40. Marked (M)

808 23 16


This chapter contains mature contain and smut.
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"Can we bathe together". Taehyung was frozen in his place and mind blown away by those not so pure words coming out of a very innocent person. He was lost in daze, so many thoughts were running in his mind.

He can't think of what to say. Taehyung closed his eyes trying to collect himself. "Bun, you can have first I'm not so tired." Taehyung gave an assuring smile while Jungkook frowned and his lips curved in a pout.

"But why can't we bathe together?" Jungkook sternly spoke letting Taehyung know that he was serious. Taehyung shook his head on the stubbornness of his husband.

His husband, the word which Jungkook took seriously but Taehyung was still roaming on the surface of their relationship, where Jungkook wanted to explore the depth of the word.

"Kook baby, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Don't force yourself for something that you don't want. I don't want to put any kind of pressure on you we can wait and you know that". Taehyung softly said while moving closer to Jungkook to hold his hand.

Taehyung moved his thumb softly on Jungkook's knuckles to soothe the aggression rising inside Jungkook. Jungkook sighed softly in the warmth and melted down under his husband's touch.

Jungkook closed his eyes taking some breaths and looked deep in Taehyung's eyes. He wanted Taehyung to read his emotions from his eyes so whatever he is saying next won't get misunderstood by the elder.

"I'm not forcing myself. I'm saying this because I want to have it. I want to erase all the barriers between us tonight, so we can walk ahead without any wall in between. I want to melt in your warmth and feel your love closely. You're my husband Hyungie and me as your other half want to submiss myself to you, is it wrong? Don't you want me Hyungie in the same way I do?"

A tear of fear left from Jungkook's eyes still staring in Taehyung's honey ocean orbs. That one tear made Taehyung hurt and all the worries rising inside him melted down by that.

Where Jungkook was wrong he just wanted to make the moment special for them and Taehyung being his husband got right on him. Taehyung smiled softly thinking about how lucky he is to get an angel as his life partner. He softly wiped Jungkook's tears and smiled while closing his eyes in agreement.

This was enough for Jungkook to understand and he can't be more happy than this. The sudden rush of euphoric feelings made him grin widely. "Let's go now!" Taehyung caressed Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook nodded and pulled Taehyung into their closet.

They both collected their night clothes. Taehyung was done collecting his clothes and was waiting for Jungkook. "H-Hyungie you go I-I'll be there in a while". Jungkook nervously smiled and literally wanted to bang his head on the cupboard door to shutter on his words.

Taehyung chuckles knowing very well that Jungkook is shy and needs some time. He walked in with a nod and Jungkook sighed.

Taehyung walked inside the bathroom and put his clothes on the stand. He removed his clothes and wore a bathrobe. He moved inside and was so surprised to see the flower and candles decoration.

Red roses were beautifully spread over the bathtub and the sweet aroma of candles created a romantic vibe. Taehyung can't believe that Jungkook had prepared all this. He rubbed his forehead while smiling to himself. He walked toward the bathtub and the musky sweet smell of bath-bomb hit his nostrils.

He removed his bathrobe and got inside the bathtub. The warm water touched his skin making him feel relaxed already. He got confused as someone had done all this a while ago because the What is still warm. But Jungkook was with him all the time. "Who did this!?" Then he remembered that Jin and Jimin left learning saying they have an agenda to run.

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