7 [gay?]

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"Goodbye," I say to the bus driver as I leave the bus. With my headset on I walk towards my house and unlock the door. I drop my backpack on the ground following with myself. Today was a weird day, just like yesterday.

The argument with Jimin, then him with that girl, and don't forget the girls I overheard on the bus. Maybe I'm not the only one who is keeping secret's. Although I don't want to call my home situation a 'secret'. It's just that it's probably for the better if I don't tell anyone.

When the song I'm listening to ends I get up and walk upstairs to my room. I grab my pajama, my toothbrush, and some extra clothing and walk back downstairs. I get some unnecessary stuff out my backpack and put in my pajama, toothbrush and the extra clothing. Luckily I can still close it, but it's pretty crammed.

I trow my heavy backpack over my shoulder and leave again. While walking to the bus stop I text Jimin I'm on my way.


Once I arrive in Jimin's street I need to text him because I honestly forgot what his house number is. '110' he texts me so I walk up to the house with number 110 and ring the bell.

Jimin's parents aren't like crazy rich but my house compared to his makes it seem like a villa. "Sumi!" Jimin says as he opens the door, "Do you have your stuff?" he asks. "Of course," I say while holding up my backpack.

I sit down on the couch and Jimin immediately asks me if I want anything to drink. "Uh, just a water please," I respond as if I'm in a fancy restaurant. He comes back with two glasses of water, "Shall we just go upstairs already? We can watch a movie in my room," he suggest. I agree and we both walk to his room.

He walks in first and I follow. His room is insanely big compared to mine. It has a double bed and a large television in front of it. He jumps down on his bed and pats with his hand next to him, gesturing that I come sit next to him.

I walk up to his bed and sit beside him while he opens Netflix on the tv. "What do you want to watch?" he asks while skimming through all the movies. "You can choose something. Should I order food since it's almost dinner time?" I asks while already grabbing my phone out of my pocket. "Nah, we should eat together at this dining place near my house. It's so amazing," he says.

"Let's watch a bit of the movie and then eat and finish the movie once we get back home," I suggest and Jimin nods.

a bit later...

The movie Jimin chose isn't something I would normally watch but it's pretty fun. I look at my phone and see that it's almost 7:00 pm. "Shall we go now?" I ask while looking over at Jimin who's totally into the movie. "Oh, yes. Almost forgot," he chuckles while getting off his bed.

We both walk downstairs and chat some more about the movie while putting on our shoes and jackets. We leave his house and walk into the cold evening air. It's almost winter so the evenings start to become colder. "Let me hold your hand," Jimin says when he notices that I'm not wearing gloves. Awkwardly I put my hand in his and we continue walking. It did help though since my left hand wasn't cold anymore, but my right one was still freezing.

We arrive at the small restaurant and Jimin orders a table for the two of us. The waitress brings us to our table which is in front of a big window that looks right on the streets of the cute town Jimin lives near. The waitress gives us the menu and before she leaves we both order cola.

"You were kind of silent today at the studio," I suddenly bring up. Jimin looks up at me and I can tell he's thinking of something to say. "Was it because of me and Yoongi?"

"What do you mean?" he asks furrowing his brows. "Just admit to it," I say wanting to hear it from him. "Sumi, I have no idea what you're talking about," he says.

"Well, the way you talk about Yoongi. Don't you think that you might... you know? Like him?" I slowly say. He looks around as if he doesn't want people to listen along. "Why do you think that," he asks while leaning forward kind of whispering.

"The way you talk about him. You just seem in love with him. Like obsessed," I giggle. "You really think so?" The fact that he isn't denying it makes me even more suspicious.

"I'm not sure. I can't see or know exactly how you feel but how you seemed kind of jealous when Yoongi was playing that game today and when you always brought him up when we walked down the halls." His eyes widen, "I wasn't jealous."

"Well, why were you so silent and using your phone while you could have fun with everyone else," I ask. "But don't you like Yoongi?" he suddenly asks.

"What?" I say confused. Since the day Yoongi and I met, well basically since the night Yoongi and I met we immediately became so close. I really see him as a friend now and maybe even more. Today when he laid his hands on my hips it felt so surreal and amazing. His warm hands on my body was all I could think of at that moment and the way he whispered in my ear. It made me look at him differently. Maybe I do like Yoongi more than just friends.

"I really don't," I reply, "And besides, I knew you already had a crush on him. Friends don't steal each others crushes."

"But Yoongi is not gay, right?" Jimin asks. "I have no idea what his sexuality is, but if you really like him, just tell him. I'm sure that he still wants to be friends if he doesn't like you back," I say, trying to give Jimin hope.


We went back to his house after we continued chatting for a little longer and finished eating. "Let's finish watching the movie!" Jimin says excitingly and runs up the stairs straight into his room. I grab my pajamas and toothbrush out of my backpack and walk to his bathroom. I change into my pajamas and brush my teeth.

When I'm done I walk into Jimin's room and sit next to him, but this time under the sheets since my pajamas have shorts so my legs get cold quickly.

I rest my head on his shoulder. I try to keep my eyes open but slowly they become heavier so I close them and fall asleep while snuggling against Jimin's arm.


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