32. Finally in my arms.

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Do so many comments in this chapter why you'll know till the end. I'm sure at least I'll make every of you do comments in this chapter.

Enjoy and yeah ignore the mistakes.


"He may want to announce his marriage date". Hobi said while getting excited. "It can be I'll be happy if this happens ". Yoongi said while smiling. "Guys this is serious. Don't joke around ". Seeing Jimin's death glare everyone calmed down. "Hyung , I'm going ". Jungkook was about to walk away. "Jungkook please don't go". Jimin pleaded and Jungkook just whined.

During the car ride from Jungkook's place to at Taehyung mansion. Hobi and Yoongi were getting excited thinking Taehyung will announce his marriage date. Here it was getting hard for Jimin to handle Whinie Jungkook and those two were not helping him out. It was so hard for Jimin to make Jungkook agree but sometimes he did and that why there are here standing outside of Taehyung's mansion.

They entered inside once the door was open. They entered and saw Taehyung's mom and Jennie, Jennie's parents were in the living room. Tae-hee immediately stood up with an angry expression. "What the hell are you all doing here". She yelled. "I called them here". They heard Taehyung's voice who was walking downstairs.

"Taehyung son, when you come here". Tae-hee asked but Taehyung didn't glance at her. He directly walked toward Jungkook and stood in front of him. "Bun, can you answer my questions". Jungkook looked at Taehyung with an annoyed face. "I'm not answering anyt----". "What happened that day and what is the story behind your letter".

Taehyung asked making Jungkook stunned. "Why are you speaking like you don't know". Jungkook gritted his teeth in anger. He was hating the way Taehyung is behaving all innocent in front of him like he doesn't know about letters. Just if he knows that Taehyung wasn't acting and he really doesn't know anything.

"Bun, just answer what I asked". Taehyung calmly asked. "Why but why--". "Jungkook can't you just answer me for once. Please ~~". Taehyung pleaded as he wanted to know what happened that day by Jungkook's sides. Jungkook looked in Taehyung's eyes and saw pain there where he always melted and today too those eyes made his anger vanish.

Jungkook bites his lips so as not to cry and takes a deep breath. He looked at Taehyung and told him everything. He told him about how he wrote the letter and came there to give that to Taehyung. But ended up giving that to the staff as he was busy. Hearing that Jimin was shocked and in fact everyone.

Leaving Jimin and Jin, the other 3 looked so confused. "But that day you came to the restaurant and announced your engagement". Jungkook sobbed lil. Taehyung had a painful expression as he could feel the pain in Jungkook's eyes. "And that was the same day where I decided to give my letter to you. I was busy so I asked one of the staff to give that to you".

Jungkook froze at his spot what Taehyung meant by he also wrote a letter. "Bun, I confessed my feelings in that letter but unfortunately because of some people my feelings didn't reach you". Taehyung turned towards his mom and the other were sweating by now.

"What happened after that let me tell you. Where our letters went". Taehyung glared at Jennie.

"Master, the letter ". The staff pointed at the Jungkook letter. "You know about this". Taehyung asked. The staff nodded and Taehyung got the hope he needed. "That day a guy came to our place and asked me to give you this but you left before hearing me". "So why didn't you give me this later". Taehyung was lil mad.

"Sir, miss Jennie took that from me and said she'll give you the letter as she is going to visit you at the office. So having no hopes I gave her the letter thinking she'll give you". The staff said Taehyung scoffed.

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