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"Im sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking, I thought maybe If I spoke to my dad about it then he wouldn't interfere, he's always trying to interfere and in this for once, I didn't want him too." I pleaded and Ceres just sighed and came over to hug me. "Love, by now you should know your dad doesn't like me, wishful thinking that he might change, I appreciate, but it won't help, I appreciate that you tried I do, but for now just focus on work, on us and the kids, alright, it'll be alright, come." He was so good at this, soothing my pain and  my headaches.

Ceres always knew what to say, or what to do, he was always on it, I put my head on his lap and he messaged my head, I could already feel the headache vanish as he sleep came, I had been stupid again, allowed my father to have his way, now he had a way of taking the house if he wanted, all because I allowed my mother to help me with getting the process done with sooner, I should've been better but yet again, I wasn't, it was pathetic, yet Ceres bless his heart just smiled, soothed me and made me believe that life could be better, could be more if we stopped getting in our own way, I wish I could see the world in his eyes, it must be beautiful like his surname.

Drake Will.

"Do you think theyre dating?" Craig asked my friend Anderson as we sat a table at our usual hangout a little ways away from the office, I would always have Ceres and the kids here for lunch, then we'd go to the amusement park, Klein would be too afraid to go on and Ceres would bribe him, the memories were so beautiful, things were easy with him it felt unreal yet it was. "Hey man, are you with us?" Anderson asked and I finally tuned into their conversation. "I had my father drop the restraining order and I spoke to his lawyer earlier, he said it was okay if I saw the kids, with him around of course." I blurted out and my friends were silent.

"At least you'll get to see him, he's changed, like good changed, I mean hot changed." Anderson mumbled and I quirked my brow. "Aren't you supposed to be straight and not oogling my—." And there it was, the possessiveness I couldn't get away with, he wasn't mine anymore. "Sorry man." Anderson muttered but I waved him off. "And you're right, I'll get to see him, don't know what sort of tantrum Wayne will throw." I asserted and Craig chuckled. "The little shit can go fuck himself, these are your kids Drake, you might not want to accept it but you still love Ceres more than anything and that little broken flavourless twat can't mean anything to you like Ceres does." He answered and honestly Craig was right, I'd hurt Ceres but he was my epic love.

"So you'll grab your big boy pants and be a man right?" Craig asked and I nodded. "Cool because you might have competition." Anderson stated showing me a picture of a tall male, ridiculously good looking and looked eerily similar to my curly headed ex husband, then I remembered. "That's his cousin idiot, Tyrell Striker, he's most likely one of the investors in his company, along with his other husband Hugh, guy scares the fuck out of me, then come to think about it, Ceres has a lot of rich relatives, I'm sure they are the investors wanting him to keep most of his company." I explained and it made sense for myself and Anderson who seemed to deflate.

"Can't you put in a good word for me though, I mean his company is growing exponentially, by next years quarter he'll be a major business, hes not only gotten into cosmetics, he into household goods now, and my father spoke to one of his investors he's planning on going into retail clothing brands with his brand name, potentially creating a monopoly this side of the city and if he expands then there's no stopping him, he'll be—." Anderson didn't finish as I could see him with stars in his eyes, he was seeing a future I should've seen with him, and it hurt, very much.

"I can't put in any word Ander, I fucked up remember, doubt he wants to see me but I have to do it anyway because he's important, I'll try." I told him as I turned my eyes away from the two. "So hows work, and the little twat?" Craig asked and I groaned. "My father is starting to really piss me off, I feel like his micromanagement in everything I do is starting to get annoying, Wayne is how do I say this without insulting millennials." I mumbled and my friends chuckled. "You can't that's for sure." Ander pointed out and I nodded. "He's something I have to keep around, he's the key to the business not going bankrupt, his father agreed to the investment seeing as I ruined my whole life to be with him, my father no longer has an axe over his head and my little brother has a future in IT now." I replied and both my friends had their brows quirked.

"That's your family not Wayne." Ander pointed out and I groaned. "He's fine, bratty, spoiled, we live in a pig sty but fine." I replied and they both seemed off put by the response. "Guys he doesn't do anything, he doesn't like what I like, no football, no cooking, no cleaning, the other day he just dumped my white shirts in with his pink sweater, and has the audacity to blame me for it, I'm a grown ass mature man, I want my shit done right, I want my socks sorted right, I hire help he fires the help claiming he can do it, and ends up shrinking my socks." I was frustrated, I hated that my life was a mess. "So that's why you bought new socks on our way here, come to think of it, for a while now, you've been off your game, it's really pitiful." Craig pointed out. "Gee thanks." I grumbled and he snickered.

"Don't worry, just take your clothes to the dry cleaner, they bill you but it's better." He adds and I scoff, I missed my ex husband, not because he was domestic but because he knew what I liked, he made me like those things too, my life had order and I never had to burn the sheets, I wasn't going to mention that incident to my friends but let's just say some things others could do, couldn't be done by everyone, especially when they had a gag reflex. "So —." Ander began signalling the waiter for us to order but music outside of the restaurant made both my friends and I turn. "Is that your husband in a jeep?" Craig asked. "Playing Run Up by major lazer so loudly, won't he get arrested?" Ander finished.

"Nope, he knows the owner, and there he is, Gavin Price." I replied as I saw my son climb up to the roof of the car and dance, I couldn't help just watch, as Tyrell his cousin, Gavin, and my children all danced, him with what was now a small crowd. "Whoa he can dance?" Anderson gawked and I scoffed. "There ain't nothing he can't do." I muttered remembering him say it to me everytime he'd gather a crowd to show off his dance moves, and it seems our son had picked up on his talent. "Go Ceres, go Ceres —go Ceres!" Everyone around them screamed and I couldn't help be amazed.

After the dancing and crowd of cheering fans, along with the money being thrown at him, I'm sure he raked up a lot of it, they dispersed, my friends and I settled down. "Not gonna shoot your shot?" Craig asked and I shook my head in refusal, I was going to appreciate watching from afar today like I did before we got married, I used to stalk him I admit. "I'll let him have his joy, today I can't ruin that." I replied and he smiled in understanding as I watched Gavin hug him then Tyrell, Harry —Gavin's son came over with bags of what I assumed was food, so did Gavin, they all piled into his car, I knew it was, I just did and they left.

"You doing okay buddy?" Anderson asked and I nodded, we ordered and I decided to make our meal an early dinner, I had no appetite to get home and eat premade salad and heated meals. "Babe!" I couldn't mistake that voice anywhere, I lost my appetite then. "Yikes." Craig mumbled as Wayne walked over to us with his friends, I plastered on my fake smile and squeezed the last of my tolerance. "Hey." I replied as Craig scoffed. "I'm out." He left having paid the bill, what I would give to be him right now.

something about

I am Saint Jay.

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