18. [cozy pillows]

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Everyone quickly parted ways to get some stuff from their homes for the sleepover and around 10pm everyone arrived at Jungkook's house.

"I say we just sleep in the living room, lay down some mattresses and others can sleep on the couch," Jungkook suggests. "Sure, it's your house. You decide," Namjoon says as he lays down his stuff on the pile of bags.

We all grab mattresses and lay them down between the couch and tv. "I claim the couch!" Taehyung yells as he jumps down on the couch with his pillow. "Who's going to join me?" he asks because the couch is actually quite big so it could easily fit two people. We all wait for someone to volunteer but no one did which made us all laugh.

I already did feel a bit better since what happened at the restaurant. I'm still kind of irritated with them but I knew that that shouldn't destroy the fun I could have right now.

After an hour of getting everything ready we were all squeezed together on the couch. Jungkook in the middle, who was scrolling trough Netflix with Seokjin and Taehyung next to him, telling him what movie was good or bad.

"Just pick something! It's not that hard," Namjoon groans who's next to Seokjin. "Alright we got one," Jungkook says which all makes our heads turn to the screen to see It.

"Wow classic," Sumi says unimpressed who's sitting in-between Jimin and me. "I tried to tell him that but this man has never seen it!" Seokjin says, almost not believing it.

"Stop whining! We're watching this," Jungkook demands so everyone just agrees and gets comfortable to watch the movie.

Sumi maybe gets a bit too comfortable when she turn to her side with her butt against my hip. Her face turned to tv and her body curled against Jimin. My body tenses up as I feel her body against mine. When looking at her I notice her curves and god, just how pretty she is.

I feel bad for looking at her like that so I lift my eyes and start watching the movie like everyone else.

After the movie ends everyone is very tired so we all decide to go to sleep. Jungkook and Teahyung on the couch. Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon on the left side and then Jimin, me and Sumi on the right side of the living room.

I make myself comfortable under the small blanket I brought from home and close my eyes. "Goodnight," was the last thing I hear Sumi say before falling asleep.


I open my eyes and look around to see everything dark expect some light coming from the kitchen. I don't really want to investigate because I'm way too tired but when I turn on my side to see Sumi out of her bed I immediately stand up while rubbing my eyes and walk to the kitchen.

"Sumi?" leaves my mouth when I see her standing with her back faced to me in her pajama shorts and a small tank top. She turns around and a smile grows on my face when I see her puffy sleeping face.

"Oh, hi Yoongi," she kind of whispers. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Just drinking some water because I couldn't really sleep," she says as she shows me the cup she's holding.

"You can't sleep?" I ask with a worried face. She shakes her head as she takes a sip. "Can I help or do something... to make you sleep?" I ask, wanting to help.

"I don't know what you could do. I guess I just need a good hug," she says as she places her cup down on the counter without losing eye contact.

"You want me to hug you?" I ask to make sure. I don't just want to hug her right now if she didn't actually want me to.

She smiles as she opens her arms. I walk towards her and pull her into a hug. I rest my face on the top of her head as I feel her arms rub over my back.

We stand there, holding each other, for at least a minute or longer. When she slowly pulls herself out of the hug she looks up at me with an emotion on her face I can't describe.

"What's wrong?" I ask. She gulps before a smile grows on her face, "I love you." And before I can process that she gives me a peck on my cheek.

She wants to walk away but I grab her wrist and pull her back to me. Our eyes don't leave each other before she gives me a short kiss on my lips. I smile and kiss her back, this time not letting go.

I lift her body up and place her down on the counter. Her legs widen so I can stand in between them. My mouth leaves her lips and kisses her down her neck to her chest. Her face lifts up and I can hear a small moan leave her mouth.

"Stay silent. They will hear us," I whisper as I look up at her face. She smiles as she grabs my face with both her hands and kisses me. I can feel her lips being curved in a smile on mine.

Suddenly she pulls back and lifts her top over her head leaving a naked upper body. My eyes widen because I didn't expect this to ever happen, especially not tonight.

"What are you staring at?" she laughs as she grabs my shirt and pulls me closer against her and continues kissing me.

"Are you drunk?" I ask when our lips disconnect again. "No. Why would I be drunk?" she says with a confused expression. "I just didn't expect us to go this far," I chuckle shyly.

Her eyes lower and I notice she started thinking of something when I said that. "Why are we making out exactly?" I ask. She looks up at me again but doesn't answer.

"It isn't because you love me. It's just because you have the need to be loved," I state.

"You love me," she answers. "I do," I reply, "but I'm not doing this if you're not feeling the same."

"Please, just for now," she begs. I look at her, sitting on the counter without her top on. "Ask Jimin, but I won't," I say and turn around to leave the kitchen.

Behind me I hear her jump off the counter and run towards me. She hugs me from behind with her arms wrapped tightly around my body.

"Yoongi I need you," she whispers with a trembling voice.


Honestly, she's making me confused too


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