23. [everything gone?]

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My head is empty. My hands are empty. My heart is empty. No one to think about. No one to hold. No one to love. The sudden feeling of loneliness creeps over my body.

With my eyes closed, my head on my pillow and my headset on I'm lying on my bed. No thoughts, just loud music blasting trough my ears.

It is three days after the show and I didn't hear anything from Jimin nor Yoongi. I felt lonely now that no one was there for me.

No one sent me a 'good morning' text. No one wanted to hangout. No one really cared anymore.

My calmness gets interrupted by a sudden knock on my bedroom door. "Come in," I say with a soft voice, assuming it's my mom.

I keep my eyes closed as I hear the door squeak and footsteps enter the room. Once I feel that someone sits down on my bed I open my eyes and see Yoongi.

I quickly sit up straight and get off my headset. When no words leave my mouth he speaks, "Jimin told me your address."

"Did you talk with him?" I ask. "We talked yesterday because I thought it was important."

"Important? Why?" I frown.

"I felt sorry for you and I was honestly quite mad at him for doing that to you. What he did was messed up but you handled it well. You forgave him and moved on. Yesterday we talked about you and ourselves. We've been pretty jealous of each other because of you, but now, after we've talked about everything, we both know we shouldn't be jealous of each other, never."

I kept nodding while he was talking. "So that's kind of why I'm here too," he says.

I tilt my head as a sign for him to keep talking. He sighs loudly before continuing, "We haven't talked in awhile, don't you think?"

"Don't exaggerate," I say but secretly I totally agree with him.

"You know I still love you, right?" he suddenly brings up. I look up at him with a frowning expression.

"I never stopped loving you when you told me I needed to."

"I never told you you couldn't love me," I reply.

"Well, even if you didn't, it did feel like it," he says, no longer making eye contact with me.

"I'm sorry," I say with a soft voice.

"We haven't talked for so long and even if you don't agree, I'm still standing by that point. I miss you so much, Sumi. Every day I think about you and how much fun we had before. I was so upset about it," he says, laughing a little.

"I miss you too, Yoongi. Don't act like you think I don't. Of course I miss talking to you and... and... you know, all the other stuff we did together," I say. He chuckles at the end of my sentence.

"You were so desperate for some attention," he chuckles. "What? No! What are you talking about?" I exclaim.

He starts laughing, his shoulders bouncing up and down. I admired him, because I love him when he laughs.

"You needed attention from either me or Jimin and you didn't care what the consequences were, you just wanted to feel loved," Yoongi says. "Was it that bad?" I ask.

"I didn't mind," he reassures me, "Well, sometimes I found it a bit annoying but don't worry about it. You're fine."

"When was I annoying?" I ask. "What do you think?" he answers bluntly.

I could think of something but I was too embarrassed to say that so I just said something else, "When I was spending time with Jimin?" I guess.

"Also, but the thing that I will never forget is how small, cute, but also how vulnerable and ignorant you looked when you were sitting on the counter top in Jungkook's house." Aha, exactly what I was thinking about.

"Vulnerable?" I repeat confused. "You know how you looked so stop acting stupid," he answers before he lays down on my bed.

I look at him for a moment before speaking, "So what do we do now?"


After two hours of constant talking I became hungry. "I'll order some pizza's, kay?" I say when grabbing my phone, which was laying on my nightstand.

Yoongi, who was still laying on his back, nods. I search for my favorite pizza shop nearby on google and select the pizza that I want; Pizza Margherita, can never go wrong. "What do you want?" I ask when looking at Yoongi.

"Which one did you pick?" he asks. "Pizza Margherita," I reply. "That's enough for both of us. I'm not that hungry," he says.

I nod and order one Pizza Margherita.

a bit later...

We were both on our phone when the doorbell rang. I jumped up and ran downstairs. I opened the door to look up at a tall boy with wet curly hair.

On my toes I looked over his shoulder to see that it was pouring rain outside. He smiled with a twinkle in his eyes when I brought my attention back to him.

"One Margherita?" he asks as he hands me the box. "Yes, thank you," I say and accept the box from him.

He keeps staying in front of me, our eyes not leaving each others.

Suddenly I felt a hand slide down my hip. I look up and see Yoongi giving the guy in front of me a deadly glare.

"Got the pizza babe?" he says when he looks down at me. My eyes widen but I just play along. "Yes, one Margherita," I smile awkwardly.

Yoongi looks back at the guy. "Thank you. Have a nice day," he says and closes the door when the guy turned around.

He grabs the pizza box from my hand and walks to the kitchen. "Oh yeah, sure, of course you don't have to acknowledge why the hell you just called me 'babe'," I roll my eyes.

"Don't mind it babe," he says as he lays the pizza box on the kitchen counter. "Shut up!" I laugh annoyed.

He turns around and walks towards me. His hand hits the door behind me. "I don't want you falling for another guy again. Now, you're only mine," he whispers.

Before I can react he walks back to the kitchen and opens the pizza box. He grabs a slice and lifts it up in the air before he takes a bite.

"What are you looking at? Come grab a slice!" He mumbles with his mouth full.


Wish I could eat a pizza with Yoongi [;


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