15. 🎢Amusement park 🎡

376 28 17

Author's POV':-

Jungkook was laying peacefully enjoy the very last day of his summer holidays. Other will enjoy the last day while hanging out but here he decided to sleep.

He was laying down on sofa in living room and scrolling through his phone and much likely founding something to do.

He was resting now because Just in some hours they have to go for the amusement park and Bunny is saving his energy for that .

A staff come to him. "Sir, we had cleaned the store room and kitchen. The living room is already dusted in morning. We're placing some boxes out so please check those if you want those things or not".

Bunny looked at her. "Okay, leave those box near kitchen door. I'll check in sometime and then will place those in backyard".

"No sir you don't need to do those. I'll stay here until you check those so later I can put them out". She kindly suggested.

"No, ajumma you can go it's Sunday. You must spend your time with your family. I told mom to sent you all tomorrow I'm okay with it but you know her". Bunny sadly said as he don't want to spoil someone's weekend.

Actually Bunny saw some mouses and so many dust when he went to store room. Bunny told his mom as she always sent staffs. Bunny told her to send them all on Monday but she denied.

Bunny have staff but they Just clean the living room, kitchen and his room. But his whole house need to get press control. So she send the staff there.

"Don't be sad Jungkook. We all are fine working Today. Your mom is so kind she always pay extra for every single hour we spent on work during holidays". She crashed bunny's hair.

Bunny know this staff since childhood as they all are those who work in there place His real home. So he is comfortable with them.

"But still you all can leave now. Those boxes aren't so heavy and I'm strong info to carry those". Bunny showed his muscle. The staff lady nodded with smile .

All the staff went bidding goodbye to Bunny. Bunny looked around. "I don't have anything to do so let's check those boxes. Even I don't know what I put in those. I'm to curious to find".

Bunny went and set down near the boxes . He took one and opened it and saw some toys and stuffed animals. He smiled while looking at every toy which was in box. He have so many memories with that.

He took out toys and saw a football, tennis balls and bat , skipping ropes. "They all carry so many memories. But I don't used those now. Umm.. I guess I should give those in orphanage. It'll be lil help for them". He placed that boxes a side.

Bunny opened a second box having some books, broken dishes and things as he was checking through his eyes fall on a familiar book. Bunny's eyes widened.

"What this book is doing here". He take out that book and dusted it and opened. He smile seeing his old pics. It was an album of his childhood memories and most of pick was his and Jimin. They really grow up together not even a singles event or a day Bunny remember without Jimin.

"I guess the cleaning ajumma accidentally place this here". He said and looked through the books. After spending quality of time flipping through album while smiling.

Bunny did all things separate which is useful he put that aside. Bunny took one box and placed it in backyard. He was taking other box which was pull of broken things.

He was in halfway near the trash bags but all things fall on ground from the box. Bunny looked and the tap was attached in bottom part got off.

Bunny sigh and started to collect the thing. There were some papers which were spread around. Bunny first put the new tape and then started to place things.

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