I have always been quite fond of women. And as time goes by, the attraction has not wavered. I have always known the truth of my sexuality. But my fascination with you goes beyond that. I could not be more intrigued by you. The essence of your prese...
Abby and I had been shopping literally all morning. Since she's basically forcing me to go to homecoming tonight, so we had to find something for me to wear. She picked out a dark red dress with quarter sleeves that came just below my knees, but hugged my body tightly, and a pair of beige heels that tied up around my ankles. I had no idea how I was going to walk in those things. We left the mall a minute ago and were now on our way back to her house just to relax until the dance tonight.
After we had dinner with her mom yesterday we went up to her room and I ended up telling her everything about Rosalynn. From start to finish. How long I've loved her, and even that I thought she loved me back. The kiss, the letter .. everything. I cried throughout while recapping those events. She was shocked to say the least. But she told me she understood and now that I was eighteen, maybe things would work out. I wont hold my breath on that though. She promised me she would never tell anyone about us. That I was her best friend and she thought Rosalynn was a great teacher. So she wouldn't want to hurt either of us. It was comforting to finally say those things out loud as they had been eating me alive simply consuming my thoughts. I asked how she knew anything was up with us though. She said she could just tell. The day after I dropped her class, Rosalynn wasnt herself. She looked tired. She said she was in a pretty bad mood for a while. But it was nothing I did to make her put two and two together. It was more so Rosalynn.
She went on to say she would catch her eyeing me down the hall a lot. Even one time she came into the cafeteria and watched us for a while. She then left out seemingly in a hurry. Abby said that she told me she had to go use the bathroom but she really went to her classroom. When she opened her door she saw her sitting at her desk crying. When Rosalynn jumped up her cheeks were puffy and her eyes burning red. Abby said she made up some excuse as to why she was there, but from then on out she knew something was up. After a while we were pulling into her driveway. We grabbed the bags out of the back seat then went up to her room.
"So. I was thinking we should do something different with your hair for tonight." I sat down on her bed as I eyed her suspiciously. "Like what?" She paced back and forth whilst tapping her finger on her chin. "We should cut it! Ohh.. and dye it too!" I stared at her. Surely she has lost her mind. "Are you nuts? I am not cutting my hair! No way." "Ohh come on Char. Lets do it! You know Ms. Dandridge is going to be there tonight. Imagine the look on her face when she sees a new and improved you!" Sighing, I went over to her vanity as I looked at myself in the mirror. Running my hands through my long blonde hair I thought to myself I could use a change. And it would be nice to see what Rosalynn thinks about it. I turned around to face her, "What did you have in mind?" She squealed as she jumped up and down. She grabbed her computer chair and forced me to sit in it. Bringing me in front of the vanity as she pulled my hair on both sides of my shoulders. "Im thinking.... maybe take off a few inches? Then we can do maybe a deep brown dye? Something dark for sure!" I looked over my long blonde locs that have been with me the past eighteen years. That held a lot of pain, hurt.. tragedy. But I knew this could be good for me. Its time to let go.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I asked her, becoming a little hesitant to let another teenager cut and dye my hair. "Absolutely. This is what I wanna do after school. I've taken a bunch of cosmetology classes. I promise you're in good hands." Nodding, I turned around facing the mirror. "Okay. I trust you. Lets do it." We went downstairs and into a room that looked like it may have been a study before, but was now like a mini hair salon. I've been to Abbys house a few times, but I've never noticed this room. Probably because the door was always shut. "My dad did all of this for me about two summers ago. I had to beg and show them that I was really serious about doing this stuff professionally." There was a little hair washing sink. A station with multiple hair supplies. She began rumbling through drawers until she found all that she needed. "Okay. Ready?" I nodded, as she motioned for me to take a seat in the chair in front of her. I sat down and she threw a cape over me. "Okay so how short can we go." She said as she held scissors in her hands. "You have total control. So do whatever. Im trusting you so I better not look like a boy."
I felt her take a handful of my hair, measuring its length with her fingers. Trying to figure out how short she wanted to go. The next thing I know, my blonde hair begins falling on the floor. I closed my eyes as I took it all in. This was really a big change for me but I feel like its a step in the right direction. A lot has changed in just two months. Im starting to feel like maybe I can be a regular teenager. Maybe life doesn't have to be so cruel, maybe I can actually be normal.
There were no mirrors in this room so I couldnt see how I looked now that she had finished cutting. But I could definitely tell it was extremely shorter, my head didnt feel as heavy. "Okay. That looks good to me. Lets start the coloring now." She opened up a few boxes, and began mixing things together. Once she was ready she began the process. We talked a bit more as she was working. Telling me how Rosalynn wont be able to keep her eyes off of me tonight. That she was sure her jaw would drop once she saw me. All of that sounded good but there was something in the back of my mind that just thought it wasnt going to happen. I mean hearing Abby tell me about her state of mind after what happened between us did make me feel like maybe we stood another chance. Maybe this was something worth fighting for. She misses me as much as I miss her and perhaps we could just figure it all out. But if all of that is true, why didnt she make any effort to contact me? If she watches me so much, why hasn't she called, or stopped by? That just lets me know that we could never work. No matter how much we both want it. Too great of a risk.
After what seemed like forever, Abby was finally done with my hair. She had been jumping up and down, excited for me to see it. She had me stand in front of a wall so she could take my picture. Saying she needed it to add to her portfolio. She snapped the photo with her camera then turned it around to show me.
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My eyes went wide. I could not believe the girl in that photo was me. My hair was.. beautiful. I immediately started balling my eyes out. "Shit, hey whats wrong? You dont like it?" I shook my head, "No.. no its not that. I fucking love it! I just.. I cant believe that girl is me." She pulled me into her and wrapped her arms around me. "Charlotte you are beautiful you know that right? With or without the haircut. I mean, how many girls do you know can make a almost thirty year old woman fall for them? You're hot Char! Dont ever forget that."
I squeezed her so tight. "Thank you Ab. I love my hair and I'm glad to have you in my life. You are amazing. And you are going to be the best hair stylist in the world!" I told her honestly. She smiled, "Thanks Char. Now come on. Lets go start getting ready for tonight!" She took me by the hand and led us up the stairs.