Chapter 5

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I made it through the weekend which I didn't think I could. I was still coming down from all that happened Friday night. I couldn't believe she gave me her number, but I didn't bother to use it. Instead I spent majority of the weekend staring at the number like a creep. I wanted to... God knows I did. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Im sitting in my trigonometry class watching the clock tick down the final seconds before I have Mrs. Dandridges' class. My palms are sweaty. Im nervous. My heart rate is picking up. All because I haven't seen her since Friday and I don't know if its going to be awkward or what. The bell finally rang and I slowly stood. Leaving the classroom and making my way over to the english hall. I approached the door and saw her at the board scribbling down what was probably our assignment for the day.

She wore this black quarter sleeve dress that came just below her knees. She had a red blazer draping over her shoulders, a pair of red heels strapped across her feet. Her beautiful hair was pulled back into a ponytail today, and glasses sat atop her face. She looked beautiful as always. I entered the room just as she turned around. "Good morning Charlotte." I gave her a small smile as I headed to my seat. Whenever she spoke to me it made me nervous. I never know how to respond. And I couldnt bring myself to look into her hazel eyes.

As the class started to fill she finished up whatever she was writing on the board and turned around. Waiting for the class to all take their seats. "Hello class." She spoke. "I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to get back to work." She walked around to the front of the class. "Today's assignment should be fairly easy yet it requires you to be creative. I want you to create a poem or short story that describes either a person, place or object that makes you feel something. You know, that something you just cant put your finger on but it gives you a sense of calmness." She continued while walking around the room. "I want you to be as descriptive as you can. You dont have to say what or who it is, I really want you to describe how it makes you feel." She took a seat behind her desk. "I'll give you ...lets say 30 minutes? Then we'll use the last twenty to read a few if you'd like."

Everyone began working quietly. The good thing about this class is there are no smart asses or anyone who complains about an assignment. They started working while I stared at the blank notebook in front of me. To be honest, there wasn't anything that gave me any sense of calmness. I feel like I've always been on pins and needles since I've been on my own. But I guess there was something that gave me feelings in which I couldnt explain.

As beautiful as the rising of the sun
The softest skin I ache to touch
Eyes made of heavens clouds
That entrap me way too much
My heart skips-it drops
My knees often grow weak
A voice made up of a thousand angels
Its soothing when you speak
Beautiful is a simple word
And gorgeous just wont do
I would search the night for a thousand stars
And bring them home to you
Your body is nothing short of mesmerizing
And I struggle to catch my breath
I'll lower my head when you catch my gaze
As I wonder to myself
If only Id been here for years before
But I know we would never be
Yet I thank God for creating such a work of art
And placing on Earth for me

I dropped my pen as I looked up at the clock. Seeing we had about two minutes left. I looked towards her desk as she was entrapped in a book probably not noticing how time has flown by. I began to doodle on my paper as I waited for further instructions. "Okay guys! You all were working so hard I can't wait to hear what you've come up with. Would anyone like to share?" A few hands went up as I slouched in my seat hoping to avoid being called on. After a few kids went I heard my name.

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