3. Enjoying 💜

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Author's POV':-

"You know me!!" Taehyung widened his eyes in shock.

"Of course Hyung, how can I not know you. In the past all those years I heard a lot about you from hyungs and when I saw lots of old pics of yours and the group at Jimin Hyung's home, so I just guessed". Jungkook proudly smiled with a smug face.

"Ohh nice to meet you Jungkook". "Me too Hyung." They both greeted each other. Jungkook started to talk with the Hyungs and Taehyung again lost in Jungkook's beauty and the unique nature.

Ohh my god I'm really gonna have a heart attack. Just look at his smile. He is a fallen angel from heaven so fluffy and cute. His voice is so soothing I can hear him talking all the time. Taehyung was smiling internally but his thoughts were interrupted by an announcement.

M.C. :- Hey guys. How are you all? I hope you all meet with your old friends and classmates. May you all recall your past memories with each other. And I hope you all had fun am I right?

"YES!!" All the boys and girls screamed loudly.

Mc:- That's good. Let's have more fun with some beautiful music and dance.

As M.C. said, the very loud music could be heard and all the boys and girls went on the dance floor and started dancing.

They seven also went and started enjoying the music. They are enjoying the music and party, but Taehyung's eyes were fixed on that smiling Bunny boy in front of him. Who was dancing perfectly on beats, swinging his hips smoothly.

Taehyung's POV':-

We all are dancing but one person catches my attention all the time. Who can be that person other than that cute Bunny angel?

His body moves, his smiling face and those lights make him look more incredibly beautiful and gorgeous. I don't but there is a different kind of attraction in the aura which makes me curious to know more about him.

But right now his moves are surely making me go insane. His tiny waist peaks out from his hoodie from time to time. Which type of attraction he holds.

His that bright face flashing radiant smile, that cute nose suits well on his round face. Lastly those perfect pair of rosy lips and..... NO! NO! Taehyung, what are you thinking, stop being a pervert. You are not . YES! I SHOULD FOCUS ON DANCE . YES JUST DANCE.

Hell you're checking out a guy whom you met just a while ago. What he'll think if he caught my gaze and moreover what if someone caught me looking at him like a creep. You have lost it!

I cursed myself but like me being a metal having the strong magnet in front of me, of course it'll attract me. I again lost in that Bunny guy called Jungkook. I was smiling like crazy but my smile dropped when I saw a guy approached Jungkook and started talking to him. They both started to laugh and giggle together.

I don't know but I felt a sudden range rushing in my veins. I felt so protective towards him but why. Hell what's happening to me. Am I gone crazy? I shook my head and focused on the scene in front of me.

The whole time they were being so friendly and talking sweetly. I fisted my hand but suddenly my head started to spine. What's happening to me today. I tried to lessen the pain and looked ahead of me.

I saw the boy was being touchy with Jungkook. But Jungkook was so into talking that he didn't notice. That guy asked Kook to dance and Kook accepted it gladly.

Kook one second why that sudden nickname escaped my lips but that sounds cute. Fuck! Taehyung focus on them. I tried to Focus on them and hell what they're doing.

Seeing that I became so angry and you can say lil jealous, but I don't know why. I ignored all those feelings and focused on both of them. That boy placed his hand on Kook's waist and pulled closer to him.

I don't know but I got more angry and what made me more lost my temper, is that Kook doesn't say anything to him.

But suddenly Kook shyly looked down and blushed. That boy started to move his hand down from Kook's waist to touch something else and that's it. I lost my patience and went to them.

I angrily walked to them, pulled Kook out of the boy's hold and excused them and then I dragged him away from the dance floor.

"What happened hyung!?" Kookie said being confused by my actions.

"What are you doing with him!!. "
I asked angrily.

To be continued.


It's way too late but I will try to update on time.

Actually I want to ask you, that there are like 7-8 parts of a reunion party. Bcuz in the party a lot of things at the party. And also two souls become one in that party.
So if you are okay with it.
The reunion party isn't the end of the story. You can say it's the start of love.

I tried to cut some parts and make a short story.

The real story and twist will start after the reunion party.
So I hope you all enjoy it. ☺😇

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