6. [your scent]

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"Turn around 10 times and then complete a task the others give you, while you're dizzy!" Taehyung says.

"That's the game?" Seokjin asks unimpressed. Taehyung nods confidently. Everyone sits down in a circle. I sit down between Jungkook and Jin.

"I'll start!" Hoseok yells while he excitingly jumps in the middle of the circle. "First, turn around 10 times," Taehyung says so Hoseok starts turning and everyone counts along.

"10!" Taeyung yells and Hoseok stops turning. "Perform your most difficult dance!" Jungkook yells. Hoseok starts dancing and surprisingly does it amazing. "Fun fact about Hoseok, he likes to dance," Jungkook whispers to me which makes me laugh because of course I didn't realize yet.

Hoseok almost trips but still gave an amazing performance. Everyone starts clapping and then the room goes silent except for Jungkook and Taehyung who are discussing something while whispering. Suddenly they both start laughing like crazy and point at Yoongi insisting he goes now. I try to overhear their discussing but I can't understand anything their saying.

Yoongi slowly gets up and walks towards the middle of the circle. "Close your eyes Yoongi!" Jungkook says. "What? That's not how we played it," Yoongi argues. "Sumi, go stand somewhere in the room, he will have to find you," Jungkook whispers to me. "Jungkook?" Yoongi says annoyed when he sees me stand up.

"Yes hyung?" Jungkook says chuckling. "Okay, no questions. Close your eyes," Taehyung demands. I walk around the circle and stop when I'm standing a few meters behind Hoseok.

"Do I need to spin now?" Yoongi asks with his eyes closed. "Yes, 10 times," Taehyung says while he stands up to help Yoongi so he doesn't fall. "What is my task?" Yoongi asked once he stops turning. "Find Sumi. With your eyes closed of course." Jungkook says with a smile on his face. "Ah, hide and seek!" Yoongi laughs.

He starts walking and almost bumps into Namjoon but manages to walk around him. "Make a sound," Hoseok whispers to me.

I make a soft "Pssttt," sound and Yoongi immediately turns around. "He heard you, Sumi!" Hoseok laughs while almost falling on his back.

Yoongi walks towards me as Jungkook adds even more tension with repeating, "closer, closer, very close now."

Yoongi is walking very slow like a little grandpa with his hands stretched out in front of him. Eventually he's only a few steps away from me. "I can smell you," he says which makes me laugh. I quickly cover my mouth but it was too late, he heard me.

With his hands stretched out on around hip-height he came walking towards me. I could feel everyone staring at us in dead silence. He stretches his arms and lays them rights on my hips.

"WHAAA!!!" the boys all start screaming so Yoongi opens his eyes and grins at me once we make eyecontact. "Wasn't that hard with your perfume," he laughs. "I don't wear perfume, but thank you that you like my scent," I whisper at him.

I look over Yoongi's shoulder at the boys and then look at Jimin who doesn't seem interested in the game as he's using his phone. Yoongi let's go of my hips which is low-key a relieve but also not, because it was kinda romantic.

We sit back down in the circle and I could tell Jimin was uncomfortable by the tension we created. When walking in the hallway an hour ago I wouldn't think this was going to happen.


We continued to play the game a little longer and then talked about the band. I became the guitarist as Hoseok and Namjoon already thought.

I actually enjoyed this afternoon so much. The guys were so nice to me and we had such a great time together. I really look forward to more of these after school meetings. I thought we were only going to make music and talk about music but I actually made many new friends.

"Sumi, do you maybe want to stay a bit longer?" Yoongi asks as he comes walking up to me while I'm trowing my backpack over my shoulder. "Oh, what's wrong?" I ask with a worried face.

"Nothing," he laughs, "I just wanted to spend some more time with you. If you'd like?" I look over at Jimin who is leaving the studio together with Taehyung. I really want to talk to him since I feel so bad about out argument yesterday.

"I'm so sorry, but I gotta fix things with Jimin." I actually would've loved to spend more time with Yoongi but my friendship with Jimin comes first. "It's fine. I completely understand. Maybe another time."

I nod at him and wave the others goodbye while walking out of the studio and looking around for Jimin. Not so far away from me I see him walking with Taehyung so I run after them.

"Jimin!" I yell and he immediately turns around. "What?" he asks, sounding kinda annoyed.

"I just- I just really need to talk to you," I start, "About yesterday." Taehyung notices it's about something private so he says goodbye and leaves us alone.

"About yesterday?" he asks. "Yes, I want to apologize." I say not being able to make eyecontact. "Sumi, just say what you want to say," he says.

"I'm sorry that I was being so stubborn," I say, "But, I want you to apologize as well."

"What? I only asked you one simply question. That is all you got mad about." His words made it feel like it was yesterday again. Just him... being stubborn and wanting to know my answer. We were both stubborn.

"You wouldn't let me have my privacy. It's my choice that I didn't want to answer you but you kept on asking," I say feeling like this conversation isn't going to make the situation any better since we are just arguing again.

"Honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal. I'm sorry I may have hurt your feeling but I really didn't mean it that way. I was only being my worried self," he says while a small laugh leaves his mouth.

"Thanks Jimin," I say when looking into his eyes.

"Are you free tonight?" His question startles me. "I am. Why?"

"Let's bring this argument to an end with a sleepover at mine," he suggests with a big smile. "That sounds great, but I do still need to pack some stuff."

"I can bring you home and then we can go to my house with your stuff." I widen my eyes and quickly decline his offer, "No, you don't have to. I'll be fine on my own."

"Why can I never come to your house? Does this have to do with the reason you were late?" He asks. I go silent.

"It's alright. Just do your thing."



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