9.🔸NIGHT OUT 🌃🏍️

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It's morning time our lil bunny wake up from his long peacefull sleep. He yawn and stretching his arm . He looked at clock and it's 10 p.m. at morning.

"I sleep less today". Bunny pouted but his eyes sparkle thinking ab last night. "Yesterday party was so fun. It's was so good". He was thinking about party but he remember the interaction with his mom he become sad.

"I was lil harsh last night. She was just wierd for me and I just overreacted". He sigh deeply in disappointment. " Shall I call her and apologize". He searched his phone on bed.

Once he get it . He just on the screen and show some message from his mom.

By mama 💗.
Me and your dad going for a business trip out of country. So we'll not able to talk with you for fue days.

And forget about what happened yesterday. I shouldn't behave that way. Sorry bun but mama was worried so 😔.

I'm so stupid saying bye like this.
Take care of yourself bun.
Mama and papa both loves you ❤️.
See you soon~.

By bun.😇
Take care of yourself and dad's too.
We'll talk on phone when you u both arrived back. You also don't worry ab me . And sorry from me too.

I love you too mama and papa❤️.
And also miss you too 🤗.

" I really want to talk with her but. Kook it's okay just fue days after you can talk to her". He smiled.

He was looking through his phone and his eyes went on Tae's number. Should I message Hyung. Bunny why to ask it's just good morning message nothing else.

He thought and message Tae good morning. But his eyes widened when he show that Tae had seen the message already. He is online.

Other side Tae wake up and do his fresh up . He changed and sat on bed while checking his schedule. While doing that his eyes went on bunny's number.

Should I message him. No i shouldn't but why. I mean it's just a good morning message. I never hesitate to message someone then why.

Tae type good morning then erase it . Then again do the same. And in that he got message from bunny.

By kook bun💜.
Good morning hyungie 😊.

By Tae hyungie 💚.
Good morning kook😀.

By kook bun 💜.
Why it's look like you're waiting for my messages 🧐.

By Tae hyungie 💚.
What no😳..
I mean
I just...😧

By kook bun 💜.
Hehe 😅 hyungie i was just kidding. Why are you panicking 😆.

By Tae hyungie 💚.
No 😯, i Just.
Forget it.
Btw what are you doing?.

By kook bun 💜.
Who me I'm just wake up and feeling to lazy to move.

By Tae hyungie 💚.
What ! You're still on bed.
It's almost 11 you should wake up and do fresh up. You might be hungry.

By kook bun 💜.
Yes you're right I'm hungry but...
Don't worry I'm going to eat something soon😊.
What are you doing.

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