12. [drunk]

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Jimin pushes the door of the loud club open for me to walk in first. I walk in meeting eyes with a buff guy who's probably a bouncer. Jimin follows close behind me as we walk into the crowd of people. At my left I see a bar with many people sitting around it.

Jimin grabs my hand and pulls me behind him towards the bar. He sits down on one of the bar chairs so I do the same and sit down next to him. "Two Coke's please," he asks the bartender.

"It's so crowed," I almost scream because otherwise he wouldn't be able to hear me. He nods while looking around at all the people.

Suddenly his eyes meet someone else's and a smile grows on his face. He turns to the bartender who places our drinks on the bar, grabs his drink and gets of the bar chair. "Follow me," he yells.

I get off my bar chair with the drink in my hand and follow Jimin. We walk to the back of the club where it's luckily a bit quieter.

Jimin walks towards a group of maybe four people but before I walk towards them too I notice one of the girls. The girl that I met in the washrooms at school and the girl that was so close with Jimin in the park.

I see Jimin hugging one of the guys and then walking towards her. He hugs her too, but a bit longer. Maybe it's just my jealousy but I swear that is not a hug you would give a girl your just friends with.

I roll my eyes and walk towards them. "Guys, meet Sumi," Jimin says while holding his hand on my back. I flash a smile at the four of them. "Wait, I know you," the girls says and thinks for a moment, "Oh, I met you in the washrooms. Is it going better with you now?" I nod while noticing Jimin gives me a confused look.

"Let's enjoy tonight and not think about that asshole that dumped you," she says.

"What? Asshole that dumped you?" Jimin whispers in my ear. "It's nothing," I tell him.

The girl runs into the crowd and starts dancing. The other guys and another girl start dancing along with her. She's definitely the outgoing party animal.

Jimin looks at me with a smirk on his face. "What?" I asks confused at his sudden look. "Nothing," he whispers into my ear but then out of nowhere lifts me up in bridal style. "Jimin! Let me go!" I scream while laughing.

He puts me down but keeps his hands around my hips and stares deeply into my eyes. I get shy at his sudden attention towards me and start blushing. Luckily for me the lights are crazy in the club so he can't see it.

Jimin suddenly pulls me closer to him. "I don't know what you are doing to me Sumi, but I like it," he whispers.

He lets go of me and walks towards the other as if nothing just happened. I follow him with my gaze. "What are you waiting for?" he yells so I run towards them and also start dancing.


"Sumi! I need your help!" A guy named Yugyeom, which is one of Jimin's friends, calls for me. I look at him and see him looking stressed. I run towards him, "What's wrong?"

"Jimin, he drunk too much!" he says while breathing heavily, "We need to carry him out of here."

"Where is he?" I asks and Yugyeom immediately starts walking. I follow him and see Jimin laying against the wall with burning red cheeks. I run towards him and lift him up together with Yugyeom. We leave trough the emergency exit and slowly let him down on the sidewalk.

"Will he be fine with you?" Yugyeom asks. I nod and sit down next to Jimin who is still unconscious. "Great," Yugyeom says and goes back inside.

I take a deep breath in and out and look over at Jimin who seems to regain consciousness. "Jimin, are you okay?" I asks when seeing that he opened his eyes and made eye contact with me.

"I have a fucking bad headache. Ah I shouldn't have drunk so much," he sighs. "Just rest here for a moment. You'll be fine," I say.

He sits up straight and looks at me. His red eyes don't hold back and look me up and down multiple times. "Jimin!" I say. He looks up at me and smirks. I scoff while turning my face away from him.

"You are together with Yoongi, aren't you?" he suddenly asks which makes me turn my head back towards him with a confused look. "Why are you suddenly asking that," I ask, knowing it could be because he's drunk. "I just thought so," he says.

"Well, we aren't official, but we have been hanging out a lot and having a lot of fun together," I say while smiling thinking about him, but stop when I see Jimin's face, "What? Can't I have fun with Yoongi?"

"No." Is the only word leaving his mouth. "Why not?" I ask annoyed. He shrugs, not giving me a clear answer.

I take my phone out of my small bag and see that it's already 2:00 am. "We should go home. Can you walk?" I ask as I stand up. Jimin looks at his legs like a little kid and shrugs again. "Give me your hands," I say while holding my hands out. When he grabs my hands I pull him up making him stand right in front of me. "Are you good?" I ask while holding his waist.

"I'm always good when I'm with you," he says which puts a smile on my face.


Jimin falls with his back on my bed and closes his eyes. "I'm going to change right now. Stay here," I say while leaving my room and walking to the bathroom. While walking to my bathroom I feel weird, knowing it's from Jimin being here. I had no other choice because if I would bring him to his own house his parents would see him all drunk like this and maybe even get mad at him.

Jimin is drunk right now so it can't cause any harm. He will not remember this tomorrow so he will not be able to remember my house or my living condition. I sigh deeply and open the door of the bathroom.

I lay my pajama on the edge of the bath and start changing. When I already put on my top and pull up my shorts, I hear a voice, "you're so beautiful." With wide eyes I look up seeing Jimin leaning against the doorframe.

"How dare you come in while I'm changing!" I scream while walking towards him, wanting to push him but instead he grabs my wrists right in my movement and holds me against him. I look up seeing a smirk on his face.

"Oh I'm so done with you," I say reminding him of how awful he was when I tried to walk home with him. He wouldn't stop laughing and he couldn't even walk straight. He chuckles but stops when I push him away from me.

"Not funny Jimin! Just go lay in my bed and don't ever walk in on me changing again." I close the bathroom door and lock it. When I look at the bathroom I notice I was already done changing so there was no reason for me to close the door. I brush my teeth and walk to my room seeing Jimin laying on my bed.

I walk towards him and smile when I see that he totally passed out. "Sleepyhead," I say while looking at him. I close the door of my room and lay a blanket on the floor. I grab a big pillow and my favorite plushie and make myself comfortable.

When I'm about to close my eyes and fall asleep I hear a voice from behind me, "Come lay here."



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