22. [drama]

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We walk backstage and everyone there also gave us an admirable applause. A girl comes up to me who is about to have her performance and says, "You were amazing!"

"Thank you so much," I reply. "Please teach me where I can find such a cute guy," she whispers in my ear. I laugh. She walks past me while giving the others compliments and walks on stage.

When following the girl with my gaze my eyes land on Jimin's. He smiles so I smile back but suddenly his smile fades. His eyes aren't looking in mine anymore but rather slightly to my side.

I turn around and he was indeed not looking at me anymore but at a girl who comes stomping up to us. The girl pushes me aside and stands face to face with Jimin.

"How dare you?!" she yells while laying a hand on his chest. My eyes widen, not understanding the situation.

"Please, I can explain," Jimin says, trying to get the girl off him. "Why the hell did you kiss that girl?!" she almost screams because of her anger.

I walk over to Jungkook to get a better view of the conversation, which I should better call the argument. Jungkook looks at me with the same confused look on his face as me. We both shrug our shoulders and look back at Jimin.

"Seoyeon, it was just for the performance!" Jimin says. A frown appears on my face because the kiss was everything but planned. "She's just a friend," he continues.

My face turns emotionless when I hear those words leave his mouth. Jungkook and the other guys start to pick up on what was going on. Jimin takes a quick glance at me before pushing the girl towards the hallway where she came from. He closes the door behind them and leaves us all confused.

"What the fuck was that about," Taehyung scoffs. Jungkook puts his hand on my shoulder which makes me turn towards him and the other guys. "There must be something going on between them," Namjoon says.

"Who even was that girl?" Seokjin asks, "I've never seen her before."

Suddenly a memory comes up into my head. The time when I heard those girls talk about Jimin. I did kind of remember how they looked and I must say the girl that Jimin was talking to just now looked quite like one of those girls. 

"She hung out with Jimin a lot after school," Hoseok points out. "Oh, I remember that. Seoyeon was her name right?" Jungkook responds. Hoseok nods.

"Who?" I ask. "You know the park next to our school right? Well, he went there with her very often. If I remember correctly it was around the time when you joined the band," Hoseok answers.

The girl on the bench. The girl I spotted who was so close with Jimin in the park. "I think I know her," I say, "but what was the argument about?"

We all turn our heads when Jimin walks inside the room. His head is turned down. He slowly walks towards us and then lifts his head to look at everyone except me.

"Explain," Yoongi says with his arms crossed, looking very intimidating. "It was Seoyeon," he says, "She was mad."

"We get that, stupid. But why?" Jungkook asks. Jimin stays silent for a while before he turns his head towards me, "I think it's better if we talk about this alone."

I nod but before I could move Namjoon grabs Jimin's shoulder. "No, you both stay here and tell us everything."

Jimin gulps before sitting down on the nearest table. We all stand around him and wait for him to tell us what this was about.

"The girl I just had an argument with was Seoyeon. I've known her for a long time. She always told me she liked me which really flattered me. We started hanging out more after the time Sumi joined the band and I slowly developed feelings for her. If I think back on that time right now, nothing of that should have happend. I don't know why but my feelings went in all directions and I developed crushes on other people too," he begins.

I glance over at Yoongi. We both know but don't say anything. Jimin told me about his crush on Yoongi around that time too. I still find it cute to this day, but hearing that he had crushes on more people at that moment shocks me because I never knew about anyone else than Yoongi or me. Knowing he was thinking about other people disappoints me.

"As time went by, crushes went away expect for two. Her and Sumi. We kept staying in contact up to the point we almost wanted to make it official, but I couldn't. I knew I would upset, not only Sumi, but also you guys. She was mad about the kiss because she didn't know about you," he says as he looks at me, "but you also didn't know about her. I've been unfair and I wish that I could rewind everything and not do such stupid things. I really apologize out of my heart," he lays his hands on his chest and looks at me.

My eyes widen as I look at the other guys with shaking pupils. "Promise you won't ever do this again?" Yoongi asks. "I promise," Jimin answers. "Make your decision," Yoongi says.

"Decision?" Jimin repeats confused. "Sumi chose, now you. Do you choose Seoyeon, Sumi or neither of them?"

Jimin thinks for a bit as he looks at me again. "I choose Sumi,"


Everyone's head turns to me. "No. Choose her. If you really love her then you should be with her and give her the love she deserves. Remember that you are in the wrong here. She's totally innocent," I say as I also look at the other guys, "She loves you and you betrayed her, but maybe there is still a change that you will end up with her and I will support you."

"What about us?" Jimin says. "We stay the same, best friends. Just like we've always been and just like we always will be," I say proudly. Jimin smiles at me, "Of course."

I walk up to him and give him a hug. Once I feel his arms wrap around my back I tighten my grip  for a moment and then let go.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. "I forgive you, Jimin," I whisper back.



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