21. Realisation 🐯

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Author's POV':-

Taehyung was putting ramen in boiling water. It took him 20 min just to boil water for ramen. He wasted 10 min in search of a pot to cook ramen. Then how much water he should pour for 3 packet ramen.

He has so many trust issues that he even calculates the amount in the phone for how much water he needs. He then converted the water size from litter to glass and the process took 10 min. After so many struggles he was finally able to boil the ramen.

He sighed out. "Why the hell cooking has to be this complicated like measure the water and then sauce, the spices. Aish this is so hectic than those project files". He moved the ramen and made sure not even single noodles were left out.

He wants to cook the best food for Bunny. He can do orders but like he thought it's better if Bunny avoids outside food for now. He looked at the ramen which was getting boiled in water. He mentally made a note to learn cooking from Jin hyung or maybe someone else can also teach him.

He smiled like a teenage girl while holding the spatula. He shook his head to just focus on cooking. He then decided to cut the pork in a small piece to fry them.

He took the knife and started to cut the pork. He already put the sauce and spices in ramen which is now ready. He put the frying pan and was about to pour oil but he heard the notification sound.

"Can't they see how busy I am". Taehyung pout but still he decided to check the message first maybe it can be important. He took his phone and saw the lockscreen.

"One second this isn't my phone". He moved the phone to check and then he realised that he took Bunny's phone by accident. He pressed his lips in a thin line and about to put the phone back but the lockscreen was stopping him from doing that.

He smiled and saw the lockscreen which was a collection of their group pics and written Home and Family under the pictures. He was admiring that but while moving his finger on the lockscreen to see the beautiful decoration.

He unlocked the phone. "He doesn't have any password". Taehyung confusly stared at the wallpaper. He didn't realise the two figures on phone wallpaper until he moved his gaze to see the beautiful decoration.

He was taken back seeing the wallpaper which was a combination of his and Bunny's pics from Amusement park, night out and from their daily meeting selfies. Taehyung was so amazed seeing the way Bunny had arranged their pics in a perfect way.

His eyes captured the name written down in one pic 'Taekook♡'. His finger tip caressed the name his stomach felt a tingle sensation. It's bad to check someone's phone but Taehyung did check Bunny's phone. How neatly he had arranged the apps and their pics.

With lots of adoration he was capturing every bit of decoration Bunny did. Taehyung smiled sweetly but he bit his lips when he thought of something.

"It's okay to check some of his pics". He wanted to see Bunny being all cute and handsome.

He clicked the camera icon and the front camera got open. He saw a recent pic in the side and clicked to open it. He saw Bunny pouting while doing a V-pose. Taehyung's eyes were sparkling while admiring the cute lil Bunny.

He did check other pics and he must say Bunny is so cute and funny. He saw some pics where Bunny was being all silly and funny. His heart was so fluttered by those cute and beautiful pics. He liked every side of Bunny his cute , funny , silly , dumb, beautiful, handsome.

He swiped for the next pic excepting something cute or funny. But he got a mini heart attack seeing Bunny's half naked pic. His well built muscle , abs, tiny waist and his chest was on full display. While his hair was wet , lips lil apart probably trying to click a sexy hot mirror selfie.

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