5. [guitar]

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After a long day at school and a busy evening at the cafe I finally go home. Once I have my pajamas on and I'm laying in my bed I start to think back to the conversation I had with Yoongi. Why did I accept to be in the band? When Jimin asked I declined but when he asked I didn't even think about it before I answered.

Suddenly I remember that a few years ago I played guitar. I was really good at it, because of my dad. He always played the guitar and one day I got one myself. I think I still have it somewhere.

I quietly get out of my bed and tiptoe downstairs. I open the back door which leads to the small, miserable garden. There used to be a big beautiful tree, but because my mom doesn't take good care of the garden, only a small brown twig remained.

I open the garage and see a lot of junk. I grab a big cardboard box that says 'Sumi'. It probably has some of my belongings from when I was younger. I put it down on the cold concrete floor and open the box. My eyes widen when I see all the little toys from my childhood.

With tears forming in my eyes and grab out a picture of me and dad. We both had the biggest smile as he held me in his arms. I wish I could still see him.

I put the picture in the pocket of my pajama pants and continue searching. Finally I find the guitar. It's still in good condition and it looks the exact same as it did a few years ago. With the guitar and the picture of dad I walk back to my bedroom.

I sit down on my bed and hold the guitar. I start playing and I'm impressed by how good I still am. It's definitely not perfect but it isn't bad either.

I stop when I hear my phone buzz.

02:24 am

💬 Messages
Unknown number

I open the message already knowing it must be Yoongi.

Unknown number


Hi, you must be Yoongi?
It would be really awkward if not :/

Yes it's me
I wanted to message you about the band ^^

you added a new contact:'Yoongi (:'

Why are u up so late lmao??

I could ask you the same...
I couldn't sleep ):


But anyways
about the band!
Tomorrow we will all meet in the old storage room that the school rebuild into a studio for us.

How often do you guys go there?

Almost everyday

Oh... well I actually have work pretty often :/
But not tomorrow!

I will see you tomorrow then,
but don't worry
you don't have to come everyday if you can't

I will try to

Now go sleep!

Goodnight (:

I was smiling at my phone once I laid it back on my nightstand. Talking to Yoongi is so calming. I make myself comfortable in my bed and go to sleep just like Yoongi told me.


I'm walking trough the school hallways trying to find the place where I would meet the other members of the band. After walking for a while I finally see a door with 'studio' on it.

I slowly open it and see Yoongi. When he sees me he waves and motions with his hand that I come in. I nervously walk towards him and another guy who is standing next to him.

"Hi Sumi!" he says happily. "Hi," I greet back.

"This is Hoseok," he says while shoving the boy next to him towards me. "Hello," the boys says with the biggest, maybe forced, smile. I say hello back and then look around the studio.

I see a small stage and a lot of instruments. At the back of the room I see Jimin sitting in a small couch. When we make eye-contact I quickly turn away from him.

a bit later...

Eventually all the other guys arrive. They all look really close even with Jimin, even though I never heard him talk about any of them except Yoongi.

"Guys, this is Sumi," Yoongi says while opening his arms to my side as if he's showing a statue which I basically am.

"Hello Sumi. My name is Jungkook," the boy next to me says. I smile at him and he immediately smiles back.

"You are a friend of Jimin, right?" Hoseok asks me. I nod while glanzing over to Jimin who refuses to make eye contact with me. The fact that he said 'a friend of' makes me confused. Does that mean that they know about Jimin's 'other' friends?

The other guys also introduce themselves, Seokjin, Namjoon and Taehyung.

Some time passes and I'm starting to get bored, so I walk to the instruments and grab the guitar. I know I'm probably going to hurt all their ears, but this is the perfect time to practice.

While concentrating I start playing.

Imagine it sounding somewhat like this ^

All the boys look up at Sumi. "I guess Sumi is the guitarist," Hoseok laughs. "Yeah, we still need to give everyone their roles in the band," Yoongi notices.

"We will be the rap-line, right hyung?" Namjoon asks Yoongi while grabbing Hoseok around his neck. "Sure," Yoongi answers.

Everyone gets silent when Jimin starts singing. "Ah, now I recognize it," Jungkook says, "Sunset with you."

Jungkook and Taehyung start singing along with Jimin but the only thing I can hear is Jimin's beautiful voice above all the others. His voice is so high pitched but still so beautiful. I never realized he could sing this good.

"Wow, you guys are really amazing," Namjoon says while clapping. The others clap too so Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin make a bow.

"Sumi is definitely going to be the guitarist," Namjoon adds. "Don't think so high of me. It was mostly their vocals that made it sound somewhat good," I laugh.

"Don't say that!" Jin says, denying my statement.

"Guys, honestly, I'm getting a bit bored," Jimin says. I look at him but he, again, quickly turns his face away from me. "We should play a game!" Taehyung says excitingly which makes us all laugh.

"I know a fun one. Alright, listen up," Taehyung starts.


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