8. Confession or Regret

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Hey guy I need a lil help.
Can you guys choose names for our Bunny's and Tae's parents.
I don't have any idea so.. Can you.
They both have a huge part in this story so they need names.

Lil spoiler:- From both parents one is going to be villain.


Jin looked here and there in search of yoongi. "I think he went out". Namjoon said looking outside. " I hope he is okay. He looked lil down" . Jin become worried for yoongi.

"Hay... Umm.. Did you see yoongi anywhere around?". Jin asked to one of his friend. "Yeah.. I just saw him going towards the balcony area". He said and Jin thanked him.

Here Tae, bunny and jhope giving each other victory smile. " I think jimin you should go and call hyung" . Jhope looked at jimin who already lost in his thoughts. What happened to him. He was okay sometime ago. Now what happened all of sudden. Is he sad because I agreed to jhope hyung's proposal. No jimin are you gone made why he. But..... If this then why. He was in thought when jhope shake him out.

"Jimin where you went I said go and bring hyung here". Jimin eyes pop out hearing jhope's words. " WHAT!!!.. But why me". " Because we had seen hyung never get angry on you easily ". Namjoon said. " Yes hyung is right chim". Tae said with smirk. Jimin gave "are you serious bruhh" Look to Tae.

Jimin sighed "okay I'm going". He made lil pout and went to bring yoongi. Taekook and jhope already started half celebration they were dancing.

"Now why the hell you three are dancing ". Jin said in frustration. "Sorry hyung but if you really want to know then follow us". Bunny said and started follow jimin and other also join him.


Jimin reach to the balcony area. There he saw yoongi standing there while looking at the sky. Jimin is scared but with all his strength he spoke " Hyung". He softly call yoongi.

As yoongi heard jimin's voice he turned to him. "Ohh jimin what are you doing here. Go and enjoy you're time with yOuR BoYfrIenD". Yoongi voice clearly showing disappointment for jimin. " And yes CONGRATULATIONS for your NEW LIFE". He said in taunting way.

One second why he behaving strange. Jimin thought.
[ A/n:- our innocent mochi what will you do if someone snatch some of your height.
Jimin:- I'll kill that person. And make him beg for his death.
A/n:-same here..
Jimin:- hmm.. ]

"I... I come here because hyungs and other are worried for you. As you left all of sudden". Jimin was so scared but he was curious about yoongi thought.

" Oh... So you come here because everyone is worried. But you aren't I'm right". Yoongi cold voice send shivers to jimin. "I... I'm also worried for you". Yoongi come closer to jimin. "You're worried about me hmm.. But why are you. You have BF so if he found out that you're worrying about others he'll be made". Till now jimin notice something whenever it's comes to jimin's new I mean fake relationship. Yoongi clench his jaw.

"He won't and why should he. He loves me so he understand". Seeing yoongi death glare and scary face. Now jimin regretting on his decision to come here.

" You never cared about me. You know everything but still acting like nothing". Yoongi placed his hands on jimin shoulder. "What ar... are you talking about Hyung". "You hurt my feelings by accepting hobi's love".

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