7. Execute the plan😬

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Hello guys I know I'm really really so late. It's take me an eternal to share next part.
Bcuz your author got busy in college admission paper work.
And I really apologize for it. *bow*.
I promise from now on I'll try to regular share chapters. Again sorry.


"It's my turn" Jimin said..

"Okay then.. " Before tae can ask bunny shout out "truth or dare". Jimin opened his mouth to speak bit got cut off by Tae .

"He surely gonna choose truth he is to weak to choose dare." Tae rolled his eyes. "Why he can choose dare also and who said he is weak . He is strong info. moreover he is man and man don't scare of anything". Bunny

" I-- " Before Jimin can speak Tae continued.

" He ... This person is man okay let's see if he choose dare and complete it then I'm ready to accept the fact neither less... " Tae checked him from head toe who widened his eyes. What he mean by this . This is the only thing jimin can think at that moment.

"He is. And he will choose dare".

" Nahh he won't ". Tae

" My hyung is so strong he will choose dare".

"He will choose truth."





. And the saga on going..

Taekook both are barking on what will jimin choose. And that person who really have to choose. He is seating and seeing them both barking over him. In this whole time when jimin open his mouth to speak something. Tae or bunny cut him between. But this is info for him now. He is tried of their fight. So jimin take a deep breath " STOP !! RIGHT THERE. " He yelled out of frustration.

" It's my decision so lemme choose and I had decided that I I -- I'm choosing dare". He said begin lil bit scared of future consequences.

Taekook looked at him. Tae rais his eyebrow " Are you sure. Think before speak. You can't back off after".Jimin gulped hard. He don't want to but now its come to his manhood. And he can't back off. Jimin thinking for last time and he looked at Tae with full of confidence but He hesitated "Yes I'm ready and I'm choose DARE". he said last word lil bit loud."

"Yes hyung. See I told you nahh he will. "

" Yes give me anything I'll complete."

"Are you sure jimin *jimin nod* okay then. " Tae started to think.

Poor jimin he thought he take this decision by himself. But he even don't know that he got manipulate by both of them. They both made him choose dare. And now he have to face future consequences and his is ready for it. Taekook both give each other a proud look. Telling that they made it they complete first mission of their plan. Tae acted like he is thinking.

A/n:- Tae good acting but can you please tell me . What is exact plan you made with lookie. * Tae frown he eyebrows* I promise I won't tell anyone.

Tae:- and you think I will tell you no.. BIG NO".
A/n:- no.. No.. *wave hands in air* not for me. But the readers want to know. I'm not... Why should I aske you . I know you will tell me even if I didn't had ask😌😗"
Tae:- but they can wait for it.
A/n:- but just lil bit something...
Tae:- okay... *Tae said and tell me to come near him.*

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