20. Realisation 🐰

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Taehyung's POV':-

I was glumly all the time and why. So I can't visit my Koo Koo baby. I pouted and was staring at nothing. I told Penn to not arrange any meeting around break time. She tried her best but unfortunately today we have to visit this site in end moment. The land broker have to leave the country and I can't let the deal slip out of my hand so dieheartly I have to agree to this.

"Sir". Penn call me and I got to know I was spacing out. "Ahem. Yes". "This is the land broker. He'll give you further details regarding the building". I nodded and shake my hand with the man in 50s.

"Mr. Kim I'm glad to see you. So let's start". I give a nod and focus on the man. "The building you're standing right now have 15th floors and each floor have 5 apartments .The highest apartment are prized different as they have huge space around and top 5 floors have 3 apartment as per their designs. So this building have 65 apartment".

We walked to an apartment. " As you can see it have 2 seprate rooms, with living room attached with kitchen and a common bathroom". He started to show us different apartment on each floor and I must say the finishing of area is great.

"That's nice I the area and the apartment are great too". I checked the picture and blueprint of apartments with it's prize in my iPad. "But can I ask you. Why are you buying whole building ". I looked at the man while giving Penn the iPad.

"Sure, my dad want to shift business again here and as some employees will be shifting here too. They have no one around in country ao they need a space to stay and other so many new candidate are from country side and out of Seoul.

They have nowhere to today. They're talented but the reason why they're refusing the job is that they're not capable to pay high rent here in Seoul. So our company providing them a space to stay in with least rent". I finished and the man had an unpleasant look.

"This much and that's also for workers ". I expected this. I sigh out. "Yes, because the investment I'll do here will cost me some millions but the workers talent can give our company more billions in return. The investment will repay in some month but in return I'll win their trust and have so many trust worthy workers.

Losing those gems will lead so much lose to our company and future of country. And s businessman will may waste money in present but the fruit of it wil 10 time more". I smirked seeing an amuse look on the land broker.

"But some apartments are already rented. I'll ask them to move in other buliding". I just nod and the land broker went away. Ahh I am so tired of all this. I groan in tiredness.

"Penn email all selected candidates about the apartment details and rent". Penn note down the detail in her iPad. "You and manager Lee check the document. I'll just roam around". Penn pass a playful smile to me. " Umm..Hmm.. so someone is tryna hear a certain Bunny's voice . I see I see go ahead ". Before I can react she pat my shoulder and went way while waving to me.

I just smiled at her. Yes, she knows about Kook actually I was the one who told her. But I guess she have a hint of my feelings towards Kook because she always tease me around.

I shook my head to the thought of her . I'll pay back with the same energy. I thought and started to walk around. I check the time and it was 3:53 PM. I didn't realise the time went to fast. I am really hungry. Did Kook had his Lunch should I ask . I frown my brows while thinking.

​But I decided to call him Later he must be tired. I was roaming around while checking the interior design. I walked up to the other floor to check the top apartment.

I reach in lobby of that floor. I looked around and yeah it have just three apartment. I was impressed by the space they gave to those apartments. I looked around and saw some boxes near an apartment.

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