Mrs. DandridgeI rolled over and shut my alarm off which was extremely loud this morning. Yawning, I threw back the covers and sat up. I am extremely tired and my head is killing me. I didn't get much sleep last night because my mind would not stop thinking about Charlotte. When I took her home last night, as we pulled into her driveway I noticed a light in the house was on. And so did she. She sat in my car for a moment whilst watching her house. She was hesitant to even go in. I asked if everything was okay and when she looked at me I saw something in her eyes. To be honest, it looked like fear.
I offered to walk her in but she quickly dismissed that idea, and finally opened the car door. I told her to call me if she needed anything and she just nodded her head and left. I stayed there and made sure she got into the house okay, but I had an uneasy feeling. I wanted to go knock on her door just to be sure she's alright but decided against it. I didn't want to intrude in her life nor did I want to push her away by forcing her to open up. So I finally pulled out of her driveway and headed home.
Getting out of the shower, I went over to my closet and pulled out a few options for todays attire. I decided on a dark blue dress that fell just to my knees. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and placed my favorite gold Versace watch on my wrist. I searched my closet until I found a pair of nude heels to wear. They weren't the ones I was looking for but they will do. After spraying on a little perfume, I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.
The forty minute drive to the school was a quiet one. I kept thinking about Charlotte and whether or not she was okay. I pondered over sending her a text, or even calling. I was a little worried, but I just hoped that if anything was wrong she would reach out to me. I have been feeling very conflicted on my feelings towards Charlotte. The mystery that surrounds her is so intriguing. Shes smart and extremely beautiful. And whenever she's around I get a feeling I cant quite explain. But its calming. I smile whenever she enters the room and I doubt she even notices. There is something that has been drawing me to her, she is always on my mind and I enjoy the feeling I get when I'm near her. Although I've never been with a woman before Im not really opposed to it. Im not very good at flirting with women which I learned a few years ago at that bar. I wouldn't even know where to start. What I do know is I am interested in Charlotte, and its a lot more than just as my student.
I cant believe I've admitted that. I smile to myself as I pull into the school parking lot and park my car. Sighing, I wait a moment before exiting the car. I applied a little bit of a nude lipstick I recently bought as I looked my face over in the rear view mirror. I know whatever feelings I have for Charlotte, which seem to be growing might I add, are completely unacceptable. I cannot have any type of relationship with a student. I can lose my job, or worse see jail time. But if I'm completely honest with myself, she's worth it. However, I doubt she see's me as anything beside her teacher.
I grabbed my purse and headed towards the school's entrance. I made to my classroom, whilst waving hello to a few staff members who passed. Setting my things down, I began to write todays lesson on the board as not long after I began to hear the hallways fill with students. I really wish I brought a coffee with me today. Sighing, I went and opened my door as I waited in the hall for my first class to enter. Leaning against the door, my hands were folded in front of me as my eyes scanned the halls. I knew Charlottes locker was on my hall, but I couldnt see her anywhere. Looking around a bit more my last student walked into the room. I looked over my shoulder once more before walking inside and beginning my lesson.
After each class, I would walk to the door, taking my usual position as I scanned the hallways again. This was actually her class period, and I had hoped she was just running late. My nerves were shot. Yet again, I had to pull myself away from the door to begin my lesson. After giving instructions and collecting last nights homework, I went and sat behind my desk as I took attendance. I didnt want to mark her absent yet, I just wanted to give it a little more time if she does show up. After about ten minutes I went back into the school's system and pulled up Charlottes schedule. I checked the attendance from her classes and saw she had been marked absent for both the classes she had before mine. My heart began to beat rapidly and my palms started to sweat. I was definitely worried now.
I watched the clock on the wall as it ticked down to the final minutes. And then the bell finally rang. "Just bring up your journals guys. And have a great weekend." The class began to pack up and leave, a few saying their goodbyes to me as they placed their journals on my desk. As the last one left, I went and sat at my desk. I pulled out my phone and searched through my contacts for Charlottes name. I quickly pressed the call button and raised it to my ear. "Come on, pick up." I said to myself as the phone kept ringing. Soon, the voicemail came on and I sighed as I just hung up the phone and tried again. Voicemail. This time I decided to leave a message, "Hi Charlotte umm it's me. I mean its Rosalynn. Uhh, I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay. I see you arent at school. Umm, just give me a call or just.. text me and let me know you're well. Okay, umm bye." Sighing, I tossed the phone on my desk as I leaned back in the chair. It was already lunch time, and afterwards I had a planning period before the day is over. However, I had a meeting during my planning period which means I wont be able to leave early.
I got up and headed towards the cafeteria to grab something to snack on. Thinking to myself if she doesn't call back by the end of the school day, as soon as that meeting ends I am practically flying over to her house.

Four Page Letters (TeacherxStudent)
RomantikI have always been quite fond of women. And as time goes by, the attraction has not wavered. I have always known the truth of my sexuality. But my fascination with you goes beyond that. I could not be more intrigued by you. The essence of your prese...