18. The Club

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Author's POV':-

It was a beautiful week for Taekook . They come both a lot closer to each other. They both have been far from their other friends but when they can't see each other it's feel like burning hell to them . But why they both always stuck here and got no answer of the lingering question.

In order to meet each other as soon as possible they complete their task earlier. Taehyung rush his work when it's near to lunch hours. And Bunny so he just run out of campus after finishing his lecture and bid bye to his friends.

But something changed with Tae. From the day he started to meet Bunny during lunch breaks he having some dreams. He can't say much about that what kind of dreams it is.

He always see two males laughing, hugging, and spending their time near rivers and mountains. They both seems familiar to him but before he can reach to both those males a bright light comes and he wake up from his sleep.

He tried lost of time to find the meaning of his dreams but he always ended reaching out for nothing. So he decided not to presure his mind and forget about this.

In those time a person used to feel so jealous. It was Jackson he everyday try to pick up Bunny. But the elder is always there waiting for Bunny near campus gate so he never got a chance.

Right now Bunny is packing his things in rush so his hyungie don't have to wait much.

"Hey, man slow down why to rush a lot. You're hurrying like you have to catch a bus". Mingyu said and other just laughed when Bunny stick out his tongue in reply.

Mingyu roller his eyes. "Gguk, you remember that we're going club tonight". Yungyeom asked which made Bunny slow down he forgot about this . He looked at Yungyeom with nervous smile.

"I don't need any excuse. You'll be there and that's final". "But Yungyeom listen to me". Yungyeom left from there without hearing Bunny. Bunny sighed out.

Bunny was about to left but his phone buzz having a message. Bunny check the message.

From Chim🐣.
I'm out here near campus gate waiting for you.

From Gguk 🐰.
What!! But why.

From Chim 🐣.
I need a reason to see you. Don't argue much just come out🙄.

From Gguk 🐰.
Okay 😠.

Bunny sadly pout. He messaged Tae saying that he isn't coming for lunch Jimin have some work.

On which Tae replied that he it's okay he is still in office. Just he know he was near by the campus but then he decided to have his lunch alone.

Bunny went out of campus being lil angry on Jimin. Why the hell he have to show up now. Bunny whine. But when he saw Jimin his all whines stop.

How much ever he curse Jimin but his hyung's one simple smile make him forget his anger. He really do love his Jimin hyung alot because he is the one with him through his whole life.

He smiled and waved Jimin back who was waving in with a big smile. As Bunny reach near Jimin he Just hug the other one.

"I missed you a lot". Jimin back away peaked Bunny's forehead. "Aish hyung why are you being dramatic". Bunny rolled his eyes. Jimin didn't say anything and was just looking at him while rising his one brow.

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