39. Wedding day.

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It's been a week since the couple's first date and their announcement of marriage. Everyone was so happy for the couple but hearing Taehyung's wish everyone was so shocked. Taehyung wanted to have their marriage within the week on a fixed date.

He doesn't know but that date seemed so important to him. Si-hyung suggested that they should marry after Jungkook's graduate as it's just some month left for his graduation. But Taehyung was so stubborn to hear them and where he is making Jungkook leave his studies.

Everyone had to agree with this and this made everyone get busy. The hyungs wanted to prepare every lil thing for their maknaes wedding by themselves. They wanted to handle everything by themselves and everyone trusted them.

Si-hyung and Jung-soo were at ease knowing that his son's friends were handling everything.

But here comes our couple lil separation why? So Si-hyung and Jung-soo were discussing giving the couple a new house as a marriage gift to start their very new life with a new place. Our Jungkook overheard the conversation and bragged inside the room while denying the idea.

Si-hyung asked why and Jungkook replied saying that this is the only place left for him to call home and this place has so many memories. He doesn't wanna lose the place and eventually Si-hyung had to agree.

Since he can't give them a new place he decided to give the house a whole new look. So for the renovation of the place they had to shift to Jimin's place. But the elders remember an old ritual and following that they decided to make the couple stay away from each other till the marriage.

With lots of whines they agreed and Taehyung shifted with Hobi till the marriage.

Si-hyung had made sure before the marriage the whole place got a new look. Jungkook made sure to tell Si-hyung to make a kid's room for Taegguk in the future.

Taehyung and Jungkook had lots of struggle as they even forbade their meets outside. But just they know how much separate they stayed from each other. There was a day when they had to meet to buy their wedding dresses.

Jimin and Jin were there yet they managed to have a hot session in the changing room because they missed each other a lot. Jimin and Jin lost track of time for how long they were in the dressing room and it benefited the couple.

So many preparations were going on their friends were working hard to make sure everything was perfect. They wanted to make the wedding memorable for the couple. Seeing their Hyungs running here and there for the arrangements made both Taehyung and Jungkook overwhelmed and even shed some tears of gratefulness.

"Mom-dad Um.. what made you agree so suddenly with me and Hyungie's relationship?" Jungkook asked while snuggling more to his mom's embrace. They three were in the living room having a lovely conversation after the dinner.

Si-hyung ruffled Jungkook's hair and smiled. "It's you who made me believe". Jungkook stared at Si-hyung with a confused pout. "Me how?" " Our brat son who can't take care of himself and his things. Who is a messy boy and can't do a thing without reminding him now taking care of his boyfriend.

It must be your hyungs effect that changed your whole nature but the way you take care of Taehyung I never saw you doing this. In fact you're the one who needed to take care of others". Si-hyung chuckled making Jung-soo and Jungkook giggled.

"You have to leave early for classes and still make breakfast for him and make sure he eats well. You even prepare clothes and everything so he can easily get ready and doesn't be late for work. Even after having your mother you still used to make him breakfast.

This isn't love then what love is called. You love him by heart and he does too. Because in this world no one can leave his wealthy peaceful life to struggle every single day to get a job and work 10 times more just to get paid 10% of what he used to get. He left his everything, every comfort just to be with you and there are so few people who do this much.

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