4. [jealous]

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"Well...?" Jimin interrupts my thoughts. I look up at him, wanting to tell him everything so bad but I stop myself. "I can't tell you," I say and walk away. 

"Sumi?" I hear him say but this time he doesn't grab my wrist. I walk to the girls restrooms and lock myself in a stall. 

I feel myself getting overwhelmed by the questions I just got. Sumi stop, it isn't a big deal! Even though I want to believe that I still feel a tear run over my cheek. 

"Hello? Are you alright?" I hear the voice of a girl say. I wipe the tear off my cheek and slowly open the restroom stall. "Are you crying?" she asks with big eyes. I nod while wiping my tears with the sleeve of my sweater.

"Did someone say something mean to you? Did you break up with someone?" Before I could answer she continued talking, "I know right. Boys can be so annoying. You deserve better than whatever just dumped you!" She said while looking in the mirror and adjusting her make-up.

I nod again but this time not because I agree. I leave the restroom and go to my favorite hangout spot, the park. I sit down on the same bench I always sit and put on my headset. I look at people passing by, some are holding hands, some are alone, some are with a lot of friends and... wait... Jimin?

I take my headset off my head and try to see what is happening. The girl who I just 'talked' to in the bathroom had her arm around his shoulders. They were standing by some people I have never seen before but they look like the girls friend group. Jimin is sitting on the backing of a bench and she is standing behind him. 

Jimin is not mine, like we are not together as in a couple, but I still feel... jealous? I think I never felt like this before. Seeing her be so clingy with him disgusts me and the fact that if I didn't see this I would've probably never known upsets me. 

They are laughing together and at some moments even staring at each other while their faces are only centimeters apart.

I stand up and decide to go to Mrs. Yang's classroom since that's the only place I can relax without seeing things I don't want to see. I slide my headset back on my head and walk towards school.

I'm looking at my shoes when I suddenly see another pair of shoes in front of me and before I can stop myself I bump straight into someone's chest. "Oh, excuse me," I say as I quickly pull my headset off my head and look at the persons face. To my surprise it's that guy from last night.

"Wait, I know you," the guy says as he squints his eyes and tilts his head. I giggle awkwardly, but stop when I realize how stupid I giggle. "Yeah... you are Yoongi, right?" His eyes widen as I say that. "Yes, I remember. You are that girl who collapsed last night. Are you still okay?" 

I smile shyly when he asks that. "I'm good, really. Thank you so much that you helped me." 

"Don't thank me. What else was I supposed to do? Just walk past a girl laying on the ground in the middle of the night?" His smile makes me blush. 

"So you are a student at this school?" he asks. I nod with pursed lips. "In which year are you?" he asks. "I'm a junior," I answer. "Oh, I'm a senior," he says, "And do you have any friends?" 

His question makes both me and him laugh. "Of course I have," I say while still laughing. 

"I'm sorry, that sounded so stupid. I just want to know who you hangout with mostly." His question makes me turn my head and look at the park. Jimin is probably still with that girl which annoys me so much, but I try to let it go and look back at Yoongi. "I have one friend but we kind of got into an argument I guess." 

"Oh, can I know her name?" He asks. "It's not a girl. His name is Jimin." I think back of the times Jimin told me about a certain Yoongi so I add, "Do you perhaps know him?" 

"I actually do. Why did you guys get into an argument?" he says with a frown. "I know right. It's not really the kind of thing for Jimin to just get into an argument, so I guess it's mostly my fault."

"Don't say that."

"But it is. I was being stubborn." I look at the ground regretting every second of the talk with Jimin. 

"I think he will forgive you," he nods in sympathy. "Let's hope so." I add.

"Oh, I have a question by the way," he says. "Another one?" I laugh.

"Yes," he chuckles, "I made this school band and I am still searching for more people, would you be open to be in the school band. You don't have to but-"

I interrupt him with my answer, "Sure."

He stays silent for a while. "Really?" He asks and I immediately nod. 

"I know this is gonna sound dumb, but can I get your number to send you some information about it? Like when, where and whatever." I cant stop laughing at every sentence that comes out of his mouth. "Sure," I say and hand him my phone. 

While he is getting my number I look behind me at the park and see Jimin walking, alone. I quickly turn my head hoping he didn't see me. 

"Got it, thanks," he says as he hands me my phone.

"Oh, talking informally now?" I say while raising my eyebrows. The shock in his eyes as he realizes kills me. "Don't worry. I'm fine with it," I smile. 

"I have to go now, but I hope we can talk another time," he says. I nod because I want exactly the same. We only talked for 10 minutes but it was the best 10 minutes of my day. 

I wave him goodbye and make my way to my next class.


This chapter was so fun to write ^^


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