9. [I like you]

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While laying on my side with my head towards the wall I can hear Jimin enter the bedroom after he brushed his teeth. He lays down behind me and makes himself comfortable.

I don't know what it's been with me for the past days but especially yesterday, when I spent an entire day alone with Jimin, it made me feel something. It felt like we weren't just friends. Even tough we didn't do anything romantically it just felt like I was spending a day with my boyfriend.

Suddenly I feel movement behind me. I turn to lay on my back and look at Jimin who seemed to have moved a bit towards me. "If you want to lay against me you can just ask," I say and see his cheeks turn red immediately.

When he doesn't answer I just shrug and lay back on my side. After a moment of silence Jimin clears his throat, "Can I lay against you?" I chuckle softly at how cute he sounds. "Sure," I reply.

He moves closer to me until we are spooning. His arm is under my head and his other arm is around my waist. "Are you comfortable?" he asks softly. I nod and snuggle my head into his arm while holding onto his hands. "Goodnight Jimin."

"Goodnight Sumi."


"Are you sure you have everything?" Jimin asks while opening the front door. I nod and walk outside. "I really enjoyed this weekend together," I say meaning it from the deepest of my heart. This weekend was better than any weekend I had ever experienced after dad left.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" he yells while I leave the driveway. "See you tomorrow!" I yell back.

After I leave a friends house I'm always a bit sad. I just wish this could last forever. 'This' as in being together with them.

When I leave Jimin's street I walk to the small town. I don't want to go home just yet and remembering Friday and how nice the food was and how cute the town was I know I want to visit one more time.

I enter a small store with the cutest little items. Like the items you would never think of wanting until you see them in a store like this. I grab two small cat figurines and walk to the cashier which is a girl around my age.

"Hello," she greets politely. "Hi, these two please," I say as I lay the two figurines on the counter in between us. She scans them and then asks, "Is that everything?" I want to reply but I get interrupted when someone lays a book on the counter and says, "This one too please."

I look at the person who just randomly interrupted my order but before I could get mad I notice it's Yoongi. He doesn't seem to acknowledge me since he doesn't make any eye contact and just pays. After he payed for the figurines and the book he shoves the cat figurines in my hands and leaves the store without saying anything. I thank the girl for her service and quickly follow him.

"Yoongi! What was that for?" I say when he finally stops walking. He turns around to look at me and with a cold voice says, "I saw you with Jimin," he stays silent for a moment before continuing, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys were together," He lowers his face and wants to turn around again but I stop him when I lay my hand on his upper arm.

"What do you mean? Wait, you think Jimin and I are together?" He doesn't want to make eye contact but nods. "Jimin and I are just friends. What made you think we are more than that?" I let go of his arm and wait for a reaction. "I saw you in the restaurant on Friday evening. I was walking by and saw you trough the window sitting across from Jimin. You both leaned forward and your faces were so close together. I really thought you were going to kiss so I kept walking," he says while getting kind of embarrassing.

I laugh awkwardly, knowing what Jimin and I were actually talking about as we leaned toward each other. "Jimin and I are just friends, really." He sighs with relief. "I was scared, Sumi, because I didn't want to interfere in your relationship. I actually really like you and the last two days I was afraid you were already taken."

His words make me melt. The fact that he would be so respectful if I was actually in a relationship means a lot to me. "Wait, you like me?" I say as my thought trails back to what he actually just said. "I know we don't know each other for that long, but in the past few days you've really stolen my heart," he gets shy as he tells me this which makes me giggle.

Yoongi holds his hand out to me so I lay my hand in his. His hands are big and warm just like the night when I collapsed. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" he asks.

I nod and start walking while holding his hand tightly. We walk along a beautiful river with big trees and cute flowers surrounding it. Yoongi suddenly stops so I do too. I look up at him but he just seems to be staring at the river, lost in his thought. "Yoongi?" I say in a soft, questioning voice that takes him out of his thoughts. He looks at me and I can see that his cheeks are turning red.

"Sumi... I really really like you," he says while standing in front of me. I want to answer with 'me too' but I can't. I don't know if I like Yoongi that much yet. I've definitely developed a little crush in the last few days, but I don't think it's more than that just yet. So I reply with, "Thank you," which I immediately regret. It sounds so selfish and he clearly noticed that I was being a bit clumsy with my words.

Suddenly he grabs my hips and pulls me closer towards him. In shock I lay my hands on his chest and look up at his face. His eyes look down at my lips and then back up at my eyes.

Wait... is this the moment? Am I going to kiss him? NOW?


They're so awkward lmao


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