16. [submitted song]

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We all applaud after we rehearsed for the first time. The lyrics are done and everything is looking perfect. "Sumi, you are so good at playing guitar!" Namjoon says as he gives me a pat on my shoulder. "Thanks," I smile.

"Do y'all want to rehearse it for the second time now or should we do that tomorrow?" Yoongi asks and everyone replies with tomorrow.

After everyone packed their stuff and left Yoongi notices I am still sitting on the stage. He walks towards me with a worried face when he sees me looking not so happy. I kept thinking about the talk I had with Jimin yesterday. I felt like I couldn't just leave without telling Yoongi about it.

He jumps onto the stage and sits down next to me. He moves over to me and I feel that he puts his arm around my back.

"I need to talk to you about something," I say without making eye contact. "What is it?" he asks.

"Just..." I sigh, getting ready to tell the story, "I had a sleepover at Jimin's last night and I told him something that I feel like you need to know too." Yoongi doesn't say anything so I just continue.

"I like you Yoongi. A lot actually, but in these past weeks of us hanging out," I smile remembering every second of our little dates and late night walks, "I developed a crush on someone else."

I look over at him to see if he reacted in any way but he doesn't say anything. Him not replying to me made me feel a bit unsure if I should tell him all this.

"I can't continue with you nor with him if I feel this way. I can't have a relationship with you if I'm going to be thinking about someone else. I know it sucks and I swear I don't want it to be this way but I can't change it. I wish."

I feel my voice becoming shakier as I talk. My eyes start to tear up and I feel my cheeks starting to burn. Yoongi finally looks at me and notices a tear running down my cheek. He softly holds my chin and wipes the tear away with his thumb.

"I get it," he says. "You do?" I ask, thinking he would probably feel sad or maybe even angry. "But who is that other guy? Do I know him?" I chuckle to myself seeing Yoongi's jealousy coming up.

I think for a moment, unsure if I should say it's Jimin. I don't want to make their relationship any more complicated than what it is. I want them to stay friends and not argue over me.

"Jimin," I say wanting to run away after his name left my mouth. I nervously wait for Yoongi to answer. "So you like Jimin?" he asks and I nod. "Do you know about him and me?" he says.

I furrow my brows because of how he says it. "Um, about his feelings towards you?" I ask and he nods. "I do. I actually encouraged him to tell you," I say.

"Does he still like me?" Yoongi asks. I shake my head, "He got over it quickly."

"Sumi," he says very serious, "I don't care who you like. You need to make a decision. Or him, or me, or no one. Think about it as long as you want but just do whatever makes you feel good. Don't let me or him push you into doing something you don't want. Don't let anybody do that."

I nod while smiling. I sometimes forget but Yoongi cares so much about me and my safety. "I love you Sumi, but follow your heart," he says. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a tight hug.

"Thank you," I say and I feel his arms slowly wrap around my waist.


The day has finally arrived. Today was the day we were going to record our song and send it in for the music competition.

We set everything up beautifully on the stage and practice one last time. Jungkook places his phone down in front of the stage and starts recording.

As he walks back to his seat by the drums, Yoongi gives us a quick pep talk, "Alright, we've practiced for a long time and I hope... no. I know we are gonna make it worth it. Even if we don't win or don't even come trough the first round, just know that I will be proud of what we've created. Alright, is everyone ready?"

Everyone nods their heads so Jungkook counts to three with his drumsticks which all makes us go into focus-mode and start playing.

After we finish Jungkook runs to his phone to turn off the recording as all the others applaud.

"Do we look good?" I ask while standing next to Jungkook who looks at the recording. "We look great but especially sound great," he says with a big smile.

After we've all seen the recording and decided that this take will do it Yoongi grabs his laptop and submits it to the music contest. "And... done!" he says before he closes his laptop.

"Now we just need to wait for the results," I sigh. "Don't worry about it," Seokjin says with a font smile as he pats me on the back.

"What Yoongi said, it doesn't matter if we win or not, we had a good time," Namjoon says.

"Should we celebrate by going out to eat together?" Taehyung suggests. "What is there to celebrate yet?" Seokjin laughs. "Uhm... nothing, but just because we submitted the song which we worked hard for!"

Everyone agrees so we go to the nearest restaurant while talking about all sorts of stuff on the way there.

Yoongi and I quietly walk behind while everyone in front of us is laughing out loud. We don't make eye contact or say anything. I want to break the awkward silence but I don't know what is right to say.

"You did good," leaves my mouth without really thinking about it. He looks at me with a kind of shocked face, not expecting me to talk I think.

"You did too," he says with a smile. "Thanks," I say and the awkward silence continuous.

"It's probably not the right time to ask you this but I have been curious," he suddenly says. "It's fine. Ask whatever you want," I say not expecting him to say anything like what he was about to ask.

"Did we have a relationship?" I look at him with big confusion, thinking hard of what to answer, "uhm... I guess... well, I think we did," I stutter.

"So we basically broke up?" he says more in a question type tone. "Oh shit... I didn't even think about it like that,"

His face suddenly turns pale.



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