13. Yoonmin

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Thank you all to wait for the update and if you're not here then still it's my fault.

As I decided to share next part after ages 😀.
But still let's continue the story.


"MIN YOONGI!!. Do as you want lemme show you who I AM. I'LL KILL YOU". Jimin screamed in frustration and throw the Last pillow which was on sofa.

Half of the living room is filled with things laying here and there. But thankfully most of them is in well condition because those are cushions, magazines , newspapers and cushion covers.

So they didn't Break and can get collected easily and why the owner of the house is throwing things and screaming on his boyfriend then let's know.

It's 30th time Yoongi didn't pick up his phone call in past 1 hour and didn't even replying his message since then.

Why so because he is at work. Isn't Jimin don't understand the load of work because he also have same but it's not one of those days.

Today is Saturday means half holiday and tomorrow they all having amusement park trip. So today Jimin decide to have some free time with his boyfriend since they barely spend much time in past one week.

It was so busy for both of them. But his dear boyfriend have to cancel this too saying he have some VERY IMPORTANT work. When Yoongi reply just those words just in second he called Yoongi's dad.

"Hello, Dad". Jimin sweetly greeted him through phone call.

"Hello, son. How are you. After long time you remember me". Yoongi's Dad sweetly replied.

"Sorry Dad I can't contact you since I was busy. But I really need to ask you something".

"Yes son ask what you want ".

"Dad today in your company there is lots of work or important meeting ".

"No, infact today was less work since it's Saturday".

"Then why Yoongi isn't picking up my phone". Jimin pouted sadly.

"Ohh he so actually he is finishing some file work in advance. Those aren't in due dates but still he decided to finish those. If you want should I tell him to call you".

"No no Dad no need let him do work". Even unintentionally he said last work in taunting way.

"Okay son then if you need anything you can call me. I have some work so bye".

"Bye Dad". Jimin said and Hang up the call.

"No one can save my son today ". Yoongi's dad chuckled.

"So you're doing your work okay then do". Jimin angrily said and throw a pillow.


So this is how the things started and now he is mumbling. "I know you're spending your time with her. Sometime I just feel jealous of your work you spend more time with that.". He made a very angry pout.

But Just in second his angry turned into a smirk. "But wait and watch if I don't make you lay down on my legs and beg for apologize then I'm Not PARK JIMIN".

"What you thought you can ditch me Mr. Min then you're wrong you can't ". His evilish laugh echoed in the whole mansion.

But just in second that face turned into sad one. "But why the hell he is ignoring me~~". He wipped his fake tears and whined while throwing his legs like lil kid.

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