Chapter 2

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Mrs. Dandridge

I was finishing up grading papers when there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called, looking towards the door. "Hey Mrs. Dandridge, just getting the trash. You're here awfully late." I looked up from the computer as Mr. Johnson began to pick up the trash bin. "Hey, can I check something really quick. I think I dropped something in there accidentally." I stood and walked over to the trash bin as he extended the can out to me. I looked around the bin before finding exactly what I was looking for.

"You know what Mr. Johnson, can I actually hold on to this? Theres some papers in here I tossed but I actually need them." He shrugged his shoulders, "Suit yourself. Night Miss." I gave him a small smile as he exited the classroom. I looked down into the bag, pulling out a piece of one of the ripped pages. I could hardly tell what it said, but I was able to make out a tiny bit of what appears to be Dear Mr or Mrs. This may be invading her privacy, but she was working on it the entire class and I just cant seem to understand why she'd just rip it up. Charlotte has always been an amazing writer and I would love to read another of her pieces.

I walked to my desk, bag in hand, as I closed out the web browser and locked the computer. I grabbed my purse from behind the chair and headed out towards the front entrance. I made my way out to the teachers parking lot where my Mercedes truck awaits me. I sat the trash bag in the back seat along with my purse as I started to pull out of the parking lot. I needed to make a quick stop at the mini mart thats just a few blocks from the school. I pulled into the parking lot of the store and turned off the car. As I was walking in the store suddenly I was knocked down by a person running out of the building.

I fell to the ground but before I caught a glimpse of the person that had been laying on top of me they were snatched up by the collar. As I picked myself off the ground I saw her. Charlotte. "Let me go!" She was yelling. I dusted off my dress, "What in the world is going on here? Charlotte, are you okay?" It was as if I was talking to myself because her eyes never left the ground. Her lips never moved. "You know this little thief?" The man asked me, which I could now see he was the security guard. "Thief?" I repeated, my eyes flickering back and forth between he and Charlotte. She was still trying to break from his grasp.

"Yeah, thief! She's got a book-bag full of shit!" The guard said as he managed to unzip her bag. Revealing items. I wouldnt say the bag was 'full of shit' necessarily. I noticed a few things, chips and juice. And something else I couldnt really see. "Lets go, I'm calling the cops." The man said as he started to turn and leave with her. "Wait, Im sure its a misunderstanding. She's one of my students." "Nothings misunderstood here. This is the second time today she's been in here. No telling what she made off with before." I could see the look on Charlottes face. Embarrassment.

"Here." I said reaching into my wallet and pulling out a twenty dollar bill. "I'll pay for whatever she's taken. Please dont get the police involved." As I was handing him the money Charlotte brought her hand up to stop me. "No." She said. "You dont have to do that. Please dont." That was the first time she brought those gray eyes to meet mine. "Its fine, honestly." I said, handing the man the money. "Please, just let her go." He hesitated for a moment before finally letting her go. She pushed past me and ran out of the store. "Charlotte, wait!" I called behind her. I thanked the security guard before running out of the store.

I went outside and ran to the corner, looking down the street and I saw her walking. "Charlotte, please wait!!" I yelled out to her. She finally stopped, allowing me time to catch up to her. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked her, her eyes still lowered as she simply nodded. She never makes eye contact with me. Not even in school. Its like I'm intimidating. "What was all that back there? Why did you take those things?"

She didn't respond, and silence soon fell over us. I sighed. "Charlotte do you need money? I can give yo— "No!" She said, almost yelling. Which caused me to raise an eyebrow. Her cheeks turned red as she dropped her head again. "Sorry, I just.. Im fine. Honestly." I sighed. "Well where are you off to?" I asked her. "Umm.. Im just gonna head home." "And where is home? May I ask.." "Just over on Harbor & 5th." "Harbor & 5th.." I repeated as I tried to imagine the location. "Newbury Park?" I asked her. She nodded. "Thats at least a twenty five minute walk Charlotte. Do you need a ride?" I offered. "No, it's fine. I've walked it before. Im okay." Does this girl agree to anything? Geez. "Charlotte I can drop you off, its no problem." "Thank you for the offer Mrs. Dandridge, but Im okay."

I walked closer to her and placed my hand under her chin. Lifting her head. "Charlotte look at me." For a moment I could have sworn the breathing hitched in her throat as her gray eyes caught a hold of mine. I don't think I've ever noticed how beautiful and big they are. I quickly dropped my hand and cleared my throat. "Its dark out. I am going to drive you home. So lets go sweetie." I turned around and began walking towards the parking lot and I didn't hear any footsteps behind me. I turned to see her still standing there as if she was pondering over whether or not to follow me. "Charlotte!" I said snapping her out of her thoughts. "I wasn't giving you an option, I was telling you. Come on." She sighed but began to move and I waited until she was next to me before I led her through the parking lot and towards my car.

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