35. For us

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"Hyungie, I'm leaving". Jungkook said while shaking Taehyung. "Babe are you leaving". Taehyung sleepy said as he wasn't awake fully. "Yes, but I made your breakfast, heat the food and have it. Don't even think of leaving the house before finishing the breakfast. I put your clothes and other things on the dressing table. Don't get late okay"

Taehyung pulled Jungkook making him lay on him. Taehyung smiled sweetly. "Okay, baby I'll eat my breakfast and get ready on time. My sweetie". Jungkook placed a kiss on Taehyung's cheek. "I'll miss you ". Taehyung said while snuggling in Jungkook. "Me too but more importantly. All the best, give your best okay. I know you'll do great". Jungkook grinned proudly knowing how intelligent his boyfriend is.

"Thank you love". Taehyung pecked Jungkook's lips making Jungkook look down shyly. "I'm leaving now". Jungkook pulled himself out of Taehyung's arm and got up. Taehyung whined in loss of warmth. "Okay, enjoy your classes". Jungkook nodded and with a last hug he left while Taehyung went back to sleep.

Jungkook walked down as Yugyeom was already there. Jungkook came out and saw Yugyeom in his car. "So finally you remember that I am waiting here". Jungkook rolled his eyes hearing Yugyeom's not so sweet tone. "Can we leave or else you want to serve your ass to the professor". Jungkook sat in the passenger seat. "Don't act like a bitch. I'm acting nicely but I won't guarantee that the three lions will you".

Jungkook gulped down just by picturing the situation. Yugyeom passed a smug smile to Jungkook who just continued chewing his nails in tension. The driver was quiet and Yugyeom enjoyed it all while Jungkook just prayed that he got saved. As the car entered the campus gate Jungkook's heart thumped loudly making him feel dizzy.

They parked the car and walked inside. They were walking in the hallway greeting their senior and junior. Yugyeom laughed as Jungkook was hiding himself behind him which was the most useless act. As they turned to the other side of the hallway and a kick landed on Jungkook's butt. "WHO DARED---". Jungkook shouted while laying on the floor holding his butt. But when his eyes met with three angry and dark eyes he smiled nervously.

"Trying to hide from us and you think you can". Jungkook shook his head while Bambam walked near him. They three started to kick Jungkook and were hitting him. "Ahh-- I-I am sorry le--- leave me". Jungkook tried best to defend himself but it was a waste. "You hopping Bunny toothed Human beings who like to roam around a lot right. Let me give your ass a proper treatment". Mingyu said while kicking on Jungkook's butt.

"Now you remember us and never forget to visit classes on important days. Whenever you sit you'll remember why you get punished". Eunwoo killed Jungkook's butt making Jungkook hiss in pain.Yugyeom was having fun but seeing the beating going on for a while he felt bad for his bestie, so he jumped between them.

"Hey, guys stop this. He had his reason for that". Yugyeom stopped them . "Reason. He just can have excuses to lay his lazy ass in his home". Eunwoo said angrily. "But still you can't beat him". Yugyeom helped Jungkook to stand up who was massaging his butt. He was sure he would not be able to sit for a day or two.

"Okay, if you had a reason then tell us and then we'll decide what to do with you". Bambam strictly said while folding his sleeve. "We have to do a presentation right. I'll tell you in break ". Jungkook said while hissing in pain. "Yes, we'll be late Let's spare him for now". The three Looked at each other and nodded. Jungkook never felt more blessed than this as he knows that if it wasn't for the presentation, then his whole body must be numb till now.

They all walked toward their class while Yugyeom helped Jungkook to walk. They five did their presentation and the professor was so impressed by the details and explanation. Jungkook even apologized to the professor and told him that it was his fault. The professor forgives them after seeing their work which was not even close to any of the rest means it was the bestest presentation he had seen till now.

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