28. Suffer

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"TAEHYUNG!!". Taekook backed away by the sudden yell. Taehyung's eyes widened seeing the figures standing at the doorstep. While Jungkook was so confused seeing unknown people there. But soon his eyes caught Jennie.

Jungkook processed everything and looked at Taehyung. The way he was sitting on Taehyung's lap while still Taehyung's hands wrapped around him. He jerked away from Taehyung with force and stood straight on his foot.

Taehyung saw his parents along with Jennie and her parents. Taehyung was too shocked to move from his place. They five entered and walked toward Taekook. "How dare you Taehyung, to cheat on my daughter". Jennie's dad held Taehyung's collar and he looked so angry.

"I told you Taehyung, didn't I? But still you dared to be close to him!!". Hyo-shi slapped Taehyung so hard that the whole House was echoed by the sound. Jungkook felt so scared and a gasp left from his lips seeing the view.

"Pl-Please don't hurt him like this. H-e is your son". Jungkook shutter in fear. But he was so angry with Taehyung's parents as they hurt their own son like this. "SHUT UP YOU BITCH!!". Tae-hee shouted making Jungkook feel shivers.

"It's all because of you. If you never came into our life then nothing like this would have happened". Tae-hee walked near Jungkook. "This is what your parents have taught you. To trap rich boys , get fucked by them and then get money right!!". Tae-hee was fuming in anger.

Jungkook felt thick tears roll down his cheeks. He was so scared and the way Taehyung's mom was speaking made him feel disgusting. "Yes, Your types of boys are those whore who just need a dick to satisfy and money to make your life great. This house also you got by fucking peoples".

Jennie's mom was speaking the things which Jungkook never heard of in his life. Those words were making him feel disgusting and uneasy. Taehyung saw the situation was out of control and just one person could calm the atmosphere.

He ran towards Jennie who was standing lil far from them. "Hey, Jennie. Please stop them I'll tell you everything later but please stop them now". Taehyung pleaded to her. Jennie scoffed "Tae I know you don't love me but I never expect you to disrespect our relationship like this. I know you love him but you hurt my feelings Tae".

Taehyung was taken back by Jennie's words. He didn't expect Jennie to react like this. He studied Jennie features for a while and seeing her it doesn't look like she'll be a helping hand in this matter.

"Au-nt you misunderstood the thing I-I am not like---". A hard slap Landed on Jungkook's cheek by Tae-hee. Jungkook fell on the floor by the force while holding his cheek. Taehyung runs towards him and holds Jungkook.

"Bu-n are Y-You okay". Taehyung saw Jungkook who had a broken expression and a handprint on his left cheek. Taehyung's blood boiled seeing the younger state. He made Jungkook stand up and went to his parents.

"Tae---". Tae-hee stopped in her track seeing the cold bloody red eyes full of anger which is ready to tear her apart. "Not even a single word!". Taehyung spoke in a raspy dark tone. "I told you before that if you hurt him I'll forget who you all are to me and see a side of me which you'll regret seeing".

Taehyung's cold tone made everyone feel fear. "HOW MUCH TIME I SHOULD REMIND YOU ALL THAT NEVER Hurt him!!". Taehyung was shaking in anger. His mom dad had never seen him this much angry.

"So you're fighting with us for that faggot. You're spoiling my daughter's life and want us to stay silent!!". Jennie's dad spoke. "How low you're snatching someone's happiness". Jennie's mom yelled at Jungkook who was holding his head.

Jungkook's head started to spin and everything in front of him started to move in slow motion. He can see Taehyung and his parents yelling but can't hear a thing. Just a thing was running in his head.

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