Charlotte"...if you're okay with talking it out, please call me..."
I havent gotten any sleep since reading Rosalynn's letter. I have been fighting myself on whether or not I should call her. Its been three days since I got the letter. I mean.. it's only fair to hear her out right? I know I've been foolish when it comes to her. She's taken my emotions through hell and back. She admits she has feelings for me but in the same breath she pulls away. Part of me feels like I need to just let this go. I never imagined we would even be in this situation and I'm starting to wonder if its even worth it. I honestly hate how much I love her because it's driving me insane. I've contemplated calling her because I'm still very much angry with her. But I know we certainly need to have a conversation.
I spent all day straightening up the house. By the time I finished it was already almost four pm. I got out the shower and threw on a pair of black sweats And a white crop top. I've been thinking about when I should call her. I dont want it to be too late right? I went over and grabbed my phone, then sat on the edge of the bed. I know that I deleted her number, as well as any text threads.. but of course I had it memorized.
I sat for a moment before finally dialing her number. I brought the phone to my ear and closed my eyes. The line rang three times before she picked up. "Hello?" My breathing hitched in my throat and I couldn't find my voice. "Charlotte, are you there?" I still said nothing. A single tear rolled down my face. There's no way I can sit in front of her with a brave face. Just the sound of hearing her voice after so long is enough to break me in two. After a few moments of silence, I let out a shaky breath. "I.. I got your letter. If you're free, you can stop by." "Oh .. yeah .. yeah I'm free. Should I come now, is that okay?" I let go of my bottom lip before my teeth went through. "Sure." I ended the call and fell back onto the bed. I know it will be at least thirty minutes before she gets here. All I can do now is wait.
About thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door. I had been sitting on the couch downstairs since we got off the phone. My palms were sweaty. My heart was racing. Picking up speed the closer and closer I got to the front door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. For the first time in months we were standing face to face. Her hair was up in a high ponytail. She wore a white long sleeved shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans. Gucci belt on display to go with the designer bag that hung onto her shoulder. All complemented the pair of black booties she wore. I could tell she had a little bit of make up on and I couldn't help but wonder if she gotten all dressed up and pretty..for me? I cleared my throat and stepped to the side. "Um..hey. Come in." She stepped inside and stood there. I must admit it's a bit awkward standing here with her. I could tell she was nervous. "Can I get you anything to drink?" "Yeah um.. water is okay, thanks." I told her she could have a seat in the living room while I grabbed us something to drink.
I grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge for her, but opted to pour myself a glass of wine. Probably not the best choice but I'm already on edge and my nerves are getting the best of me. Besides, we all know alcohol is the ultimate truth serum. I came into the living room and saw her sitting on the love seat fidgeting with her hands. I went to hand her the water bottle and she looked at the wine glass in my hand. "Um, actually do you mind if I have a glass also? I admit I'm a bit nervous." That makes two of us. Nodding, I went back into the kitchen and grabbed another glass out the cabinet. I picked up the wine bottle off the counter and headed back to the living room. I sat the glass in front of her and poured the wine. "Thanks." I went and sat on the couch across from her. She took a sip from the glass and relaxed in her seat before looking at me. Here we go....
"Charlotte, first off I just want to say thank you for giving me the chance to talk to you. And I guess kind of explain myself." I nodded. "Its fine, I think there are things we both need to explain." I took a sip from my glass and folded my legs underneath me. "Right, umm.. I don't really know where to start." I could think of a few things. I cleared my throat, "Have you been with anyone since.. you know.. us?" I asked. I know, I came out swinging but I had to know. "What? God no, Charlotte. Why would you think that?" "The guy you were with from homecoming." She shook her head, "No, no. I told you he was just a date for that night. Outside of Jack, you're the only person I've slept with in the past seven years or so." Okay, that was good to know. I had been feeling like she may have started to see someone else since we hadn't been talking.

Four Page Letters (TeacherxStudent)
Storie d'amoreI have always been quite fond of women. And as time goes by, the attraction has not wavered. I have always known the truth of my sexuality. But my fascination with you goes beyond that. I could not be more intrigued by you. The essence of your prese...