Homecoming Pt 2

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We arrived to the school shortly after 9pm. The dance was well underway as we were about two hours late. Much to Abbys dismay, I agreed to only come if we didn't stay the entire time. So here we are.

As we walked into the gymnasium, hand in hand, a few people turned to look at us. I felt slightly out of place. As I've never really put forth much effort to my everyday look. "Let's grab some punch." Abby said, as she guided us over to the snack table. She started to pour two cups of juice and I couldn't help but to glance over my shoulder, my eyes searching for Rosalynn. Darting from corner to corner, she was no where in sight. I began to wonder if she came tonight.. or maybe she left early. I turned back to Abby as she handed me a solo cup. Taking a sip of the drink I almost gagged. "Ewww, what the hell is this?" Smiling, she winked at me. "Liquid courage." Rolling my eyes, I took another sip and felt myself relax a little. We stood there for a while, just people watching. As I took more and more sips of the beverage I'd been given.

I turned to sit my cup down when Abby leaned into me. "Hey, look who just walked in." I turned around and there she was. But she wasn't alone. Walking into the room was Rosalynn along side a man whose hands were firmly placed around her waist. She had yet to notice me standing here so I took the time to analyze the mystery man who she chose to accompany her tonight. He was fairly tall. Wearing gray slacks and a black button down tucked into them. He looked neatly put together and from what I could tell he was very muscular. He had a shiny bald head, all together he wasnt bad looking, just.. odd standing next to her.

I asked Abby to pour me another drink, to which she refused. Saying something about not going at it too heavy too quickly. Rolling my eyes, I turned around again and my eyes connected with a familiar pair already watching me. Her mouth hung open as her eyes flickered from the top of my head to my body, my feet, and back again. I also couldn't help but notice how ridiculously sexy she looked. Her hair was up into a high bun, two loose curls dangling on each side. She wore a black dress that hugged her body and draped to her ankles. Showing just the top of her cleavage, but not too much to be inappropriate. Her make up was done beautifully, soft and simple. She didn't even wear lipstick, but I could see the clear lipgloss from where I stood. She wore nothing but a simple necklace as any other accessory surely would have been too much.

When my eyes came back to hers, she had this look in her eyes. A look of desire, like she would have devoured me in seconds if she could. Her eyes were suddenly torn from mine, as the man beside her must have been calling her. She turned her attention back to him, as I to Abby. "So. Now that you two are done eye fucking each other would you care to dance with me?" Laughing I ignored her slick comment. "Just one dance." She quickly grabbed my hand and whisked me off to the dance floor. Or center of the gym should I say. They were playing a fast song I knew the words to, but for the life of me couldn't place its name. We danced with each other. Or rather on each other. She was grinding against me, her hands on my waist. Touching my stomach. "What are you doing?" I whispered to her. She turned me around to face her as she whispered into my ear, "She hasn't taken her eyes off of you since we started dancing. She's obviously jealous so just give her a show." Nodding, I turned back around to see Rosalynn surely standing against the wall, solo cup in hand, watching us. Even when she brought the cup to her lips I could still see her eyes on me.

We ended up dancing to a few more songs before I needed a break. These shoes were killing me, and it started to get hot. I told Abby I was gonna go sit down, but she insisted on dancing so I let her. She had found a group of kids I had seen around school and they were now dancing in a circle. I went and grabbed another cup of the spiked juice then made my way over to an empty table. I took off my shoes and relaxed into the seat. Grabbing the cup and taking a few sips. "Can I sit here?" The voice startled me, but I looked up to see Rosalynn standing there. Nodding, she took a seat sliding the chair a little closer to me. I cant help wondering if she had been watching me this entire time, because I haven't even been sitting here a full five minutes. We sat in silence, her glancing around the room as kids still danced. Whilst I also wondered where her date was.

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