The Laura Thing-Pt 1

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The sound of my phone ringing continuosly woke me from my sleep. Groaning, I rolled over and unplugged it from the charger where it sat on the nighstand. Squinting my eyes, I looked at the screen seeing Charlottes name. I quickly glance to the time seeing it was almost two in the morning. We had just gotten off the phone around midnight. I answered the phone, trying to keep a yawn from surfacing. "Hi baby. Whats wrong, cant sleep?" I asked, now rubbing my tired eyes. "Um.. Ms. D. Its.. its Abby." My eyes shot open. "Abby? Is everything alright? Are you with Charlotte?" I asked. "Yes, Im.. Im with her. Can you come to the house? Like now." She spoke. I threw the covers off me and grabbed my robe that was hanging on the closet door. "Of course, Im leaving now. Please just tell me is everything okay?" The phone went silent for what seemed like an eternity. "No." The line went dead. My heart dropped down to the floor and I found myself struggling to breathe. Not even bothering to change out of my slippers, I quickly ran downstairs and into the garage jumping into my truck. I threw it in reverse and began backing up but quickly hit the brakes. Realizing I hadnt even lifted the garage yet. "Calm the fuck down Rosalynn." I threw my head back against the seat and took a few deep breaths. I pressed the garage opener on my visor and once it started to raise I slowly backed out of the driveway. Closing the garage, I drove off down the street.

I spent the entire ride wrecking my brain trying to think of what could possibly have happened in the two hourse since Ive last talked to Charlotte. Im going through all possible scenarios of what may have happened and none of them are pretty. I actually cant help but think the worst by the way Abby sounded on the phone and how abruptly she ended the call. In a matter of minutes I was pulling into the driveway at Charlottes. I quickly turned off the car and ran up the stairs but before I could knock the door was abruptly swung open, revealing a disheveled Abby. "Abby what the hell-- She quickly grabbed me by the arm pulling me inside and shutting the door behind her. "What is going on, im really freaking out now. Where is Charlotte?" I asked her, watching her as she leaned against the door closing her eyes and sighing heavily. "Charlotte is here Ms D but believe me when I say she is not here. She asked me not to call you but I dont know what the fuck to do." It was at that moment I knew whatever was going on had to be major. Because although Abby has seen me in a personal setting multiple times she has never cursed around me. She has always seen me as her teacher and has shown me constant respect.

I could see the panic in her eyes. I turned to look around and couldnt see Charlotte anywhere. "Where is she?" Sighing, Abby leaned off the door and began walking away. She stopped for a moment and turned to me. "Ms D.. its bad." She turned and continued walking. I followed closely behind her. Still trying to figure out what the hell is going on but my thoughts were all over the place. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, could have prepared me for what was waiting around that corner.


(Earlier that day)


"Don't forget to review chapter seventeen everyone! There may or may not be a quiz Monday!" I reminded my last period as they left the class. As the last person left I sunk down into my chair. This week has taken forever to end and Im thanking the heavens its finally Friday. I worked extremely hard this week getting all my grading done so I finally have a weekend to myself. I'm hoping to see Charlotte at least one of these weekend days.

Its been two weeks since everything happened with Laura. I think it's been way too quiet considering we were supposed to have that little meeting but she never showed. Charlie didn't think much of it and figured she ran off again but im not so sure. But nonetheless, I let it go. "Knock knock." I looked up to see Charlotte walking in. "Hey there beautiful." She came and took a seat at the desk in front of mine. "How was your Friday?" She asked. "Decent enough. But I'm glad it's over. How about you?" She nodded, "Same. It's been a long week." "Definitely." I sighed. "Do you have any plans this weekend? Plans that could include me perhaps?" She smiled. "My plans will always include you. I do have a meeting in a few hours with the realtor and honestly I need to catch up on some sleep but Abby wants me to have dinner with her and her parents tonight. But tomorrow and any day thereafter I'm all yours." I nodded. "Understood. You haven't been sleeping lately? And what's the meeting about?" She sighed. "Just this week. I don't know I guess I'm just anxious about everything. I haven't heard back from NYU yet. And the realtor thinks she may have a buyer." "Baby you still have plenty of time to hear from them. Don't worry about it. Besides, they'd be crazy not to accept you."

She smiled but it never reached her eyes. I know she really wants to get in this school and there's no doubt in my mind that she will. Even though she'll be miles away from me I'll always remain supportive of her dreams. "Prom is coming up soon. Are you excited for that?" I asked. With all that has been happening we haven't really discussed that. "I actually am. I usually don't like these dance things but I'm looking forward to it." I began packing away my things. Putting all my graded assignments in the desk. "Im glad to hear that. I can't wait to see your dress, I know you're going to look so beautiful." She nodded. "Are you chaperoning?" "Yep. It's actually my first year doing so. I didn't get to go to my own prom so I'll be living vicariously through you all." "Wait, really? You never told me that. How come?" I shrugged. "Never really came up I guess. My dad had gotten sick. It was touch and go for a moment. He had been in the hospital so I just decided not to go."

I threw on my jacket and grabbed my purse and headed towards the door, motioning for her to follow me. I locked up my class room and we made our way down the hall. "Im sorry to hear that. I know it must've sucked. What happened? With your Dad I mean. Did he make it?" I shook my head. "No. No, he didn't." I looked over and saw her face dropped. "Hey it's okay. It was a long time ago, I'm fine honestly." We stopped once we reached the double doors leading outside. "I don't think you're ever okay when you lose a parent. Nothing is ever okay again. People say it'll be okay. That it gets easier as time goes on. But I think it gets worse actually. You never get over it, you just learn to live with it. You just learn to function through your never ending grief. So I'm sorry you have to go through that." I know she's speaking from experience and it makes my heart ache. I looked over my shoulder and made sure no one was around before I quickly leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I don't know what I did to deserve you. Thank you." Her cheeks grew red in color. "Yeah well, I kind of feel like a shitty girlfriend not having known that." She opened the door for me as we walked out. "You shouldn't babe its not really something I like talking about. But one of these days I'll give you the whole story."

As we approached my truck I pulled the keys out of my bag. "Fair enough. I understand, trust me. Hey, you think I can drive to my house?" I looked over at her. "Seriously?" I asked her. She nodded. I handed her the keys and began walking towards the passenger side of the car. "Wait, really? Aren't you going to ask if I can even drive?" I shrugged. "I've had a long day love. If you want to drive, by all means, be my guest. I trust you with my life." I opened the door and climbed in. She got into the drivers seat and adjusted the mirrors to her liking. She put on her seat belt and started the engine. We pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded down the road. She actually could drive, the ride was going so smooth that within the first five minutes I decided to rest my eyes for just a moment...

"Ros, wake up." I felt her tapping my thigh as I opened my eyes. We were sitting in her driveway. "Here already." I said stretching. She smiled at me. "Where'd you learn to drive?" I asked, unbuckling my seat belt. "My dad taught me a few years ago." I nodded. "Well, now that I know you're a good driver you'll be doing a lot of the driving on our future outings. I much rather sit in the passenger seat." She laughed. "Whatever you wish love." She leaned in and kissed me. Her soft lips overtaking mine. We broke apart shortly after, the taste of cherry chapstick lingering on my lips. "The sooner you get this house sold the better. Im ready to make one trip home." "Agreed. Go home and get some rest. You look exhausted." We both exited the car. I came around to the drivers side as she sat her book bag on the ground. She held her arms open and I fell into them, wrapping my arms around her waist. "I'll call you later tonight. Hopefully the realtor has good news." I sighed. "Fingers crossed." She placed a quick kiss on my cheek. "Send me a text when you make it home, okay? And be careful."  "Always."

I got back in the truck and watched her walk into the house before I left.

My phone began to ring and luckily the Bluetooth was connected as I was able to answer by pressing the button on the steering wheel. "Hello?" I said. "Hey there stranger." "Liz. Hi honey, how are you?" I turned onto my street. "Im good. Just called to see if you were busy tonight. I can come over with your favorite wine. I miss you!" I laughed. "Do you really miss me or are you trying to escape a certain kid and husband?" I pulled into my garage and turned the engine off. "Uhh.. A little of both I'd say." I smiled. "Knew it. Well, I just got home from work so give me about two hours before you grace me with your presence. I'm in dire need of a quick nap." She agreed and we ended the call. It took me another ten minutes to gather the strength to get out of the car.

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