments.


"Sumi, come try this new guitar!" Jimin yells while standing on the stage. I look up at him and see him holding a beautiful red electric guitar. "Woah! I've never played electric guitar," I say as I stand up from the couch and run to Jimin on stage.

"It's really simple. Once you practice just a few times you'll call it easy," Jin says. Jimin hands me the guitar. "It's quite the same as a normal guitar it just makes a different sound," Jin says as I start playing. "Do you like it?" He asks. "Yeah, it sounds so cool!" I exclaim excitedly.

After we played some more with the guitar and other instruments Yoongi calls for us. "The song needs to be done in two and a half weeks so we still have plenty of time. I'm proud of you guys," he says. "Aawhh!" All the others say before laughing.

We all talk a bit more and then go home. "Sumi!" I hear behind me when I want to leave the schools building. I turn around and see Jimin looking both excited and nervous.

A smile grows on my face when I realize why he's looking this way. "Your gonna tell him?" I whisper so that no one else hears it. He nods.

"I wish you good luck and remember that it's not the end of the world if he doesn't feel the same way," I say starting to feel bad for him. Yoongi definitely has a crush on me, I can't keep denying that fact, so I'm scared that he doesn't feel the same for Jimin.

I want Jimin to be happy and I want Yoongi to be happy, but our feelings are only intertwining. If they are happier together then that's totally fine with me. I would be a bit upset, of course, but I would support them and keep loving them just as friends. One side of me wants them to become a couple but the other side is just full of jealousy.

"I know, but I need to tell him," Jimin says before going silent for a moment. I guess he's mentally preparing himself. Honestly he has balls that he's going to ask someone out who is probably not feeling the same way.

"I'll wait for you, kay?" I say and when he nods I leave the building and sit down on a small brick wall and wait.


Oooohh get ready for the next chapter (;


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