17. Missing hours 😫

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Author's POV':-

Bunny enter the campus caring his usual smart personality. He must look cute and behave like a baby. But when it's come to present himself around people he always make sure to look perfect and cool.

In campus every next person love him and adore the younger. But about girls so they go crazy over his charming, sharp and handsome features. He is heartthrob of campus .

Bunny was walking while bowing to his some seniors and greeting them morning. He was on his way for his class but someone jumped on him from behind making him stumble .

Bunny catch the person who is now on his back trying to balance themselves. "Yugyeom". Yugyeom give him a cute smile patting his eyes lashes.

Bunny sigh trying to calm his running heart. "How are you". Yugyeom sounds so joyous. " Bitch, you scared me". Bunny throw the male away from him.

If it was any other day then Yugyeom would reply like 'here I'm being nice and you're showing me ATtiTudE' With a angry face. But today it's seems like way different.

Yugyeom was just smiling like he was lost in something and seems in such great mood to ignore his insult. "Are you okay right". Bunny checked Yugyeom's temperatures not swallowing the fact that his best friend doesn't spat back.

Yugyeom just nodded keeping a very genuine grin on. Bunny was so confused he narrowed his eyes to see through his friends smile. But when he calculate the things he looked at Yugyeom while blinking several times.

"Don't tell me you talk to Serri". Yugyeom nodded while blushing lil. Bunny gasp and he was surprised literally. " What. What did she say". Bunny asked.

"I talked to her and ". Yugyeom stopped lil. " And what". Bunny was getting inpatient. "And she is COMING BACK TO KOREA". Those words left and here they both were hugging each other while dancing.

" I'm so happy for you bitch . Finally!! Finally after one year your separation come to an end". Bunny back away from hug while congratulating his bestie.

"Yes, I can't believe she is finally coming back. And second news that we're getting engaged in month so". Yugyeom did announcement and no one can be more happy the bunny.

He had seen his best friend crying and longing for her girlfriend's love. " What really this too fast". "Yes, yesterday both family gathered and we got to know she is coming back and they decided the engagement".

Yugyeom was on cloud nine he was so happy to have his love finally back. "So she getting transform into our campus".

" No, her music courses is already finished as she have to leave for an advance courses. So it's already completed " . Yugyeom was smiling like crazy.

"Now I need treat". " Of course will all gonna celebrate when she shift here". Bunny made a pout. "No I want one today, today, today". Bunny whined . "Okay, fine we'll go for lunch and I'll treat you". Bunny give thumbs up.

But soon Bunny face turned into a smirk. "Once she is here I'm gonna show her your crying videos". Yugyeom face colours flew away. " Don't you even dare Bitch or else". Yungyeom threatened and like Bunny will get scared.

Bunny walked away while hopping sassily. "JUNGKOOK!!". Yugyeom screamed and chase behind Bunny. But a girl voice halt Bunny in place.

Bunny made a irritate face while seeing that person. "Don't roam around being a bitch". Bunny didn't say anything and was listening to her.

"Now your hyung is also not here to hide behind them. Poor hyung's baby". She mocked and we're laughing. But made a confused look when Bunny didn't utter a words.

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