My Sweet Girl,You have no idea how happy it made me to hear from you. Its taking all my strength not to approach you in the halls everyday. Before I forget, please give Abby my apologies. When she brought me your letter I may or may not have broke down in tears. (Partly because I guess I didn't quite think you were serious about the whole writing letters thing.) I know it must've been quite awkward for her. But assure her they were happy tears for the most part.
Reading your letter made me feel like you were right beside me. I read it in my car before I left the school. Then again before I went to bed. It brought me so much peace knowing you're okay. You kept things short, but in your next letter please explain whats going on with you and Laura. How do you plan on finding her? What are you going to do when you see her? Let me reassure you that you are the strongest girl I know! Whatever happens, I know you will be prepared for it. I have so much faith in you. In your abilities. I know you can do this. I hope you're being careful my love. Im trying my hardest not to interfere and let you handle it but please know if I ever see any signs of distress im inserting myself in this. Regardless of whatever consequences I face. Got it? Good.
God, I miss you Charlie. These days sure do seem to drag on. I have gotten a calendar and began crossing off the days. It seems like we have forever to go but I'm waiting. Impatiently. But waiting nonetheless. You're always on my mind as well. I often fantasize about our life together once all this is over. I've been planning our summer together. I would like to take a trip before you're off to school. Just to spend as much time with you as possible because I know those few months will pass by so quickly. I just cant wait to be back in your arms. And you want to talk about beautiful, have you seen yourself?! I noticed you're growing your hair back out. I liked it short. But either way, you're gorgeous. I catch myself smiling at the thought of you. I miss your corny jokes and sarcasm the most. You always know how to make me smile.
It no longer matters what cards your were dealt. Because now you have me and I'll help you play this game of life. We're partners. We'll take whatever wins, or losses, together. A few students have taken notice to the ring I've been wearing. Asking if I'm engaged and what not. I stare at it everyday. Remembering the promises you made that night. When I find myself feeling sad or unsure or wondering if anyone else is peaking your interest I repeat what you said to me over and over again in my head.
Its me.
Its always been me.
It will always be me.And despite my insecurities thats brings me so much comfort.
Want to know something crazy? Since you claimed the left side of our bed, I now only sleep on the right. Sometimes I picture you laying there with me. That brings me comfort also. I find myself planning for the future quite often now. When I go to the mall, I make sure I grab an extra pair of pajamas for you. I keep an extra toothbrush on the sink for you. I've gotten plenty of shampoo and other things I think you would need. I know it'll be a while before you're back but it makes me happy to know I'll have everything you'll need when you come home. Just being optimistic I suppose. Take notice of the fact I said when you come home. Because once all this is over you're moving in with me. I never want to spend another night without the woman I love. And yes, you are my family. New York is definitely something we need to discuss further but I know we will do what's best for us. I cannot wait to see where life takes us and maybe watch our family grow a size or two?
Do you know how hard it is to not touch myself when I think of you? And what you said in your letter was enough to make me wet. But im trying to abstain from such activities because when we're back together, I want to give it all to you. So im letting all the sexual tension and frustration build up. And to be honest, I might just cum the moment you kiss me. Oh and believe me, I will definitely punish you. Maybe I could include a few photos with these letters. No face shots, as I know thats a bit risky. But I'll show everything else I know you want to see. I think about all the positions you'll have me in. Wondering just how far my legs can spread. How deep my back can arch. I have a few things I want to try with you. My body is yours my love. Do with me as you please.
You really make me feel like a teenager again. And that Katy Perry song makes so much sense now. You really make me feel like im living a teenage dream. Thank you for not thinking of me as an old lady. You make me feel so sexy and I haven't thought that of myself for a long time. You bring out the very best in me darling. You often talk about how new this love is for you, but believe me its new for me also. There was a time I thought I was in love. I thought my marriage was what love looked like. But I was so wrong. God, I was so wrong. You have shown me what real love is. What its like to truly love someone unconditionally, wholeheartedly. A love so pure and special I know I'd simply die without it. You see me. For all that I am. Flaws and all. You truly see me. I never want to lose this. Your love. I'll never find another love like this— nor do I want to.
I wish I could put words together so sweetly as you do. You're so poetic, its so romantic and I would love to continue reading such beautiful words from you. But I myself wont attempt to insert what would only be considered a nursery rhyme :). Just know that my heart is yours. You're always on my mind and everything I've done as of lately is to ensure our future together. I miss you like crazy honey. I love you beyond the moon and stars.
I look forward to your next letter.
Forever yours,

Four Page Letters (TeacherxStudent)
RomanceI have always been quite fond of women. And as time goes by, the attraction has not wavered. I have always known the truth of my sexuality. But my fascination with you goes beyond that. I could not be more intrigued by you. The essence of your prese...