Chapter 11

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Time seemed to have passed all too quickly, as we were now pulling up to a beautiful house just a town over from mine. She pulled into the long driveway where I noticed a black Audi was sat in place. She must have noticed it to as she sighed. As I looked over, I saw a man sitting on the porch, hands placed in his lap. "Whos that?" I asked her, nodding in his direction. She didnt say anything as she looked over at the man and for some reason, I mentally thanked God the windows were tinted. I didnt know who this man was, only to assume it was her husband. Or ex husband rather. Yet I dont think it would have been easy to explain why a student was in her car. Let alone, at her home.

She looked over at me, nervously gnawing on her bottom lip. "Give me just a second. You mind waiting here for a moment?" She asked to which I just nodded. She unbuckled her seat belt and hurriedly got out of the car. Probably so the interior light wouldn't stay on too long, revealing someone in the passenger seat. I watched as she walked up to the man, arms folded across her chest. His lips moved, however I couldn't make out what he was saying to her. I saw her nod her head. With one look over her shoulder at the car, the two of them made their way inside of the house.

I pulled out my phone and began to scroll through it. Going back and forth between a few social media sites and then picking up where I left off on a book I had been reading. I kept readjusting myself in the seat as my side began to cramp up and was becoming uncomfortable to continue sitting. All I wanted to do was lay down in my bed. Not to mention the growling of my stomach beginning to overwhelm me. Glancing at the time on my phone I see at least twenty minutes have gone by without any return of Mrs. Dandridge. Or Miss, whatever. All I know is im tired of sitting in this damn car and I much rather be in my bed. She didnt even leave the keys so the silence is driving me insane.

Reluctantly, I decided I had enough of sitting here. I pulled my phone back out and requested an uber ride home. Once everything was in place, I had only ten minutes before my driver would arrive. I didn't really have the money for it, and Lauras credit card was linked to the account as it was hers. Although I doubt she'll even notice, thats an issue I will have to deal with when the time comes. I got out of the truck, making sure to lock the doors and went and stood behind it waiting for my ride. Fighting with myself internally I knew it would be rude to just leave without saying anything. I mean, if and when she did come back to the car, seeing me gone would surely send a number of thoughts throughout her mind. On the contrary, its not as though she bothered to even come check on me after what, thirty minutes now.

Regardless, I decided to just let her know I was leaving. So I turned towards her home and began walking up the steps. I knocked on the door, softly may I add, and waited for someone to appear. My phone vibrated and as I looked down it showed my driver would be arriving soon, and to be outside. Sighing, I did the only logical thing I thought of at the moment. I opened the door and walked in. I was immediately met with the living room, and an odd smell of vanilla in the air. It wasnt that it smelled bad, it more so just smelled like a vanilla latte. Following the scent hoping it would lead me to wherever she was, I rounded a corner and was now at the doorway of the kitchen. There I saw her, leaned against the kitchen island, the man from the porch pressed against her chest while her hands were steady placed on his chest as if she was pushing him back, but made no efforts to move completely. His lips pressed against hers, neither of them moving. No passion nor fire could visibly be seen in the kiss. Almost like it was just happening and neither of them decided to pull away.

Regardless of whatever the reason being, the stinging in my eyes brought me back to reality. I looked down at my phone, my driver had arrived and I had five minutes before their departure. Swiftly wiping the single tear that fell from my eye, I cleared my throat to announce my presence. Causing her to turn her head so quickly I was sure she would feel that in the morning. "Charlotte.." she began. "Umm, I just wanted to let you know I was about to leave. My rides here." I simply said, trying not to show how seeing her in such a way literally broke my heart. I turned on my heels and began to walk away. Not giving the man any time to question who the girl standing in what was once his kitchen, I'm sure, was.

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