17. [knife trough my heart]

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"So we basically broke up?" I say in a more question type tone.

"Oh shit... I didn't even think about it like that." She replies with a laugh.

That sentence felt like a knife going trough my heart. She didn't think we had a relationship?

I hear her say something but I'm not listening. The only thing in my mind right now is how betrayed I feel.

All those moments, dates, late night walks, kisses and more were without any meaning? I thought we were in love.

"Yoongi!" Sumi says as she waves her hand in front of my face. I look at her but can't manage to say anything. All I wanted right now is just to go home.

"Are you okay?" she asks in a worried tone. I nod while staring straight ahead of me.

After a moment of silently walking next to each other I suddenly feel my fingers tingle. I look down and see that Sumi is brushing her hand against mine. I look up at her face but she doesn't look at me. She's just looking right in front of her as if she's not playing with my hand.

Slowly our fingers intertwine and we continue walking while holding hands. Sumi seems tense, which I think is because of Jimin.

When we arrive at the restaurant we all walk in and sit down at a big table. The waitress comes up to us and gives us the menu's and asks us what we want to drink so we all order something.

"I feel like there's such a big weight off my shoulders now that we submitted the song," Namjoon says while leaning back in his chair.

"Same, but after we get accepted all the stress will be back," Sumi groans.

"Were you guys that stressed?" Taehyung asks and almost everyone nods.

"When do we know the results?" Hoseok asks me. "I think tomorrow already," I answer.

"So then we'll know if we are actually as good as we think," Seokjin laughs.

After we had gotten our drinks and also ordered our drinks Sumi had to go to the toilet. She left the table and walked into the toilets direction.

"Now that Sumi is gone," Jungkook starts which makes our heads turn to him, "What is it between you and Sumi?" he asks, looking both at me and Jimin.

I turn my head to Jimin, hoping he'll answer first. "What do you mean?" he asks.

"You like her, don't you?" Jungkook chuckles. Jimin bites his lip and looks down shyly, "I guess."

Then all the eyes suddenly point towards me. "So what about you? Sumi and you have been hanging out a lot lately," Jungkook says. "Were just friends," I say but they won't believe me.

"Yoongi don't lie... you guys have definitely kissed already," Namjoon teases. "Stop it! And no we didn't," I say but again they won't believe me. I guess I'm a bad liar.

"It's fine if you want to keep it a secret," Taehyung says and before the others could laugh I stand up and stomp my way towards the toilets. I became so annoyed at their stupid assumptions. Especially now that Sumi 'broke up' with me it felt even worse.

I wait in front of the woman's restroom, knowing Sumi could walk out any second. When she finally walks out of the restroom she seems shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?" she asks.

"I wanted to talk some more about what you said earlier," I say. "What do you mean?" she asks. We both sit down on a couch that's standing there.

"You said you didn't really feel like we broke up," I start. "Well... not really," she answers, "Did you felt like it was a break up between us?"

I sigh deeply, "I thought our relationship meant a bit more to you."

"We never really made it clear that we had a relationship, but I'm sorry if I hurt you or anything like that," she says as she moves closer to me and holds her arm over my back as I lean forward, placing my head in my hands.

The feelings I feel right now are indescribable, in a bad way. The thoughts I had for the past month were one sided? Every time we were together was a moment I cherished. I cherished her, because I loved her... and still do.

"You understood why I broke it off with you, right?" she asks so I straighten myself and turn my head to make eye contact with her. "Because of Jimin," I reply coldly.

She sighs, "That's not true." My brows furrow at her response. "Well, it's kind of true, but it's mostly because I didn't want to hurt either of you. I knew that if I was going to continue like this I was going to hurt one of you either way. So I just wanted to end it before things would get too serious."

"So it wasn't serious?" I reply and before she could even think of something to answer I continue, "Everything we did together wasn't serious to you? Sumi, I don't think you realize how much I love you and how much I enjoy spending time with you. I would think of you every time you weren't around. I would look forward to our little dates and I would get excited every time you texted me. I was so madly in love with you," I chuckle when I think about how crazy I was about her.

Sumi just looks at me in disbelief. "You really felt that way about me?" she asks softly. "I still do," I say.

Our 'moment' was suddenly interrupted by Namjoon who came walking towards us. "Are you two still coming back to our table?" The both of us look up at him and then realize we've been sitting here for quite awhile.

We stand up and walk back to the table with all the others waiting for us. "They're finally back!" Jungkook exclaims when he sees us.

We both sit down in our seats and as I expected, the boys couldn't contain themselves. "How was your city trip to the other side of the world?" Seokjin laughs.

"You guys have been gone for at least 20 minutes," Jungkook says with his eyes wide. "I know, okay? Now shut up about it," I sigh and lean back in my chair.

"Oh, someone getting mad again?" Namjoon says in a baby voice.

"Again?" Sumi repeats confused. "When you went to the restroom we asked him some questions but he was being stubborn and didn't want to answer them so then he walked off, mad," Namjoon says.

"What kind of questions," Sumi asks and before the others could embarrass me more, I slapped my hand on the table and replied, "Nothing! They were just being annoying. I don't want to talk about it."

Fortunately for me the awkward silence was resolved by the waitresses who brought our food.

I looked up at Sumi as I was eating. She made eye contact with me but then quickly looked away and started a conversation with Taehyung who was sitting next to her.

When we were all done and left the restaurant Jungkook had the amazing idea to go to his house and spent the night there. Everyone agrees so I guess I don't really have a choice.

I honestly wish I could rewind this entire day.


I feel so bad for Yoongi ):


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