14. Namjin

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Namjoon was comfortably laying on sofa and watching news and some shows on TV. He was so focused on TV show.

The Doorbell ring and he hurriedly get up and went to open the door. A very tired Jin was standing their while massaging his shoulder.

"You're late again". It's nearly 9 P.M. in evening. "Had loads of work". Jin throw himself on sofa . He was sleeping on his stomach.

It's been three days since Jin's cafe is full of works. Their were parties, celebration and shows. And top of it some workers are on leaves so he have to help in everything.

From washing dishes to arranging tables to taking orders to helping in kitchen. He is so tired and his body feel like can fall any soon.

"Again". Namjoon was worried for his boyfriend. "Yeah, today was a birthday celebration so decoration and after cleaning. Ahh I'm tired". Jin groaned in pain.

Namjoon massaged his back. "Yeah, it's feel so~ good keep going ". Jin closed his eyes in satisfaction. "Let me order food". Namjoon take his phone and about to place order.

Jin snatched his phone. "No I'll cook . No need to take parcel". Jin strictly denied the idea. "But why see you're so tired and I don't want to make you tired more". Namjoon was feeling sad thinking he have to depend on Jin for everything.

"No , you already eating your lunch out from past three days and I don't want you to eat packed food when I'm here". Jin sit up.

Namjoon having his lunch outside since Jin have so many work at cafe. Normally Jin and Namjoon have their Lunch together or sometimes Jin send his Lunch to his office.

It's not Namjoon eating outside in restaurant as his company provides the facility of Lunch for all employees. So he is having healthy food there.

Jin stood up and cracked his neck bone. "Give me 10 min I'll freshn up and then make dinner for us". Namjoon just nodded simply because he knows he can't win against Jin.

Jin took his bag and went inside their bedroom. Namjoon looked at the walking figure lovingly and smiling internally thinking how sweet and lovely his boyfriend is.

"You're really so caring and loving. I'm really so gald to have you. But I wish they also accept you".


Namjoon and Jin are standing at Namjoon's home doorstep. With all the courage they decided to tell about their relationship to their parents and they started with Namjoon's parents as they live near.

Namjoon clicked the doorbell and just in min a lady come and greeted them. "Namjoon , you come home and Jin how are you". She said and hugged Jin.

"I'm all fine aunt. How are you and uncle". He said while entering the house. "Please sit here". Namjoon's mom gestured them to sit. Namjin sit beside each other.

"You come here after a while Jin". She said liking the presence of Jin. "Yes, aunt I was lil busy in my cafe work". Jin smiled warmly.

"Mom where is Dad". Namjoon asked nervously. "He is in room. I'll call him". She said and went to their room after surving some snacks to Namjin.

"Namjoon , I'm so worried". Jin was sweating till now. "Me too . But we have to tell them later or earlier". Namjoon hold Jin's hand to comfort him.

"Hey, Son . I thought today too you'll stay at Jin's place. I must say Jin he really like to stay at your place". Namjoon's Dad cheerfully said.

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